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About SebastianB

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  1. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well we are working on sourceforge to solve that issue (as it is micro and Leonardo issue only I use Doveman to check results as I have Uno and no such problems). If you wish you may drop by and check.
  2. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    BTW for people with MPU6050 you can always try http://www.edtracker.org.uk/ . I heard that it has nicer drift compensation tool.
  3. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Do not worry it happens :). Define minor (+-2 degrees may happen as magnetometer has its issue but yes you can always try better calibration) BTW here is link with mine working https://www.dropbox.com/s/eofs8p71xiho05k/2014-06-11%2014.02.39.mp4 (its war thunder). Movements in X and Y are coming from camera face detection.
  4. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    First of all I got Yaw on RotX, pitch RotY and Roll on RotZ (and that is how it is connected in Arduino software). Second you are aware of fact that front is on wider edge (in MultiWii it was diffrent). But nice steady scope from GUI calibration is good.
  5. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well you can still try if micro will work http://sourceforge.net/projects/gy80facetrack/files/DIY_headtracker_micro_ver0.1.zip/download here is update version (There is version for GY-80 and GY-85). Remember to mount it with proper orientation like in here http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677559 other wise calibration may not work properly (axis calibration is preferred). Try and let me know. Ah as micro is slower you will need to setup HAT in FTR for 57600 baud rate - the reason is serial commands in arduino are slow and with slower processor (micro) it does not work good on full speed. Try it first on test board if you can (I am trying to avoid soldering as I like to use my boards for different purposes. I use shields or plugs.
  6. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well Gy-80 and GY-85 are working good with Mini and Uno (but with DIY software, not MultiWii- as DIY is better). Micro got still some issue but it seems they are hardware related and we are trying to figure out with Doveman how to make it work properly (more details here https://sourceforge.net/p/facetracknoir/discussion/iht/thread/eced1cb2/?page=6 ). F2k Sel I can see you are talking about software based on MutliWii and old version. Try one based on DIY.
  7. SebastianB

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Hello all, Just letting some of you know that we solved issues with Gy-80 and GY-85. Software was changed to DIY Headtracker for RC. We still got 2 different software (for GY80 and 85) but it will unified later. No drifting and really stable solution. BTW back to some one question here it is just impossible to do X,Y,Z positioning even with 9DOF board. The errors from boards are to big to follow it properly. I am using GY for yaw,pitch, roll and camera for X,Y,Z and it is working very nice.