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Posts posted by BEAKSBY

  1. Thanks F2k Sel,

    1) I've tried a number of things and found that the speed is initially to 600km/hr according to either:

    _plane setVelocity (_vectorDir vectorMultiply _speed);


    _plane setVelocity [_speed * (sin (getdir _plane)), _speed * (cos (getdir _plane )), 1];

    but then the speed drops back to 0 after a second and then starts ramping up again as the plane dives down?

    2) Also, I notice that it is not flying at the altitude of the waypoints I set in "addwapoint", it seems to want to remain at around 94m from the ground?


    //if (isServer)exitWith{};
    private ["_landingSpotPos","_vehDir","_vehType","_AI","_randomMarkerDestination","_allowDamage","_captive","_planeDistance","_flyBy","_flyHeight","_jumpDistanceFromTarget",
    _landingSpotPos = _this select 0;
    _vehDir = _this select 1;
    _vehType = _this select 2;
    _AI = _this select 3;
    _randomMarkerDestination = _this select 4;
    _allowDamage = TRUE;
    _captive = TRUE;
    _planeDistance = 2000;
    _flyBy = TRUE;
    _flyHeight = 500;
    _jumpDistanceFromTarget = 25;
    _speed = 600 / 3.6;  // (converted from km/hr to m/s))
    _planeDirection = floor(random 360);
    _alt = 1000;
    _data = [];
    //Drop smoke & Chem light & Flare
    _smoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShellGreen",[(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 0],[], 0, "NONE"];
    _chemlight = createVehicle ["Chemlight_green",[(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 0],[], 0, "NONE"]; 
    _flarePos = [(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 125];
    _flare = createVehicle [ "F_20mm_green", _flarePos, [], 0, "FLY" ]; 
    _flare setVelocity [ 0, 0, -1 ];  
    _BLUplane = "C130J_Cargo";
    //Side related group creation:
    switch(side player)do{
    	case WEST:{
    		_center = createCenter east;
    		_grp = createGroup east;
    		_planeType = _BLUplane;
    	case EAST:{
    		_center = createCenter west;
    		_grp = createGroup west;
    		_planeType = _BLUplane;
    //Spawn plane
    _planePos = [(_landingSpotPos select 0) - (sin _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, (_landingSpotPos select 1) - (cos _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, _alt];
    _planePos set [2,(_planePos select 2) + getTerrainHeightASL _planePos];
    //_plane = createVehicle [_planeType, _planePos, [], 0, "FLY"];
    _planeArray = [_planePos,_planeDirection,_planeType, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
    _plane = _planeArray select 0;
    _vel = velocity _plane;
    _plane setPos _planePos;
    _plane setDir _planeDirection;
    //Count angle between plane and target, and end spot for plane
    _vectorDir = [_planePos,_landingSpotPos] call bis_fnc_vectorFromXtoY;
    //_plane setVelocity (_vectorDir vectorMultiply _speed);
    //_plane setVelocity [_speed * (sin (getdir _plane)), _speed * (cos (getdir _plane )), 1]; 
    _plane allowDamage _allowDamage;
    [_plane,-90 + atan (_planeDistance / _alt),0] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;
    //_velocity = [_vectorDir,_speed] call bis_fnc_vectorMultiply;
    //_plane setVelocity _velocity;
    _plane setVelocity (_vectorDir vectorMultiply _speed);
    _plane setvectordir _vectorDir;
    _vectorUp = vectorup _plane;
    //_crew = crew _plane;
    //{deletevehicle _x} foreach _crew;
    //_crew = [_plane,_grp] call bis_fnc_spawncrew;
    if(_captive)then{_plane setCaptive true;
    	_x setCaptive true; 
    	//_x disableAI "MOVE";
    	_x disableAI "TARGET";
    	_x disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    	_x disableAI "FSM";
    } forEach units _grp;
    _targetDrop = [_landingSpotPos select 0, _landingSpotPos select 1, _flyHeight];
    _exitSpot = [(_landingSpotPos select 0) + (sin _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, (_landingSpotPos select 1) + (cos _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, _alt];
    _wp0 = _grp addWaypoint [_targetDrop, 0];
    _wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    [_grp,0] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
    [_grp,0] setWaypointCompletionRadius 25;
    [_grp,0] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    // _grp SetUnitPos "Up";
    _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_exitSpot, 0];
    _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    [_grp,1] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
    [_grp,1] setWaypointCompletionRadius 25;
    [_grp,1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    // _grp SetUnitPos "Up";
    _script = [_plane, _landingSpotPos, _jumpDistanceFromTarget] spawn {
    for "_i" from 0 to 100 do {
    	_plane = _this select 0;
    	_landingSpotPos = _this select 1;
    	_jumpDistanceFromTarget = _this select 2;
    	_distance2D = [_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D;
    	hint format ["distance2D: %1 \n _speed: %2 \n direction: %3 \n _plane: %4 \n _alt: %5 \n <25m?: %6",
    	round _distance2D, round speed _plane, round getdir _plane, _plane, 
    	round((getPosASL _plane) select 2),(([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) < _jumpDistanceFromTarget) ];
    	sleep .5;
    	diag_log format ["distance2D: %1 \n _speed: %2 \n direction: %3 \n _plane: %4 \n _alt: %5 \n <25m?: %6",
    	round _distance2D, round speed _plane, round getdir _plane, _plane, 
    	(getPosASL _plane) select 2,(([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) < _jumpDistanceFromTarget)];
    //Wait until plane is close enough for Drop
    waitUntil{(([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) < _jumpDistanceFromTarget)};
    //hint "HELLO PLANE AFTER";
    //hint format ["_vehType: %1 \n _landingSpotPos: %2 \n distance2D: %3 \n distance2D < _jumpDistanceFromTarget: %4", _vehType,  _landingSpotPos, ([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D), ([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) < _jumpDistanceFromTarget ];
    _planeAlt = (getPosASL _plane) select 2;
    //_plane disableCollisionWith _vehType;
    switch (true) do { 
    case   ((_vehType iskindof "car") or (_vehType iskindof "tank") and !(((_vehType == "B_MBT_01_arty_F") or (_vehType == "O_MBT_02_arty_F")))) : {[_vehType, _landingSpotPos, _plane, _AI, _randomMarkerDestination] spawn BEAKS_fnc_AIVehicleDrop, deleteWaypoint [_grp,0], deleteWaypoint [_grp,1];};
    case   (_vehType iskindof "StaticWeapon") : {[_vehType, _planeDirection, _landingSpotPos, _plane] spawn BEAKS_fnc_StaticWeaponDrop, deleteWaypoint [_grp,0], deleteWaypoint [_grp,1];};
    case   (_vehType iskindof "Man") : 	{[_vehType, _planeDirection, _landingSpotPos, _plane] spawn BEAKS_fnc_ManDrop, deleteWaypoint [_grp,0], deleteWaypoint [_grp,1];};
    //_plane flyInHeight _flyHeight;
    //waitUntil{([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) > 1000};  // OR
    sleep 15;
    //--- Delete plane
       _group = group _plane;
       deletevehicle _plane;
       {deletevehicle _x} foreach crew _plane;
       deletegroup _group;
    //hint "DELETE PLANE";
       // Delete smoke and light
    sleep 10;
       deleteVehicle _smoke;
       deleteVehicle _chemlight;
       deleteVehicle _flare;		

  2. I think it's proximity to other entities that makes the pilot freak out.

    I was trying to get the AI to pick up a box the other night and they kept bobbing and circling until I moved my Hunter about 30m away.

    I have tested this, except with a C130J_CARGO plane dropping cargo and noticed the flight to designated waypoints may be affected by the presence of enemy units, even when the crew is set to setCaptive = true.

    Is there a command or proven script that forces the crew to ingnore or fly blissfully to their waypoints?

  3. Hi ALL,

    My plane doesn't always make it to it's target to drop it's cargo, sometimes it vears off and crashes enroute?

    Anyone have some helpful tips to ensure it flies to it's waypoints 100% of the time without crashing?

    I've been experimenting with distances, altitudes and speeds but none seem reliable enought to guarantee 100% success?

    //if (isServer)exitWith{};
    private ["_mp","_grp","_planeType","_men","_grp2","_center","_man1","_man2","_landingSpot","_side","_flyHeight","_openHeight","_jumpDelay","_jumperAmount","_planeDistance","_planeDirection","_flyBy","_allowDamage","_BLUmen","_OPFmen","_INDmen","_BLUplane","_OPFplane","_INDplane","_landingSpotPos","_spos","_plane","_crew","_dir","_flySpot","_jumpDistanceFromTarget","_captive","_smokes","_flares","_chems","_skls","_cPosition","_cRadius","_patrol","_target","_cycle","_skills","_customInit","_grpId","_wp0","_wp1","_doorHandling"];
    _landingSpotPos = _this select 0;
    _vehDir = _this select 1;
    _vehType = _this select 2;
    _AI = _this select 3;
    _randomMarkerDestination = _this select 4;
    _allowDamage = FALSE;
    _captive = TRUE;
    _planeDistance = 2000;
    _flyBy = TRUE;
    _flyHeight = 500;
    _jumpDistanceFromTarget = 25;
    _speed = 600 / 3.6;  // (converted from km/hr to m/s))
    _planeDirection = floor(random 360);
    //Drop smoke & Chem light & Flare
    _smoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShellGreen",[(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 0],[], 0, "NONE"];
    _chemlight = createVehicle ["Chemlight_green",[(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 0],[], 0, "NONE"]; 
    _flarePos = [(_landingSpotPos select 0), (_landingSpotPos select 1), 125];
    _flare = createVehicle [ "F_20mm_green", _flarePos, [], 0, "FLY" ]; 
    _flare setVelocity [ 0, 0, -1 ];  
    _BLUplane = "C130J_Cargo";
    //Side related group creation:
    switch(side player)do{
    	case WEST:{
    		_center = createCenter east;
    		_grp = createGroup east;
    		_planeType = _BLUplane;
    	case EAST:{
    		_center = createCenter west;
    		_grp = createGroup west;
    		_planeType = _BLUplane;
    //Spawn plane
    _spos = [(_landingSpotPos select 0) - (sin _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, (_landingSpotPos select 1) - (cos _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, 500];
    _plane = createVehicle [_planeType, _spos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vel = velocity _plane;
    _plane setDir _planeDirection;
    //Count angle between plane and target, and end spot for plane
    _vectorDir = [_spos,_landingSpotPos] call bis_fnc_vectorFromXtoY;
    _plane setVelocity (_vectorDir vectorMultiply _speed);
    _plane allowDamage _allowDamage;
    _crew = crew _plane;
    {deletevehicle _x} foreach _crew;
    _crew = [_plane,_grp] call bis_fnc_spawncrew;
    if(_captive)then{_plane setCaptive true;
    { _x setCaptive true; } forEach units _grp;
    _flySpot = [(_landingSpotPos select 0) + (sin _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, (_landingSpotPos select 1) + (cos _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, 500];
    //plane to go
    _wp0 = _grp addWaypoint [_landingSpotPos, 0, 1];
    [_grp,0] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
    [_grp,0] setWaypointCompletionRadius 50;
    [_grp,0] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    // _grp SetUnitPos "Up";
    _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_flySpot, 0, 2];
    [_grp,1] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
    [_grp,1] setWaypointCompletionRadius 50;
    [_grp,1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    // _grp SetUnitPos "Up";
    _plane flyInHeight _flyHeight;
    //Wait until plane is close enough
    waitUntil{([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) < _jumpDistanceFromTarget};
    _planeAlt = (getPosASL _plane) select 2;
    //_plane disableCollisionWith _vehType;
    //_plane flyInHeight _flyHeight;
    //waitUntil{([_plane, _landingSpotPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) > 1000};
    sleep 15;
    //--- Delete plane
       _group = group _plane;
       deletevehicle _plane;
       {deletevehicle _x} foreach crew _plane;
       deletegroup _group;
    //hint "DELETE PLANE";
       // Delete smoke and light
    sleep 10;
       deleteVehicle _smoke;
       deleteVehicle _chemlight;
       deleteVehicle _flare;

  4. Thanks Ghosticus,

    I did, and whether I have the mod box ticked off with @PUBattleRoyale or not I still get the same result. My mission freezes on the the loading screen.

    I also noticed in the Editor, non of the move arrows or units are placed there anymore?

    Not sure why they are gone?

  5. Whether I use the mod @PUBattleRoyale or not, all my old missions, from 7 months ago still freeze/crash on the loading screen.

    I'll check file integrity with a Steam to make sure I don't have to re download Arma 3.

    Any one had this issue where missions from pre-MANW competition are freezing?

  6. Ok thanks everyone,

    I set the wind to 0 so parachuted assets will land predictably where they are supposed to. The video of my multiplayer game version is below. I am now creating a coop version against the AI.


    Thanks KK for the parachute script from your blogs...very helpful stuff along with the rest of this great community!

  7. HI folks,

    A while back I thought I came across a series of commands that can be used to check the surface of terrain or building rooftop, does this sound familiar to anyone?

    In my script I'm dropping assets into the battlefield but I don't want them to land on rooftops or trees ...etc. Is there a command I can use to check the surface type of terrain?


  8. STEP #4

    - Now we have changed all proxies but remember only for the LOD 1 (first lod) so lets do that for the rest but faster that time ...

    - Select all proxies from LOD 1 (use your CONTROL key and select them all) then press CONTROL+C to copy them ... Double click on LOD 2 and select all proxies from this lod ... hit DELETE to erase them and right click in the list ... choose "Delete Empty" ... when LOD 2 is empty from any proxies, press CONTROL+V from your keyboard to paste the proxies from LOD 1 to LOD 2 ... this LOD is now proxies ready also.

    I'm using the builder tool instead of Oxygen2, where in the tool do I get the list of proxies that I'm supposed to double click?

    I've packed my file skipping Step #4 and as a result the C130J plane propellers won't spin! Looks funny when it's buzing overhead without running engines!

  9. OK thanks Avibird, But I'm not sure if I can use it in my entry for MANW.

    Thanks Das for the link, this one is better than the others I've seen.

    I saw in a previous post http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169634-Content-Licensing-Questions-and-Answers/page7 #64, a while back you asked BI if we were permitted to binerize the file. I think the response was that it was allowed?

  10. I would like to create a PBO files that includes a vehicle from Arma 2 and include it in my MP Arma 3 mission folder.

    OK, so please let me know if I'm onthe right track here.

    I'm downloading the Arma 2 Sample Models https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models files and dePBO them, 2) then assemble all the material that pertains the the C130J, 3) use the Launch Addon Builder Tool to pack all the files then 4) include the PBO file in my MPmission with instructions to copy and paste it to the addons folder.

    A) Is this the correct appoach?

    B) How do I know which folders I need to include? I assume I can follow similar file names from other mod files?

    C) Do I select binerize or not in the Addon Builder Tool?

  11. It is obviously you have not a single clue what needs to be done, so i'll say the obvious: maybe it is easier for you (given the MANW submission date is closing fast) to just scrap any content that is not in the vanilla A3 rather than start learning how to port content over from A2 to A3 (i simply think you don't have the time left for that, especially since you don't know what needs to be done)

    I appreciate your candor...I assumed it would be quite involved once I looked into the links and the number of posts that followed. I was planning to scrap these units from my game as I don't have time to do learn, port and troubleshoot this over the weekend.


    OK, so please let me know if I'm onthe right track here. I doubt I'll have time to do it for my MANW entry but I still want to give it a shot.

    I'm downloading the Arma 2 Sample Models files and dePBO them, 2) then assemble all the material that pertains the the C130J, 3) use the Launch Addon Builder Tool to pack all the files then 4) include the PBO file in my MPmission with instructions to copy and paste it to the addons folder.

    A) Is this the correct appoach?

    B) How do I know which folders I need to include? I assume I can follow similar file names from other mod files?

    C) Do I select binerize or not in the Addon Builder Tool?

  12. 1. You are allowed to use A2 content provided in MLOD format here (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169634-Content-Licensing-Questions-and-Answers) if and ONLY if it has been ported by yourself (as in your own the IP rights for the porting work)

    2. In that case, you need to pack the data files (p3d including the modified model.cfg for A3, as well as config, textures, material files) in your mission .pbo

    You are NOT allowed to use addons created by other people (ported content or new) in your MANW submission, packing their data with your mission is NOT allowed (which seems to be the case here).

    OK, thanks PuFu

    So if I understand you, I'll have to purchase ARMA II, then package it's content, specifically the Osprey and CJ130 Cargo Planemyself into the PBO file, correct?

    If this is the case, are then any instructions or links you can point me to, that show how to do this?

    Also, how will I be able to test if it works instead of my game is using the content I've already downloaded from a another mod/game (like BATTLE ROYAL)?


  13. If you're talking about these ones then you already know they're mods you've downloaded:


    I thought you might have then gone on to do your own conversions.

    Thanks Das,

    But I'm abit worried and confused. When I submit my entry for the MANW how do include this Arma 2 content in thd PBO? One of the BI comfirmed they could open my entry but a message indicated the Osprey MV22 and C130J_CARGO plane were missing.

    I don't know how to include these in my game. Do I have to provide some sort of instructions to download them fro somewhere?

  14. Hi BEAKSBY, I'm afraid we don't provide direct legal support to contestants, so it will ultimately be your responsibility to make sure this doesn't conflict with any existing trademarks. In your specific case. however, I think 'The New Outfit for Arma 3' should be okay (but probably not if you'd use the same logo or other stylistic elements). Also, I would for instance not call it a remake in the description, but rather 'inspired by THE OUTFIT, the classic game developed by Relic Entertainment etc'. However, these are all things that shouldn't get you disqualified, if all the in-game content adheres to trademark and copyright law.

    Ok, thanks for the advice and great on-going support.

  15. If this artwork doesn't appear in-game, you'll most likely won't get disqualified. However, I still do not recommend using copyrighted artwork - plus remember that the name of your entry also shouldn't interfere with someone else's trademark.

    My entry name is called " The New Outfit for Arma 3" how can I check with BI that it does not interefere with the old XBOX360 game from Relic Entertainment called "The Outfit". There was also an movie in the 1970s named with the same title.

  16. Hi .kju, anything that's considered as a part of the mission/experience in-game (even though users would open it in another program) needs to adhere to the copyrights/trademark guidelines.

    What about the if you used artwork for the Entry Front page to fit inside the 300px by 1200px template? Is this permermitted if it came from a copyrited source?

    I do not want to get disqualified!
