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About c0dyb

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  1. what im trying to do is make an AI stronghold at devils castle, which is impenetrable to heavy vehicles like the BTR90/LAV25, i am relatively new to the more complicated end of the editor, but i have been doing some research on this to little avail. i have tried this this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; "and this allowdamage false; in the init expression field for the objects. i have an .sqf editor (squint) and have a fairly good understanding of the formatting in the sqf file itself. this sqf file i am working on would ultimately be uploaded and added into the epoch server i play on, any help would be greatly appreciated. i would be ok with everything in the file being indestructible this is my file so far made in the 3d editor: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/611fac9e doing some testing the event handler stopped bullet damage on a bus i spawned, i put 5 clips of M107 into it and it didnt die, however when i grabbed an m203 and lobbed a couple HE rounds at it it died right away. EDIT: i found this addeventhandler ["hit", {(_this select 0) setdamage 0;}]; this addeventhandler ["dammaged", {(_this select 0) setdamage 0;}]; which seems to work so far on the bus i am using to test on, the HE rounds are not destroying the bus anymore, now i suppose i could go through and manually ad that to every object that i want to remain standing, however im going to go ahead and post this in the hopes that there is a way to apply that to all objects i have placed EDIT2: the above mentioned code is not working for my castle walls, i satcheled a bus and it lived with the above init code, but when i put the same code on a castle wall http://prntscr.com/3fazi5 it was not protected -------------------------------------------- and for a completely separate issue but not nearly as important to me overall, i would like to place a couple 240 nests or static gun emplacements but cannot get them to spawn, i "forced" them into my sqf and the show int he list to the left but when i double click them to center my camera it takes me way out into the ocean, and the objects are not visible and i am not able to re position or maneuver them here is an example of one static gun i tried placing which doesnt work _vehicle_276 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["SPG9_CDF", [6899.0693, 11429.315, 0.1757414], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_276 = _this; _this setPos [6899.0693, 11429.315, 0.1757414]; };