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Everything posted by leob

  1. Hi, since I'm creating a singleplayer mission I'm wondering if this functionality has already been implemented. So I want to place objects around (for ambient) and export their object ID + positions to have them easily implemented in my singleplayer mission. If that's not the case can someone lead me to an old-fashioned tutorial on the object placement and export in the 3D-Editor mission.biedi workaround? Thanks
  2. Hi, depending on the urgency of your little project I'd advise you to wait for the official Arma3 Arsenal release in the next big game update. You should be able to simply create and assign loadouts to oyur units from what i read.
  3. leob


    Thank you, I'll get into the GUI editor then.
  4. leob


    Hi, I also have some questions on your example mission. @Iceman77 Is there a reason why you actually created cpp-files for those dialogs? Is this the only way it can be done or is it just more efficient for the engine to run these kind of files? Or can this also be accomplished within normal sqf-scripts? I wonder because when I see those cpp-files I also remember some threads about Addons and not being able to put Addons on Steam Workshop yet. I'm pretty sure I mixed up some information but please explain the subject. That will help a lot in my MakeArmA singleplayer mission ;D
  5. In my opinion the voting system for the singleplayer category sure is not the best, stated in various posts before me. I would also appreciate to either only the BIS team to judge all the entries or at least close the voting (not the supporting!) until early September maybe. Furthermore, if you want to use the "Community Votes" to have impact on the election process then maybe let them decide between two entries that have been equally ranked/judged by BIS team.
  6. Well you can check if a script has been executed all the way through with: 1. The "scriptDone" command. Check out it's usage in the wiki command-overview. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 Be advised: The scriptDone command may also return true while some false/malfunctioning code in your script has been skipped. Im not completely sure about that but the scriptDone command can be a first indicator. Most likely the problem with your script is more syntax/logic based than the issue I posted but if you don't find a proper solution then maybe persuing this subject a bit more might be useful. Furthermore I can only give you a Link to Killzone Kid's Blog with tutorials and hints on code performance. It's worth checking out anyway.
  7. If there's no script syntax mistakes in your script... I heard of scripts terminating when they take too long to be executed.
  8. So here's the script code with an additional AA-squad spawning in. They don't shoot right away but they can shoot it down. Thats the best I could achieve. I also tried to enhance the behaviour with the "hideObject" and "disableSimulation" commands, so the AA-group could target the aircraft before it starts flying (with "doTarget" command) but that won't work since the group can't target a "hidden" object obviously. myVehicleArray = [position player,315,"B_Plane_CAS_01_F",WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; null = [] spawn { (myVehicleArray select 0) flyInHeight 300; _guardAA = [position player,opfor,configFile>>"CfgGroups">>"East">>"OPF_F">>"Infantry">>"OIA_InfTeam_AA"] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _guardAA reveal (myVehicleArray select 0); }; Make sure the player is an Opfor guy, otherwise the spawned squad will engage you. Since I'm also interested in the effect you want to achieve I only got the advice to look into the main campaign's scripting of one of the last missions. (If thats possible with un-pbo"ing"!?) There's the same effect scripted that you seek for.
  9. Hi, I read through the thread and have a few hints for you: 1. Problem is, if you really want to go into mission creation and want such "fancy" stuff there's almost no way but to learn the script language. Otherwise you'll always have to rely on someone doing your scripting. 2. I've seen the hideObject command before and the the enableSimulation too. Those would work if you would write correct script language. 3. I didn't use hideObject before and would also recommend to use the "spawnVehicle" function and "setDamage" command. I'll write you some sample Code for spawning a plane (tiggered) and destroying it. This is how you apply the Code: 1. Open the Arma3 Editor and create a player unit. 2. Create a common trigger and change activation to "Radio Alpha". 3. Copy/Paste the following Code into the OnAct tab of the trigger. myVehicleArray = [position player,315,"B_Plane_CAS_01_F",WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; null = [] spawn { (myVehicleArray select 0) flyInHeight 300; sleep 3; (myVehicleArray select 0) setDamage 1; }; With this code you can see a plane spawning in flying at your custom altitude (300m predefined) and being destroyed after your custom time setting (3 sec predefined). edit: Actually the "flyInHeight" command doesn't work properly for me but to set the position manually with "setPosASL" also stalls the plane and it has to accelerate again. (both not satisfying) And finally: 1. If you want to see your plane instead of the Wipeout I put in there you have to make sure your plane is actually in the game (Addon or where you got it from) and the spawnVehicle function can find the configFile or whatever. 2. If you have any further questions ask right away but I can't tell you how to set up the missile launch manually. 3. I'll alter the code with additional enemy AA group spawning and shooting in the following post.
  10. I got an aditional question here if you don't mind. Let's say I want a unit play some animation on another unit (e.g. the carry wounded animation). Now when my "Medic" (actorActive) is in a 2m radius from the wounded (actorPassive), how would I position him correctly so the animation started with the playAction/switchAction command will play near the wounded? I tried the relPosObject function but it disables animation on its target object/argument (i.e. the actorActive). -> I know the enableSimulation command but is there a more elegant solution to that? Furthermore the relPosObject function is the only function I found to be able to position its target argument with an offset to another object/unit, so the relPos function would be less handy in this case. Maybe you got an alternative solution as well... thx
  11. leob

    New to scripting

    This seems to be the best thread to do my first post, otherwise I guess I won't be able to create a thread;)