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Everything posted by BEAKSBY

  1. ...yet this works for the NATO side? I've created a script that spawns Helos based on your side. But if you're CSAT the, only one Helo is spawned then crashes into the ground? //Side related group creation: switch(side player)do{ case WEST:{ _center = createCenter west; _grp = createGroup west; _planeType = "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"; }; case EAST:{ _center = createCenter east; _grp = createGroup east; _planeType = "O_Heli_Light_02_F" ; }; }; // SPAWN PLANES for "_i" from 0 to 2 do { sleep .05; _spos = [(getPosATL player select 0) - (sin _planeDirection) * _planeDistance, (getPosATL player select 1) - (cos _planeDirection) * _planeDistance , 50]; if (_i == 1) then { _plane1Pos = [_spos, _planeSpread,_planeDirection -90] call bis_fnc_relpos; _plane1Pos set [2,_flyHeight]; _spos = _plane1Pos; }; if (_i == 2) then { _plane1Pos = [_spos, _planeSpread,_planeDirection +90] call bis_fnc_relpos; _plane1Pos set [2,_flyHeight]; _spos = _plane1Pos; }; _plane = createVehicle [_planeType, _spos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _plane setRank "LIEUTENANT"; if (_i == 1) then { _plane setRank "SERGEANT"; }; if (_i == 2) then { _plane setRank "SERGEANT"; }; //_grp setSpeedMode "FULL"; _plane setDir _planeDirection; _plane flyInHeight _flyHeight; // PRESET VELOCITY /* _vel = velocity _plane; _plane setVelocity [ (_vel select 0) + (sin _planeDirection * _speed), (_vel select 1) + (cos _planeDirection * _speed), (_vel select 2) ]; */ (side player == WEST) then {_plane setAmmo ["missiles_DAR", 0]} else {_plane setAmmo ["missiles_DAGR", 0]}; _plane allowDamage _allowDamage; _plane setSkill 1; // MAY HAVE TO REMOVE CREW FIRST _crew = crew _plane; {deletevehicle _x} foreach _crew; _crew = [_plane,_grp] call bis_fnc_spawncrew; _grp setFormation "VEE"; _planeArray = _planeArray + [_plane]; _plane sideChat "Air Cav on it's way!"; };
  2. I don't want the default "MISSION COMPLETE" ending generated from the BIS_fns_paramCountdown. How do tell the mission to end with if (estimatedEndServerTime < 0) then { "SideTickets" call bis_fnc_endMissionServer}; when I'm using a countdown function BIS_fns_paramCountdown? I created my own version in the descrition.ext, but it's not working: class Params { class TimeLimit { title = "Time Limit"; texts[] = {"Unlimited", "1 minute", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", "25 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "60 minutes"}; values[] = {0, 60, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2700, 3600}; default = 1200; file = "BEAKSparamCountdown.sqf"; //function = "BIS_fnc_paramCountdown"; //isGlobal = 1; }; }; BEAKSparamCountdown.sqf /* Author: Karel Moricky Description: Set side mission time Parameter(s): NUMBER - time (in seconds) Returns: BOOL */ private ["_countdown"]; _countdown = [_this,0,-1,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; if (_countdown >= 0) then { _countdown spawn { waituntil {time > 0}; if (estimatedEndServerTime < 0) then { "SideTickets" call bis_fnc_endMissionServer}; estimatedtimeleft _this; }; }; true
  3. Where do I find the dialog log files...in which folder? I'm looking to see what command is excuted when I use BIS_fnc_paramCountdown and how the countdown trigger is triggered when it reaches 0. I down't want it to play the "MISSION COMPLETED" ending.
  4. No I didn't...Thanks! That did the trick. Thanks for seeing this one all the way through...much appreciated!
  5. Thanks again, good hunting! I just tested it quickly and deleted the module that was synced with the control sectors. It worked based on my timeout script, but unfortunately my sector progress bar and boxes (on the right side of the screen that show the side that controls it) have all dispeared. I may have to create/ modify the sector module script and perhaps omit the line line that loads "missionFlow.fsm"?
  6. I also don't see anything in the BIS_fnc_moduleMPTypeSectorControl.sqf
  7. Thanks Larrow, I'm PM you my mission.sqm. I do have sectorModules but when looking through it I didn't see anything that would lead to "END1" bis_fnc_endMission being triggered (Display of MISSION COMPLETE). BIS_fnc_moduleSector.sqf
  8. Once again Larrow, I appreciate you following-up with this. Yes, terribly sorry I didn't include the entire script...I assumed it was irrelavant. BUT YES, I do have a respawnTemplate in there. Could that trigger a game countdown ending? descrition.ext I've placed the follwing in initServer.sqf instead of initPlayerLocal.sqf gameDuration = "TimeLimit" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; [gameDuration] spawn { _time = time; _gameDuration = _this select 0; while {true} do { sleep 1; _countdown = _gameDuration - (time - _time); if (_countdown < -2) exitWith {"SideTickets" call BEAKS_fnc_endMissionServer}; //if (_countdown < 10) exitWith {"end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission}; }; }; SO the game ends when the bleedTickets reach 0 for one side or when the time expires. When the time expires I get the "MISSION COMPLETE" screen, but then 2 seconds later I have "YOUR SIDE WON/LOST" based on who ever has the majority/minority of bleedTickets from the function above in the initServer.sqf
  9. Thanks Larrow, I still can't figure how to remove "MISSION COMPLETE" ending (i.e.the default ending "END1"). I don't see where I have a BIS_fnc_moduleCountDown ...not even in the editor. In my description.ext I have: moduleRespawnTickets.sqf ...but this does not trigger when the time runs out. in my initplayerlocal.sqf gameDuration = "TimeLimit" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; [gameDuration] spawn { _time = time; _gameDuration = _this select 0; while {true} do { sleep 1; _countdown = _gameDuration - (time - _time); if (_countdown < -2) exitWith {"SideTickets" call BEAKS_fnc_endMissionServer}; //if (_countdown < 10) exitWith {"end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission}; }; }; ..and I modified BIS_fnc_endMissionServer with BEAKS_fnc_endMissionServer.sqf ...yet I still get "MISSION COMPLETE" which is the default ending -->"END1" bis_fnc_endMission???
  10. HI Folks, I'm trying to create a script that limits a type of player to a certain fatigue level. I tried using the following script below but seems to bog when the "fired" EH is triggered + I'm always reluctant to use "while" loops. onPlayerRespawn.sqf I while ago I came across a note in the BIKI about creating your own custom EH that may have been added by KK...but don't remember where I read it. Does anyone know how I can trigger "checking the fatigue level" and adjusting it to a certain level?
  11. OK thanks, I had it in the wrong order and excluded the other EHs. Thanks for the BONUS also. I assume the fatigue will fire with SoundPlayed EH when the unit starts panting...or all the time on footsteps? I'm keeping the while loop with the sleep 0.5 as I think this will be less taxing on the system then running another EH that checks it on every frame? Is this accurate? I.e. while {sleep 0.5;(alive player)} do { if (getFatigue player < 0.4) then {player setFatigue 0.4; // more code....
  12. Thanks rakowozz, this works. I placed it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf Just wondering how BIS could miss or apply this simple function?
  13. DOES anyone know if this is a known issue with BIS. The Respawn Button is on the ARMA 3: Respawn yet the Description.ext has no mention of it?
  14. HI All, When the countdown time reaches "0" I do not want the default "Mission Failed" or "Mission Completed" message showing. I only want the winner's and loser's sides declared and broadcasted. I don't see where the endMission is triggered in either of the following countdown funtions: BIS_fnc_countdown BIS_fnc_paramCountdown I also don't see how it's triggered in the endMission functions: BIS_fnc_endMissionServer BIS_fnc_endMission
  15. Hi all, I'm referencing Arma 3 Mission Parameters: Manual Params - Config I am trying to create my own Mission Parameters for Respawn Tickets. The Predefined Params Template already there executes BIS_fnc_paramRespawnTickets.sqf which in turn calls BIS_fnc_bleedTickets HOWEVER, I want it to excute my own modified version of these functions instead. When I load my game it freezes after the lobby screens and remains only on the mission load screen (with the author, onLoadName and loadScreen picture). This part of the description files is causing the problem: description.ext class Params { //this part is causing the problem... class CommandPoints { title = "Command Point"; values[] = {100,250,500,1000}; default = 500; file = "paramRespawnTickets.sqf"; // (Optional) Script called when player joins, selected value is passed as an argument }; }; I want it to execute paramRespawnTickets.sqf below, which in turn will call this BEAKS_fnc_BEAKSbleedTickets function. paramRespawnTickets.sqf /* Author: Karel Moricky Description: Set side respawn tickets Parameter(s): NUMBER - respawn tickets Returns: BOOL */ hint "HELLO paramRespawnTickets"; private ["_tickets"]; _tickets = [_this,0,500,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; if (_tickets >= 0) then { { if (playableslotsnumber _x > 0) then { [_x,_tickets] call BEAKS_fnc_BEAKSbleedTickets; }; } foreach [east,west]; }; true
  16. I want to use the Predefined Params Template for my game, but "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramRespawnTickets.hpp" calls BIS_fnc_paramRespawnTickets.sqf which in turn calls BIS_fnc_bleedTickets and I want it to call my own BEAKS_fnc_BEAKSbleedTickets instead. How can I the Modify Predefined Params Templates to do so? I'm not sure how to set this up in the descrition.ext... description.ext class Params { #include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramRespawnTickets.hpp" #define TICKETS_MIN 100 #define TICKETS_MAX 1100 #define TICKETS_DEFAULT 150 }; BIS_fnc_paramRespawnTickets.sqf /* Author: Karel Moricky Description: Set side respawn tickets Parameter(s): NUMBER - respawn tickets Returns: BOOL */ private ["_tickets"]; _tickets = [_this,0,500,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; if (_tickets >= 0) then { { if (playableslotsnumber _x > 0) then { [_x,_tickets] call BEAKS_fnc_BEAKSbleedTickets; }; } foreach [east,west,resistance]; }; true
  17. Hi All, Using H8ER / Bangabob's tutorial once again, on . I'm trying to incorporate his mission files (renamed) into my game.in my desctiption.ext #include "dialogs.hpp" enableDebugConsole = 1; class CfgFunctions { class BEAKS { class RepairRearm { file = "functions\RepairRearm"; class RepairRearmFlip {}; class unitStatusCost {}; }; // ...more stuff in my initPlayerLoal.sqf // ...code waitUntil {!isNull player}; [] execVM "moneyDisplay.sqf"; ...more code and moneyDisplay.sqf disableSerialization; 1 cutRsc ["moneyHUD","PLAIN"]; _name=name player; waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "moneyHUD")}; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "moneyHUD"; _setText = _display displayCtrl 1001; _setText ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Welcome %1.",_name]); _setText ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5]; hint "HELLO moneyDisplay"; the hint "HELLO moneyDisplay" is displaying but the dialog is not showing up? I've placed the dialogs.hpp file directly in the mission folder. ...am I missing something in the desctiption.ext or not placing the dialogs.hpp file in the appropriate subfolder?
  18. Thanks Iceman77, Currently reading your tutorial also...a Godsent!
  19. Thanks Goblin... ...but unfortunately it's still not working. I tried your PHP code above in the description and get a "preprocessor failed message in description error 2" message. Then it crashes. ...but it is!dialogs.hpp
  20. Hi All, Need help with array problem. I'm trying to reduce the value of the first element in by 10% for each of the nested arrays, for both arrays below. _BLUveh = [[1200, "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F"],[900, "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F"],[750, "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"],[800, "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"],[600,"B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"],[300,"B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"],[150,"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"],[100,"B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"]]; _BLUamo = [[200,"B_static_AT_F"],[200, "B_static_AA_F"],[150,"B_soldier_LAT_F"],[100,"B_G_Soldier_LAT_F"],[150,"B_GMG_01_high_F"],[100,"B_HMG_01_high_F"]]; //for Missile Specialist reduce asset costs by 10% if (player hasWeapon "launch_B_Titan_short_f" or player hasWeapon "launch_O_Titan_short_f") then { { _x = {_x set [_x, _x (select 0) * 0.9]} forEach _x; } forEach _BLUveh + _BLUamo; }; So the result should be: _BLUveh = [[1080, "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F"],[810, "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F"],[675, "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"],... _BLUamo = [[180,"B_static_AT_F"],[180, "B_static_AA_F"],[135,"B_soldier_LAT_F"],...
  21. HI All, As in the title, is there a way to set multiple setCurrentTasks. My mission has several sectors but do not have any particular order in shich they have to be captured. I want them all to be set as active with the distance to each from the player also active.
  22. OK, thanks. SO the "0" is in _x set [0, (_x select 0) * 0.9]; is the first element in each sub-array and not the first element in the array _BLUveh or _BLUamo. I think I got it?
  23. Thanks, but still not working.
  24. Hi Folks, I've placed this inside my initPlayerLocal.sqf waitUntil {!isNull player}; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM "onPlayerRepawn.sqf"}]; Then when I run the mission I get a "cannon find "onPlayerRepawn.sqf"" message...yet is still runs the content of my "onPlayerRepawn.sqf"? Do I have to define the class in the description folder somewhere or something?