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Posts posted by leob

  1. Hello, I'm creating a simgleplayer campaign and was wondering what to pay attention to when scripting, if I want the player to be able to save the game state at any time.

    For example, what happens if the player saves the game while a script is running. Let's say it's a scripted conversation between two charcters. Will I run into any unwanted issues/errors ?

    Could there be any other incidents when it's problematic to save/load a game in terms of scripting techniques?

    I already thought about scripts where I use "disableSerialization". The script command wiki text says: "Disable saving of script containing this command. After this...".

    Does that mean I better disable saving while a script of this type is running?


  2. Hello, I got a quick question on scripted FSMs.

    I got the FSM Editor from BIS Tools. I wanted to create a follow-me fsm-script. So a unit follows another unit and also

    enters/exits the same vehicles as the first unit does. Fortunately the last ArmA3 campaign mission features such a script called journalist.fsm. (As some might recall)

    So at a particular stage/state in the script the FSM does a distance check to find out wether the follower should be running or just walking.

    So the conditions are: distance > 3 , distance > 10 , true

    Let's say distance is 15. Will both distance conditions be true and following states executed? That would not make sense in this case because the unit can't run and walk at the same time.

    And what about the true-condition? Will it also be executed alongside the distance-conditions all the time?

    If so, which condition decides that a specific state (in this case the state "distance check") is finished and no other code/condition following that state should be executed anymore?

    I hope i could clarify my question.


  3. Hi,

    so yes the above example scales the image according to the player's screen size and then I have to invole the aspect ratio so the image won't be stretched/distorted.

    But still you have to calculate the safezoneX and safeZoneY values so you can actually position the image on the screen (in this case center it). So i was wondering if there is a parameter like "align = "center" or something so the image is automatically centered (instead of writing a formula yourself).

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm doing a singleplayer campaign and want to show the campaign logo at mission start.

    For that I'm using rscTitles in the description.ext and the cutRsc command in the init.sqf.

    To support all screen sizes I'm storing a picture with pretty high resolution and calculate it's final dimensions

    depending on the player's screen resolution and ratio.

    So my question is if there is any useful variables/parameters in the rscTitles classes that let me simply align/center the picture without calculating the correct safezoneX/safezoneY values for every possible resolution?

    Additionally I want to align two headlines (also pictures) beneath the logo. So is there maybe a simple offset parameter to easily position title objects relative to each other?

    Of course there's always the possibility to let my script calculate the exact safezoneX and safeZoneY values for every title object but if there's a simpler way to do it let me know.


  5. Hi guys, I found some really old threads related to this issue.

    So I thought there might be some new commands /ways to solve this issue, plus, I got some questions on it.

    1. I know I will need the actual building ID (from the Editor) and the buildingPos together with setPosATL command.

    2. Will the building ID suffice to actually "return" an object in the code?

    So like this "buildingID" buildingPos 3 for example.

    3. Since there's the new Site Module I wondered if someone already had a look into the code and maybe knows of a new way to occupy bulding positions, especially because I read of some problems with soldiers in buildings in the old threads.

    Ok bye

  6. Hello, there are 2 problems I came across and was wondering how to solve them.

    1. When arranging infantry groups at mission start (to make them face their leader for example) I use

    doStop or commandStop so the men are facing the direction I placed them in the editor. (Setting the Special option to NONE in the editor field doesn't do the trick here)

    However, which command do you use to make the units follow their leader as usual back again?

    2. I can remember that their was once a hint in an BI official OPREP or sth., that you can turn off character goggle and headgear randomization with the simple removeGoggles command (for guerrilla units especially).

    However when I import a unit outfit(with Arsenal) and place it in the init field of a particular unit and additionally use setIdentity (with the same goggles and headgear), their heads still get randomized. So is there a workaround/command that helps me here except using a trigger after mission start and executing a script to adjust their headgear and goggles?

    Thanks in advance

  7. Hello,

    I'm wondering when not to use local variables.

    1. In the onActivation field of a Trigger (or even a waypoint) placed in the Editor. Can I create local script handles in here? (e.g. the _null script handle)

    I thought it was not even possible but somehow the game doesn't care anymore...

    Did they change it or was it possible all the time? Can I run into probloems when publishing my singleplayer mission?

    2. In an EventHandler coder? Is that code spawned btw (i.e. can I use waitUntil here?)


  8. Hello. I set up a single player mission.

    In some distance to the battlefield I put 2 Opfor(enemy) Artillery tanks with a big mountain between the battlefield and the tanks.

    They got a "Guard" waypoint and a "Guard" trigger directly in front of them.

    Now when the battle starts at the battlefield those 2 artillery tanks will engage enemies, but only when they got a direct line of sight on them.

    I already tried the enableEngineArtillery command but that didn't solve the issue. The tanks are always driving towards the enemy (Blufor btw) and need a direct line of sight to shoot them.

    Thx for your help.


  9. Hello, I'm using the TaskModule and some scripting commands for creating task in my misson.

    Here my issues:

    1. What is the correct variable/name for a task?

    When you use the task module to create a task you can give it a name and a taskID.

    When you create a simpleTask then, the "createSimpleTask" command asks for a parent task.

    Problem is: The "name" you defined in the module is the name of the actual module, not the task.

    The taskID seems to be something different from an actual task variable that you get when you use the createTask command.

    When I converted an actual task variable (the task itself) to a String, the outut is a combination of the taskID and the task description or something.

    So how do I get the task as a variable when using the TaskModule?

    2. The TaskDestinationModule also won't work

    I have a TaskModule with destiantion set to module position. The TaskDestinationModule is synced to it and is set to module position.

    -> Problem: The task destination in the game actually is at the TaskModule position and not at the TaskDestinationModule position.

    Any solutions to this?


  10. Hello I'm the creator of ArmA3 - 2035 Chapters: a singleplayer campaign for the the MakeArmA contest.

    To get it ready before the deadline ends I need your voice! Well your voice acting.

    I'm looking for some original authentic voices (age 20+) and an affection for perfection.

    That means you just have to be able to "act" a bit while recording. (Like different moods, shouting, ehausted, enraged etc.)

    If you feel like it, just send me a PM or reply in the comments under this thread or over here.

    And don't forget to vote my entry at makearma.com if you like it! Also if you don't :)

    Planning to publish the first cycle of my campaign soon.

  11. Thank you very much. I think I can recall having seen something quite similar before somewhere(maybe the wiki?). However which upload method would I use for my singleplayer campagin then? I didn't upload anything yet but I know that I'm only able to upload a single misison directly from within ArmA3 Editor.

    The BI team mentioned something about an "upload as an Addon" in Steam Workshop directly, when they announced the sample mission...

  12. ArmA3 - 2035 Chapters

    I. Harbingers


    This is the official thread for the single-player campaign entry ArmA3 – 2035 Chapters for the MakeArmaNotWar contest.

    Hello fellow ArmA3ists,

    at this point I’m calling out for all the talented voice actors out there to take part in the campaign I’m creating and help me with voice overs. Here’s a short list of the [main characters] and the [voice requirements]:

    Sgt. Adam Kerry : [main character, player] [American, steady, confident]
    -> assigned

    Corp. Briggs: [ Afro-American, maybe slang ]

    -> assigned

    Corp. Walsh: [ American/Brit ]

    -> assigned

    Sgt. O’Sullivan: [brit]

    -> assigned

    Colonel Reed: [American]

    -> assigned

    Captain Simons: [American]

    -> assigned

    Costas: [broken (greek) English]

    -> still needed

    Spiros: [broken (greek) English]

    -> still needed

    UPDATE: This entry didn't make it into the contest evaluation but will be accomplished either way!

    Along the way there will be a few side roles (one-liners) which can be taken by the main character voice actors or some enthusiastic guys (maybe YOU!). If you’re interested let me know by private message. I will send you an email for further communication and some sample dialogues for you to do some sample voice acting.

    Important note: I’m explicitly pointing out that any voice acting done for this campaign/contest entry will get credits in the missions but you transfer all the rights on the recordings to me and resign from making any demands on rewards or contest prize sharing. This is important to keep to the rules of the contest or if I don’t get the campaign finished/don’t win the contest.

    I will also make an announcement in the forum’s voice actors group and thread and refer to this forum post so every potential voice actor reads and confirms these conditions.

    If you don’t want to participate to these conditions feel free to comment or email me in a reasonable manner.

    Cheers guys.

    MakeArmaNotWar - 2035 Chapters

    Twitter - 2035 Chapters
