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Everything posted by Capjerahya

  1. I know that armed assault and later versions have nearestobjects which returns an array of the nearest objects. In Ofp we don't have this code but I know someone was able to make a function script that return the nearest objects of the same class. The thing is I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone still have the script or know how to do so to make a function?
  2. Capjerahya

    nearest objects of a class type?

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks allot ProfTournesol. :D ,
  3. Capjerahya

    nearest objects of a class type?

    i do know the nearestObject command which returns 1 object but what i need is the nearestObjects that returns Array of objects. this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObjects but was implemented on armed assaut(arma 1) and want to make a function same as it. I'm still looking for the thread where I found the old script if it still exist.
  4. Capjerahya

    Mod Z-Day (Zombie Day) 1.00 BETA

    I did play this mod a bit translating some russion laguage to english just to test the game play. Allot of work is needed with this mod as of the moment. And this is probably a dead project same as their STALKER mod. This is also the mod that push me in making my own zombie survival mod but only for single player. As of the moment I'm still working with the scripts and AI and searching for a good zombie addon. More like small part of dayz put in Ofp.
  5. Capjerahya


    if you checked one of the link that guziczek101 provided then you'll find other PBO tools. bunch of tools here which is the same link guz provided. http://lex-ofp.narod.ru/OFP/Tools/index.htm other link for the tools. http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ofp:tools I personally use pboX which also requires wrptoolsl for the dll. Just install both tools in the same directory and you are good to go.
  6. Hi guys, Just want to ask how I make ammos dropped by a unit pick-able(if that's the right word for it) even without the right weapon for it? My current script creates an invisible unit that is given random weapon or ammo from the array list of available loots and drop it in buildings with waypoint indexes. I think you already know the kind of mission I'm working on here ant still related with Z. My problem with this one is once the unit drop a ammo that I don't have a weapon yet I'm unable to pick it up or take menu option won't appear unless I have a weapon that uses it. If anyone knows how to do it please let me know or someone else got a better idea in doing it like making my own weapon and ammo config please help do help me out. I also want to clear items on the ground this way by letting the invisible unit pickup the item. Thanks.
  7. Capjerahya

    Picking up Ammo without the weapon

    I don't have plans in making MP missions as of the moment since it's my first time making a full SP mission. I already have plans with the item clean up. I'm planning to do it in random town and to prevent to much task working in background while the game is running. I know where the items coordinates as I use a town>house>index coordinate system. The thing is I can't seem to let a unit pick up the item on ground like how a command a unit in my group to pickup a weapon on round. I'm still working on it though and it's the least of my problems. What I'm trying to get my head in to is to figure out how to list whats inside a ammo crate or vehicle cargo as weapon and magazine doesn't work for storage. I did a search about it and seams like they still haven't figured out a way to do it in arma 2.
  8. Capjerahya

    Picking up Ammo without the weapon

    Thanks allot rageQuit, I was Planning to put up my own set of weapons and magazines anyway and this would help me allot. I actually don't know the game limitations yet as they never mention it in the wiki. It might cause to change of plans in case the limitation doesn't suit my needs. the map I'm working on is combination of 3 main island, and loots 4-7 loots are dropped in each town in the map saved by coordinates. But I wanted a limit of 50 ground items in the whole map but not sure if that's even possible. I also don't know how long items stay on the ground before getting deleted in SP and MP so item refilling task is a pain as well. I only have 1 invisible unit doing the task using ww4dummy addon and only teleported in the array of coordinate to drop items base on town. Items are randomly given to the dummy unit and items are dropped with action ["DROP WEAPON/MAGAZINE","",1,1,"item"].
  9. Capjerahya

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone know a good unit that suits a zombie apocalypse theme? Like geared civilians using T-shirt and vest and other stuffs. Something like dayz characters? thanks. EDIT: well I found one which is close enough. Minor editing and I'm good to go. CIA Units Beta But if someone else got a good unit to add please do tell me. thanks. Change my mind. I don't think I'm allowed to edit this models. :(