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h a w a i i a n

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Everything posted by h a w a i i a n

  1. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    Goggles are part of the helmet ---------- Post added at 14:23 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ---------- If you're looking for goggles, I'll have a ton of them featured in my 75th Rangers addon. They will be all standalone, various colours...that sorta thing
  2. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    ........I had to ask lol
  3. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    Sure, do you have a reference pic? ---------- Post added at 08:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 ---------- n/m think I found some
  4. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    jesus that picture lolol, what is that a dude in a womans bed dress with (obviously) a horse mask, where would you get something like that!? lol
  5. h a w a i i a n

    [WIP] ArmA 2 Stryker Port

    is that BI's arma 2 port or your own model? damn that looks good tho, looks delicious lol
  6. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    That would be so helpful to me right now, I'll try and get you a list as soon as I can. Yea that texturing is top notch, very skilled (always using that SCAR rifle in my loadouts). Just out of curiosity this weaponset you're helping me with includes the M4's and block's, or just the SCARs? ---------- Post added at 23:58 ---------- Previous post was at 23:56 ---------- mahalo, that means a lot to me. I'm such a perfectionist I think I re-textured the MCam like 6 times to get it right, but yea that's definitely final. I'm a fan of the Rangers too, best of luck to you on joining up.
  7. h a w a i i a n

    [WIP] ArmA 2 Stryker Port

    Will we get some sample pics soon? super excited btw, always wanted to see Strykers in the game.....
  8. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Thanks for that, It would be dope if we can get some M4's, Scars, and those M4 Blocks I & II's tho, attachments I'm not too worried about right now but if I can kill two birds with one stone ,than that's more I can get done...... ---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ---------- hey I love your weapon pack btw Eric, I love the craftsmanship on those SCAR rifles......is it possible to use those in my addon?
  9. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Roger that ,mahalo
  10. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    thanks for replying, hmm...what would you suggest? I'm assuming you're suggesting attachments also?
  11. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Does anyone know where I can get some M4 rifles? I've emailed specific "weapon" addon makers and that was almost 5 weeks ago, I'd really like to get this addon out soon, any help would be appreciated.....
  12. h a w a i i a n

    How to get unbinarized ARMA 3 models?

    You "doubt" BI directed me here!? wtf ,you calling me a liar sir? Yes they/whomever wrote me linked me straight to these forums, not that specific thread tho but the individual did link me here and said that "due to the recent Make Arma not War contest Bohemia Interactive has stopped answering all direct emails and will be,something something I forget because the email was deleted". I doubt the guy who wrote me back even understood what I wrote him, and obviously he didn't care either lol. But whomever answers emails there did redirect me here......
  13. h a w a i i a n

    Request: Military Cargo Tower textures.

    Here ya go, https://www.mediafire.com/?g8hw2rfch6h59de. goodluck with your studies
  14. Aloha, a friend and myself are working on re-texturing some flight deck crew units for A3, I thought I'd share what we've been working on. We'll release this to the community when we're thru but I just imported an A2 helmet that I found and I thought it would look authentic to what they wear in "real" life. Anyway my friend loves the Nimitz Carrier ,she can't enough of it (trust me) and we think you guys are doing a great job, keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
  15. h a w a i i a n

    Jagdkommando Austria Version 0.1 - Retexture Pack

    that's a dope picture....
  16. h a w a i i a n

    Using triggers

    There are a few youtube videos out there that you can start with to understand triggers more? , maybe that and some others will help you. Here's a picture of a simple trigger that makes a guard salute so everytime any Blufor dudes walk in the trigger he'll salute them. under the Condition most times you can leave "this" in there. I have that specific command in there so when any "player" units get withn that distance of the soldier, he'll salute regardless if the player even ran over the trigger and "guardsal" is the name of the unit that the trigger is for. You could probably change "player" to any specific name of a unit that you're trying to have the trigger activate for.
  17. h a w a i i a n

    Jagdkommando Austria Version 0.1 - Retexture Pack

    looks good, keep up the great work and thanks for sharing
  18. Aloha, I was hoping someone can kindly share a config on how to randomize vests, uniforms (full,half sleeved,t-shirt), and helmets in a config for just one "Rifleman" unit. I'll be dissecting configs and trying my hand at doing this myself, but in the mean time I was hoping if someone out there has one he/shes willing to share. It would help me "kill" some time in the process of making my addon. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the motivation to actually make this happen. I'll share with you what I implemented/taken and edited from another addon makers config. 1.First make an SQF file and name it whatever you like (example: myunits_random_gear) 2.add this to your sqf /* File: randomize_equipment.sqf Author: pettka, modified for a different purpose by "ante" Description: Randomizes a headgear form _headgear array and puts it to civilian's headgear slot upon startup of mission. _rnd1 is used to have some civilians without any headgear _rnd2 is used to determine particular headgear from array Parameter(s): None Returns: Nothing */ _uniform = ["nameofyour_uniform","nameofyour_uniform1","nameofyour_uniform2","etc"]; _headgear = ["nameofyourhelmet","nameofyourhelmet1","nameofyourhelmet2","etc"]; <<if you would like a unit without a helmet, you would have to put "", just quotations. _vest = ["nameofyour_PlateCarrier","nameofyour_PlateCarrier1","nameofyour_PlateCarrier2","etc"]; _headCount = count _headgear; _uniformCount = count _uniform; _vestCount = count _vest; if (isServer) then { BIS_randomSeed1 = []; BIS_randomSeed2 = []; _rnd1 = floor random _uniformCount; _this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed1", _rnd1, TRUE]; _rnd2 = floor random _headCount; _this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed2", _rnd2, TRUE]; }; waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"})}; waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed2"})}; _randomSeed1 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"; _randomSeed2 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed2"; _magazines = magazines _this; _items = items _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. _assitems = assignedItems _this; // NVG's, GPS etc. if (true) then { Removeuniform _this; Removeheadgear _this; _this adduniform (_uniform select _randomSeed1); _this addheadgear (_headgear select _randomSeed2); _this addvest (_vest select (((_randomSeed1 + _randomSeed2) % (_vestCount - 1)) * (floor random _vestCount) % (_vestCount + 1 ))); }; {_this addItem _x} forEach _items; {_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems; {_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems; if (0.5 > _randomSeed1 / _headCount) then { _this addmagazine ("9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"); _this addweapon ("hgun_ACPC2_F"); _this addmagazine ("9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"); _this addmagazine ("9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"); _this addmagazine ("9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"); }; 3.put that file in the folder your addon is (sameplace you have your config for your entire addon) 4.than open your config and add below whatever unit/vehicle class you want randomized gear on and add this class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) execVM '\your_addon_folder\myunits_random_gear.sqf"; }; }; and that's it I guess, works like a charm. If you get errors, pm me and I'll help because at first I had errors after packing the addon, pm me if you need help and I'll explain how I fixed this. This is not my script, I pretty much stole it and made it mine!!!!(well for my addon mainly lol) Anyway give credits to these homies, Author: pettka, modified for a different purpose by "ante" and check out "Redhawk Inc. - Mercs" by ZiR where I found this gem.
  19. h a w a i i a n

    Skeeko's U.S. Army

    Wish I could help, sorry to hear that.
  20. h a w a i i a n

    Vehicle clan text

    you could re-texture a vehicle following this tutorial I compiled: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181467-Vehicle-Respawn-Module-Help I could help with the re-texturing if want too.
  21. h a w a i i a n

    Skeeko's U.S. Army

    Damn, I guess this mod was scratched!? never even realised how old this post was. Feeling like a dunce right now........
  22. h a w a i i a n

    Skeeko's U.S. Army

    Looks great, funny I was planning on Re-texturing the 75th myself too.
  23. h a w a i i a n

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    oh yes, I second that!
  24. h a w a i i a n

    N-B U.S.M.C Project

    Hey brother that's no problem, appreciate the heads up you do what you gotta do. I'll be here.