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Everything posted by BEAKSBY

  1. I've added the above to player init field and it still does not activate the addAction.

    Sector command(s)

    As you suggested I started a new thread here. I will test using MPRespawn...thanks for the on-going support.

    Sector command(s)

    I tested in MP and it works!!! Except using respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition"}; and when this is enabled it no longer reads the init with the addaction command. I've tried placing the init with the addaction command add various parts inside the description.ext file but it still does not read it when I capture the sector area. Do I remove the following from the mission.sqf... ...and place it inside the description.ext with the repawn template, if so where? description.ext

    Sector command(s)

    It does exactly what I want in SP, THANKS!!! But, when I install it into my MP game the addaction command does not activate. I tried incorporating the player init into the respawn template thinking that was the problem, but it still did not work. My long term plan is to have a player respawn from controlled sector areas and thought I could do this by unlocking them through the repawn template. I also noticed the MP versions in the previous posts had "iserver" and "dedicated server" commands, but I`m not sure if this is at all needed or how to incorporate them if that's the case? I've experimented by changing some things in my mission and description files but not sure where the problem lies... I synced it to a sector control, no luck. I`ll try experimenting with a script in the "Expression" field that does the same as the addaction of the player init. If you have an thoughts on the problem, I've added a link to my entire mission folder below. http://www.sendspace.com/file/c6js9f Thanks for all the help so far!

    Sector command(s)

    I did not copy and paste it properly to the post, but it's in both Blu and OP player init sections. But it still does not do anything. Perhaps it is an MP issue? ...scratching my head. Thanks anyhow.

    Sector command(s)

    Hi All, I'm re-duxing an old favorite of mine from the xbox360 "The Outfit" with an ArmaIII spin. I would like to use the sector module so that only the side that controls the area can unlock their side's vehicles and call them in via a addAction... With F2kSel's help he provided the following..but unfortunately it's not working: Setup your sectors and when you have them working in the sector module where it says expression put sector module expression missionnamespace setvariable ["sector",_this] That should contain the the current owner of the sector. Now if you add this addaction to all players players init boxes this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>M2A4 Slammer UP $1200</t>", "ArmorDrop.sqf",[],0,true,true Also, I read the threads from many others with slight alterations to their modules. I'm getting more familiar with them. Do you know if anyone has successful instructions for respawning a player at the captured these sector module?