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Fal Soram

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Everything posted by Fal Soram

  1. Fal Soram

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    The Bobcats mine plow "works", in the sense that it will detonate mines and not cause damage to the vehicle. Perhaps there is some kind of code in it's file that will cause it to take no damage from mines if detonated from the front?
  2. Fal Soram

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Any chances a possible increase in the capacity of the coax for the next update? And the commanders sights/MG getting the stabilized setting in config?
  3. Fal Soram

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Good stuff! Glad to see such a quick update to it. One request though, in a future update do you think you could increase the coax's ammo count? I'm fairly certain M1A1's carried a lot more then 1200 rounds, although I don't know the exact number. Keep up the good work!
  4. Fal Soram

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    The tracks thing could just be something to do with how they did the A2 model, and the way it's interacting with A3. Speaking of tracks to, "de-tracking" it seems to have no effect, even though it lists the tracks as red. Also, Hits to the hull seem to knock out the gun. As for the M2's RoF, I'm fairly certain theres a setting wrong there, it took me about 25 seconds to empty the box, which is 100 rounds. Also, it reloads instantly. I apologize if it seems like I'm nitpicking, just trying to help. Edit - Disregard the de-tracking thing, works if you hit it with an HE shell.
  5. Fal Soram

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Good stuff! Just a few little things to let you know about, as I've just downloaded it and am in the process of giving it a try. - The gunners coax has no ammo. - The commanders .50 cal has a strangely low rate of fire. In turns of bugs I've found at least, those would be your big ones. Other then that, pretty solid so far. A couple less then major thing I've noticed though, there seems to be something odd going on with the tracks? the road wheels an drive wheels react properly to moving, but the track texture seems to be doing it's own thing. Also the engine sound doesn't seem to be right. Props for grabbing an Abrams sound, although it doesn't seem to be syncing well with the tank. The startup sound plays, however the idling sound starts at the same time as the start sound, and both play together. Also when accelerating, you hear nothing at first, and as you pick up speed it starts to be heard again. Good stuff though, I believe I saw you mention in the WIP thread this was your first go at this, so from my inexperienced point of view, it's pretty good. Edit - Drivers "compass" at the top doesn't work to, Gunners and Commanders do though.
  6. Yeah, the UP slammer is ridiculous. A single shot from a T-72 or T-100 is usually enough to wreck a Kuma from the front, were as I've dumped the entire APFSDS carousel for the T-72 into the front of the UP slammer, and it didn't do a bloody thing to it.
  7. Im going to assume that the reticule appears whenever there is an active gunner in the vehicle, and follows were ever that gunner aims? If so, that happens on almost every vehicle afaik. Edit - Here, as you can see I am the driver in both vehicles. http://i.imgur.com/DljUTyx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0RnoEjv.jpg As for the vehicles... durability, just please don't use the Kuma's stats, that thing is like a wet paper bag lol.
  8. Ok.... file path maybe? looking at the two, hes got what I'm guessing is [modname]\data\[rvmatfile], were as you seem to have alot more going on, with the addition of the ca\tracked part before data\[not sure?]\[rvmatfile]. Could it possibly be something to do with you having an additional file within your mods data folder that is containing the rvmat file? Then again, the other guy is working with A2 OA, so that could be the difference. Sorry these are just guesses, like I said I don't know really anything about arma modding, these are just guesses from comparing the two and such. But hey, an attempt at helping is better then staying silent, I'm looking forward to this mod :). And sorry, I would have sent you the direct link through steam, but a steam searched turned up 20,000 results of not you, so I wasn't going to sit and search through them all xD Edit - Just saw your edit, disregard all.
  9. I have absolutely no knowledge on modding Arma 3, but I did a quick search on google and found something that MIGHT help. As I've just registered though I can't post a link, but I searched "arma 3 vehicle modding cannot load rvmats" on google and it was the first one, titled ""Cannot load material file" - yet path displayed is correct ..." on these forums. Does it help at all? perhaps the file file path or something? From experience with models and such in other games I've found usually when it can't load a texture it's something to do with the location of the file, and the game is looking in the wrong spot for it, either through a hardcoded path, or through a user defined one.