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Posts posted by esteldunedain

  1. Would you be so kind to tell me which way is the right one?

    This is what I try to reach:


    I want to use the advanced medical system in a "normal" scenario, in this case in DUWS. But I am not able/I do not understand how to load the config for that...

    There are two ways of doing that:

    - edit the mission as @DarkWanderer said

    - copy the ace_server.pbo from the optional folders into the addons folder. Then copy the userconfig/ace folder into your arma userconfig directoty, and configure whatever settings you want there.

    Bottomline, editing the mission makes the most sense, because if you want to use ace medical in a third party mission you'll have to add the correct items too, etc.

  2. I have the time tonight esteldunedain tonight to go through each pbo and see if it improves the mission i have that was consistently having the fps issue. I will make sure to document all tests. Thanks !

    @Opsixdelta, yesterday @EddiePrice helped us track down the cause of the fps degradation he was observing. In that particular case it was due to AI unit standing to close to Campfires! (https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/1297). There's already a patch to fix that behaviour.

    The BFT bug is already solved on master and will be fixed on the incoming hotfixed version.

  3. As I confirmed, it seems BFT has nothing to do with it. When I tested it if you don't place the module you don't get BFT. Regardless of that I get the FPS drop, even when using no modules at all.

    OK, there's probably something leaking on non-dedicated servers. TBH we don't usually test that setup very much, so it's very possible some bug sneaked by. If you want to help pinpoint this a great way is reproing with different amount of ace pbos. That's an easy (although time consuming) way of determining which piece of code is creating the problem, which we can then analize in detail.

    Could you do that and report back?

  4. Toadie, congratulations on the new release; top notch quality as usual. Thank you very much.

    To support the current and upcoming configs for ACE3 (some of them coming on next release), you should add the following entrie to the weapon:

    class hlc_lmg_minimipara: hlc_saw_base
    	ACE_Overheating_AllowBarrelSwap = 1; // Same as in AGM
    	// ACE 3.0 (same as AGM), deprecated after ACE 3.1.0
    	ACE_Overheating_Dispersion[] = {0,-0.001,0.001,0.003}; 
    	ACE_Overheating_SlowdownFactor[] = {1,1,1,0.9};
    	ACE_Overheating_JamChance[] = {0, 0.00004, 0.0002, 0.0011}; //Corresponding to 23400 MRBS.
    	// ACE 3.1.0+
    	ACE_Overheating_Dispersion = 0.00075; // Corresponding to the array above
    	ACE_Overheating_Slowdown = 1; // Corresponding to the array above
    	ACE_Overheating_MRBS = 23400; // Corresponding to the array above

  5. How do you repair vehicles? In AGM you'd use the action menu, but nothing pops up when standing outside, and the menu doesn't expand when in the vehicle.

    Vehicle repairing isn't included yet, although it is mostly ready. It will probably be on the next release.

    ---------- Post added at 01:04 ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 ----------

    I know I can set someone captive with the new module, but how do I untie him with a trigger? anybody knows?


    I never tested this, but from looking at the code you should be able to write something like this:

    [player, MyHandcuffedUnit] call ACE_Captives_fnc_doRemoveHandcuffs

  6. I'm very interested in the way the ace3 interaction menu works.

    I understand that when you push the key the dialog is been created, an eventhandler "mousemoving" is added (get the movement of the cursor and then fix it in the center), a loop starts (the icon are created).

    I have no idea on how these work:

    - how to move the camera,walking,... with a dialog opened

    - hot the icons are fixed in a 3d position

    -how to interact with the icon

    Someone can explain how these are made?

    Short answer: magic

    Long answer: if you want, hop on the public slack and I'll give you some pointer into understanding the code.

  7. @up

    So u want to say - Its impossible to do operate it with flexi? Sorry but u r wrong. Id love to see at last ONE feature that is impossible to work with flexi.

    I assume you are displaying the interactions for the cursorTarget, right? Various actions won't show using that (e.g. cutting fences, doors, ladders, disarming explosives)

    ---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ----------

    Could anyone possibly answer if this is affecting anyone else? Dont mean to interrupt anyone's complaining about the interaction menu :DDDD

    AFAIK most of the test sessions for ACE3 had Zeus on them, and no issue like this was reported.

    EDIT: do you have the ACE code extracted on the P drive? If that's the case, and you don't set the -noFilePatching parameter on Arma, the bin version will be patched on startup with the current code. That'd screw up signatures, which could be the cause of not being able to connect.

  8. In what world do ladders and bandages need to use the same system for interaction? Why can't there be a system for interacting with that stuff that is separate from the old school interaction menu?

    The new 3D stuff makes some sense: I'd love to see it used for things like getting into vehicles (picking spots anyone?) or multiple ways to open/breach a door. So I'm confused why your comment seems to think that both concepts can't exist side by side. Old 2D menus for more complex stuff, 3D for actual interaction with your environment.

    So choosing a seat makes sense in 3d but chosing a body part doesn't?

    And it's not really NEEDED. It's just flash and doesn't really enhance anything, at least with how it's set up now.

    Technically nothing is NEEDED, not playing Arma 3 nor using ACE. But we do feel it enhances interactions, hence our decision to push in this direction.


    Just one of the upcoming features I mentioned above:

  9. About the whole interact-menu-sucks-let's-go-back-to-fleximenu-gate: really nice to see people playing with our backend code already and kudos for bootstrapping that good old fleximenu for basic functionality. However, keep in mind:

    - ACE has not even made the first stable release yet!

    - We'll continue to improve the interact menu as time goes by. There's already a few branches with tweaks and improvementes that won't be on first release.

    - We are planning on a lot of features that will be based on 3d interactions. Some of those are already on branches in various states of development (reparing, get in actions, doors, ladders, etc, etc). Some are still TBD.

    - Many of those, and even a few that already exists today on master, are simply not feasable without 3d interaction. Thinking a replacement is good enough based on how well it supports current features is missing the bigger picture.

    - There are a few advanced features on the interact menu that I'd be really surprised to see supported on third party implementations. Those features are still not widely used on the current version of ACE, but they will be increasingly over time.

    Bottom line, I think it's way to early to look for replacements of the interaction menu. On the contrary, I encourage you to:

    - Join the public ACE3 Slack channel and report any problematic use case you find with the implementation and pitch in and discuss ideas for potential improvements.

    - Help us upvote the following issue for BIS to fix: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23679 . Having that would allow some important functionality improvements.


  10. The point of this message is to ask if you would like to integrate THS to ACE3, as a remplacement of the current system. We would be thrilled to contribute to the ACE3 project and we would gladly work together with the ACE3 team to adapt THS to ACE3 specific needs, in technical terms as well as gameplay terms.

    Sure, THS seems great for ACE3; our current hand signal system was temporary, due to be replaced after first release, so it would be great to base the replacement in your code and anims. Just be aware that we have an open source license, so THS assets would have to be released under the same license. Hop an our public slack or contact us on our issue tracker to discuss this further.


  11. ACE3 be more AGM o CSE system? CSE is based in moduls placed on editor. I not like this system, this create a dependence of editor job. And AGM use an addon system, this is more easy for use.

    Regarding ACE 3 settings system, it is a completely new. It's probably a bit more similar to the one of AGM that to that of CSE, but hopefully customizable enough to suit all needs.

    Of the many features ACE3 contains, about 75% are on by default; those we feel are "core" to the ACE3 experience; however, many of those features are configurable through mission modules (to turn them on/off or change important parameters). There are a also a huge amount of advanced setting that can be modified too, even if they are not available through modules.

    All settings can be customized at server level (by the server userconfig file) and at mission level (on the description.ext file or on mission modules). There are a lot of client preferences too, accesible through an ingame menu. However, the server or community admin or mission creator can lock any or all of them to create tight custom experiences.

    The way the system works is designed so that:

    1 - MilSim communities can create a settings userconfig for their servers, and have completely standarized missions without having to worry again. Same for public server admins.

    2 - Mission makers can tailor the experience as much as possible (within the leeway provided by the server)

    3 - Players can tweak many usability preferences themselves (those that don't give extra advantages; again server or mission maker can chose to limit those options too).

    Unfortunately there are still some features that are not tweakable while the game is running (cause they depend on config modifications). Those can be modified by either adding/removing pbos (modular system) or maintaining a custom ACE3 source version.

  12. ;2910968']ACE Team. You now have no choice.


    Or this will be The Greatest Troll of BIF.

    "We're so proud of that. This is totally for real" (frantically starts actually trying to write the code...)

    Just kidding ;)

    ---------- Post added at 23:06 ---------- Previous post was at 23:05 ----------

    what if.... this is just....

    .... a joke?


    Worry not Spetsy; it's not ;)


    ---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

    Looking forward to the new features that ACE3 will provide. I hope the AGM- and CSE devs have as much a say on the development of this project as they did with their own. The dedication of the AGM devs really impressed me. I never used CSE so I can't really talk about that.

    We'll try to make ACE3 development as public as AGM was; standby for the issue tracker in a few days

  13. EDIT: Scratch that. They still become unconscious sometimes.

    They really shouldn't if the variable is being correctly set. Double check spelling, try testing with manually setting variables just in case.

    The only case were I see this could fail is for bleedouts, which unfortunately always produce unconsciousness, even for AI. However, that should be quite excepcional during a firefight.

    If you can repro this, please open a bug report on github and provide the RPT logs.

