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About sunshimaro

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  1. Hi guys, i've got an Altis Life Server (:rolleyes:) and may need your help. I've rewritten the following code { _index = lbAdd [1500, [ [_x select 0, 0] call life_fnc_varHandle ] call life_fnc_varToStr ]; lbSetData [1500, _index, _x select 0]; } foreach life_market_resources; to { _entry = _x select 0; _found = false; for [{private "_i"; _i=0},{_i<=lbSize 1500},{_i=_i+1}] do { if(_entry isEqualTo lbData [1500,_i]) exitWith{_found = true;} }; if(!(_found)) then { _index = lbAdd [1500, [ [_entry, 0] call life_fnc_varHandle ] call life_fnc_varToStr ]; lbSetData [1500, _index, _entry]; }; } foreach life_market_resources; My intention is to remove/prevent double-entries in the listBox. This event is spawned on the onLBSelectionChangedEvent and therefore executed multiple times. I thought i might add a check with isEqualTo, so it's preventing those double-entries some players had reported of. Now the following: I don't have any issues, neither a few other people have. On the other hand there are people where they've got double-entries in the list (as i stated multiple times in here). Guess its a MP related issue and/or got to do with the publicVariable behavior or 1.18. As im pretty much have no clue what the hell im actually talking about i'll move on: How can i prevent double-entries in listBoxes for ALL players? I could post an example of the life_market_resources Array and some diag_logs of _entry or _x later on. Greets Sunshi
  2. Are there execution time advantages over scripts?
  3. Why are some textures not able to be overwritten? For example the Tempest or Press Skins are not overwriteable. It doesn't change it's skin. I've already heard about hiddenSelections &/|| hiddenTextures but i didn't find any solution yet.
  4. Are single texture files being licensed under BI, if completly altered and/or selfmade? Is there such a term as "stealing" work from others, if using for yourself and keeping it private?