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Posts posted by Ltf

  1. 1 hour ago, Bukain said:

    Thanks for the info. The dude also mentioned a movie call "the mountain 2" which he said portraying of MAK, realistically. Have you watched it? Is it good movie (want to know before buying it hehehe, i see it has many stars and good rating though).


    I'm very into Turkish armed force at the moment rn 😄

    Hell no, it's not a good movie at all. There is nothing realistic about it. It's just a hollywood type action/war movie with a bunch of corny dialogues. If you really want to see a movie that is about real soldiers and has real artistic value, go see Nefes Vatan Sağolsun.



    Also I think Mountain 2 has high ratings simply because no one else but Turkish people watched and rated it

    • Thanks 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Bukain said:

    Btw can i ask some questions if i may? 


    SAT vs OKK? which is better?

    Someone on the internet said MAK is the best in Turkey. Is that true? Is it really better than OKK? Also the OKK are also refer as maroon berets, right? 

    I'm asking because I'm currently making my own imaginary war in Aegean where i need to know which SF mostly involved in direct action. I think it goes to SAT right? I guess the maroon berets are Turkish version of green berets, mainly specialized in doing their stuffs inside enemy territory while staying undetected, right?

    MAK? They're like PJ's from US Air force. Best known sf group is SAT, they have the most experience, training and gear. They've been founded at the same time as US Seals and trained together since. Also it's harder to become a SAT commando than an ÖKK operator. I don't  think there's much of a comparison when it comes to direct action missions. Both groups work really hard under the harshest conditions. It's just a matter of who is to respond on which situation. In a situation like you imagine, SAT or SAS(more of a defensive and supportive group of navy sf) would be the first to go. There are also amphibious commandos, a tier 2 unit for bigger assaults rather than infiltrations and such.

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  3. On 5/29/2019 at 3:38 PM, Dan Tronic said:


    We will be keeping the underground terrain sperate from the above ground terrain. As for how this will work in terms of our MP game-mode, We will be using the server transfer script made by KillzoneKid to teleport players between each map via the many entry and exit points made for each terrain.

    That's a fantastic idea, I'm really hyped for this terrain

  4. An afghanistan map with no fobs just like in medal of honor 2010 would be great, something like clafghan maybe. High and snowy mountains, some caves and small villages. There would be only villagers that are forgotten by everyone and some taliban outposts on the mountains. I would like to see an untouched afghan terrain in short.


    On the other hand, I hate fobs that are everywhere around the map. I mean we can build them anywhere if we want to, sometimes they just kill the atmosphere because of their locations. Then there are huge rocky places, they can look great but also cause performance issues. Also buildings with no furniture gives an empty feeling, all the buildings cannot be furnished from editor due to performance issues and it would take so much time but when buildings have built in furnitures(just like takistan buildings) that gives a more lively look to the terrain.

    • Like 1

  5. Wow, I haven't checked cup weapons in a long time and I just have seen all the great new goodies. I see that you have a crane stock now, is an m4a1 with that stock in plans? Unfortunately there's no m4 with such setup in any mod and that's my dream rifle. I can help with some weapon camo textures in return(not trying to insult current painted weapons but some of them are a bit sloppy)

  6. 15 minutes ago, Siege-A said:

    Here's another WIP photo batch for you guys. First up with the MBAV model by Cunico/Warden, which Sabre has been doing some top-quality textures 

    Will we see shoulder pads on it? It's a small detail and probably won't worth spending time but I'm a sucker for that old ranger setup

    • Like 1

  7. 8 hours ago, McQuade said:


    5. Is this Mod still alive or already Dead like DayZ SA?


    This is Hurkus-C - Looks like that Turkish aviation solves their Heavy Attack Helicopter/Gunship problem instead of a AH-64/Mi-28/KA-52 with Fixed Wing - an model of this would also fill the Gap of missing CAS Plane like A-10/Yak-130.


    this mod is dead and hürkuş is not made to fill attack helicopter role. ah1ws are being replaced with t-129 atak, a heavily modified version of italian a-129 as far as I know

  8. 1 hour ago, Eduardo Argimon said:

    Guys been looking many pictures of the rangers online using a plate carrier with a ESAPI shaped front plate panel, differently from the AVS/CPC that has a squared front plate panel, or the MBAV and CIRAS that has a MBAV/SPEAR front plate panel...

    Sticking to this fact and some pics of the back panel looking strikingly familiar I'm guessing that is an LBT 6094... Can anyone confirm this information for me?

    Even if it's not used anymore

    Rangers use eagle mmac too as I know

    • Like 1

  9. I just've tried new update and the mich2000s are awesome! I've been waiting for great helmets like these since one of the game updates broke av_indus mod(which also had nice mich2000s). I hope you add more variations in the future. Btw there's a little bug on mich2001, there're 2 ms2000s at same spot




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  10. 13 minutes ago, soul_assassin said:

    Upon request of the author, ACU retextures and modification are not allowed. You cannot release this version to the public.

    Damn, really? I released first version of my mod months ago and I'm truly sorry for that. I thought RHS content was allowed to be retextured with proper credits. Taking it down now, I should've asked first

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2

  11. I think acu is too shiny. It doesn't make too much difference on ucp but I retextured acus and shine is more obvious on  darker camouflage patterns. To solve that, I added rvmats to my mod(haven't released that version yet) and changed only specular maps.

    Before and after:




    Specular map that I used:



    Now my questions are; will you change that smdi, and if you won't, can I update my mod with new rvmats?

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