Alright so here the deal, I spent all night crash coursing into Arma 3 scripting.. doing small things here and there.
I've spent the past couple of days setting up my own gamemode for multiplayer however I can not get my script to show up in the script viewer, let alone get it to run either manually by passing the function within the game.
My script name is fire.sqf and it's located in the root mission folder along with description.ext, init.cfg and mission.sqm
Here's what I have:
[] exec "fire.sqf";
// Custom Functions
class CfgFunctions
class myTag
class myCategory
class myFunction {file = "fire.sqf";};
Here's the script:
_x = getMarkerPos "Fire" select 0;
_y = getMarkerPos "Fire" select 1;
_z = getMarkerPos "Fire" select 2;
_i = _i + 1;
_mine = createMine ["DemoCharge_F", [_x, _y, _z], [], 0];
_mine setDamage 1;
_z = _z + 1;
sleep 0.5;
? _i == 800 : exit;
goto "Loop";
Every time I check my RPT arma 3 file it could not execute fire.sqf because it could not find it. Anyone have any ideas?