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Everything posted by BEAKSBY

  1. Hi ALL, I'm trying to slow down the velocity of my soldiers with _vel = velocity player; _dir = direction player; _speed = 3; // "Added speed"; player setVelocity [ (_vel select 0) - (sin _dir * _speed), (_vel select 1) - (cos _dir * _speed), (_vel select 2) ]; while {alive player} do {sleep .1; hint format ["velocity: %1 %2 %3", round (velocity _respawnedPlayer select 0), round (velocity _respawnedPlayer select 1), round (velocity _respawnedPlayer select 2) ]}; ...but does not seem to change anything? Does this only work for vehicles and if so is there a way to reduce top running speed of a soldier?
  2. Thanks Das, Sorry, I should have clarified in the title I'm looking to reduce the speed of my player controlled soldiers. The last note in the biki states I'll test with this latest version anyhow.
  3. Does anyone know how to connect to a friend's game yet. When I accept or send a game invite I get the dreaded "Server not found".
  4. Hi ALL, How do obtain an array of players currently in-game...not in the lobby and not an empty player spot either?
  5. Yes, but I think I may have to filter the array with player, otherwise it will include units also occupied by AI?
  6. It does, thanks! Handy little script for "simulating" a local object thant can have multiple uses. Thanks again.
  7. Hi all, I can't setVehicleAmmo on remote vechicles. Kju mentions this here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleAmmo. How can i get this to work on remote vehicles and not just those created local to the player?
  8. Thanks Das, this works!...even though I don't fully understand all of it. Does _this in [_this,"SVAGLOBAL",_this select 0,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_MP;...mean the entire function "SVAGLOBAL"?
  9. ...but this is the problem. I would like the argument to be global (not local to the client) just like https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDamage but a for setVehicleAmmo. Does setVehicleAmmoDef have global arguments?
  10. Could I use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setOwner and switch the ownership and thus switch locality to the owner's side, then use setVehicleAmmo, and switch it back to the original owner?
  11. Ok, thanks Larrow, I realized I may have to change the way _sectorTicketBleedRatio is calculated as well as some other parameters. I have three sectors that control bleeding. Scenario 1) If only one is contolled and the other two are neutral, then bleeding should occur on the other side. Scenario 2) If 2 are controlled by one side and the third remains neutral then bleeding should double and Scenario 3) if all three are controlled the bleed rate should triple. Scenario 4) If 2 are controlled by opposite sides ( and the third is neutral) then no bleeding should occur until the third is controlled thus tipping the ballance of controlled sectors to that side. Bleeding should occur at a similar rate as then first scenario I mentioned.
  12. HI Folks, I have some sector modules in my mission that I do not want affected by the Bleed Tickets Module. I have unlinked them and even tried linking them to a second Bleed Tickets Module with Ticket=0 (no ticket will be bleeded). Is there any way to separate a sector module from the Bleed Tickets Module, just so I can benefit from the other features they offer?
  13. As Larrow mentioned, I've removed the BleedTicket module from the map and started modifying Moricky's fn_bleedTickets. I've added [[EAST,WEST],(1/6),1,1] call BEAKS_fnc_BEAKSbleedTickets; to my initSever.sqf and here's my modified bleedTickets function below. I've commented in CAPS on section I modified. fn_BEAKSbleedTickets The problem is when I test in MP the client side is not counting any sectors _sideSectorsCount they control, even the ones I don't want counted.
  14. OK, thanks Larrow, I was affraid of that. I'll start plugging away, thanks for the head start. Shouldn't you be busy working on something for Make Arma Not War? Link to BIS_fnc_bleedTickets & BIS_fnc_respawnTickets code found here.
  15. THanks Moricky, When I use [side player,-10] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; (or any negative value) the bleed tickets are immediately reduced from 500 (my default setting) to 0, and the game is forced to end. When I use [side player,-1, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; the bleed tickets are reduced from 500 to 499, then 498, 497...etc. BIS_fnc_respawnTickets
  16. I would like to have some sectors not affected the dominance ratio and therefor not affect the bleeding of tickets. So if for example an armory sector is controlled, I set up conditions in another script to allow the player to spawn weapons, similarly with a Motor Pool sector to spawn vehicles...etc. I want to benefit from the progress bar and notification of controlling side gui. Wondering if the above is possible? I also have strategic sectors that when controlled work with the bleed ticket module. I also set it up so a player can spawn from any sector they control.
  17. Hi All, How do I pass _gun1 into the "Killed" EH? _gun1 = createVehicle [_vehType, _pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _newUnit addeventhandler ["killed",{sleep 0.2; _gun1 setVariable ["ReinforceStaticWeapon_addAction", TRUE, TRUE]; //HOW DO I PASS _gun1 into EH? _allowAddAction = _gun1 getVariable "ReinforceStaticWeapon_addAction"; hint format ["fn_StaticWeaponDrop \n _newUnit ""killed"" EH \n _allowAddAction: %1", _allowAddAction]; }]; ---------- Post added at 23:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ---------- NEVERMIND, I used vehicle (_this select 0);
  18. Yup, that works. Thanks again.
  19. It is in initServer. Should i place it in initPlayerLocal.sqf this way all players will access it, along with other functions I have their (like KK's epic paradrop function). I managed to get it to work by adding [[_gun1],"BEAKS_fnc_StaticWeapon_addAction",true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; and creating my own funcion...which I assume has the same effect compile preprocessFileLineNumbers.
  20. Thanks again BangaBob, I thought I did send the addAction to all clients with [[_gun1],"BEAKS_addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Do I have to add this after the function in the initServer also? This is the part I'm still strugling with.
  21. Hi All, How do I pass _gun1 into the "Killed" EH? _gun1 = createVehicle [_vehType, _pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _newUnit addeventhandler ["killed",{sleep 0.2; _gun1 setVariable ["ReinforceStaticWeapon_addAction", TRUE, TRUE]; //HOW DO I PASS _gun1 into EH? _allowAddAction = _gun1 getVariable "ReinforceStaticWeapon_addAction"; hint format ["fn_StaticWeaponDrop \n _newUnit ""killed"" EH \n _allowAddAction: %1", _allowAddAction]; }];
  22. Hi All, Does anyone have an example of KK "enhanced system for automated wreck and corpse removal"? The links on the SITREP #00071 just lead to removeFromRemainsCollector / addToRemainsCollector, but I'm not sure how to use them.
  23. Bummer, hoping it could handle allUnits, vehicles ...etc. created during the game in all MP modes.
  24. HI All, How do I add -noPause to the new Launcher?