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Everything posted by Stekelenburg

  1. Stekelenburg

    Altis Airshow 2014

    I maybe got a good idea for the Airshow texture of the L-195. What about the NATO flag? A blue L-159 with on the bottom and top the NATO logo star thingy
  2. Stekelenburg

    Altis Airshow 2014

    Sure, that's no problem
  3. Stekelenburg

    Altis Airshow 2014

    Yeah, maybe you're right. If someone has good ideas for the texture, let me know! [AW] Sweet, I'm thinking about an insertion demo with Chinooks, Jets and Attack Helicopters. If you like, you can join!
  4. Stekelenburg

    Altis Airshow 2014

    The L-159 will have 2 versions, one with the normal L-195 texture (https://www.google.nl/search?q=L-159&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=RIjvU4n_LcSl0QWk5IGgBg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=673#q=L-159&tbm=isch&imgdii=_) and a special airshow texture (https://www.google.nl/search?q=L-159&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=RIjvU4n_LcSl0QWk5IGgBg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=673#q=orange+f16+demoteam&tbm=isch&imgdii=_) Can you do that? And shall I make a thread at the ArmA 3 Addons & Mods - WIP thread?
  5. Stekelenburg

    Altis Airshow 2014

    I think Air Show smoke on the jets would be very, very cool! Maybe we also need addons because the lack of different heli's, jets and no transport aircraft. Then we should make 1 big folder of all the addons, so it's easy to download for everyone. And it will be nice to have 1 side faction with everything we need for the Airshow. Edit It would be cool to make an Airshow mod - Retextured L-159 (A-143) with Airshow smoke and maybe an Afterburner script? - Airshow template of the main Altis Airport - Advanced pilot units - Maybe a collection of other aircraft addons (F/A 18, C-130J, Chinook etc.) - Many more
  6. Stekelenburg

    How much Arma have you played?

    I think 400, 25% in the editor, 60% MP and 15% SP
  7. The F/A 18X looks damn good! Hope it will have some high-tech features and maybe a cockpit like the F35?
  8. Stekelenburg

    ArmA III Crash - Keeps Crashing ~ 30Minutes

    Me to, it's so annoying, I was flying a Blackfoot with my mate and suddenly there was d3d error - dxgi_error_device-removed, we both died.....
  9. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    All missions are available on steam, I will take a look how to make one big file of all these missions
  10. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Version 1.0 is released now!
  11. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    I'm back again from a vacation, this time I went 1 week on a boat. I hadn't enough time to upload the 12th mission, so that will be probably tommorow. Sorry for all the time it takes, but I'm very busy last weeks.
  12. Hello, i'm working on my first addon: The MQ-185 ''Spectre II" UCAV It's a fictional, but realistic fixed-wing drone with a mobile ground station. It will look like a bigger and more stealthy MQ-9. Pictures coming soon! Please let me know what you think about this addon. Greets, Stekelenburg Block I: MQ-185A: -CTOL -25mm and 40mm cannon -2 AIM-9X -2 GBU-12 LGB MQ-185B: -CATOBAR (Carrier Version) -4 AGM-65 -2 AIM-9X -2 GBU-12 LGB -Tailhook -Foldable Wings -Smaller fuselage and bigger wings then MQ-185A In the future I will probably a service menu so you can equip weapons at your self Here are some blueprint pictures I made 2 months ago: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10006927_1501990690022282_3122101266917253711_n.jpg?oh=ad2a7d1266bb0ba7f546fbf09488cdc8&oe=5362435B&__gda__=1398962976_0ec544adc930d90b25c3be34dd439a0b
  13. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Mission 12 is ready to release, but everytime I try I get an error message. So I will try again tommorow.
  14. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Internet is fixed, now I have to wait till ArmA 3 has updated. Mission 12 will be online today, not sure about mission 11, I don't like that mission very much....
  15. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Well, I got a problem. I don't have internet on the computer where I play ArmA 3 on. So the last missions have to wait till the problem is solved...
  16. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Back from vacation! I'm busy with a new track, so I hope I can release the last 2 missions tommorow
  17. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Published the missions 8 to 10. I hope you enjoy it! I will spawn by every begin of a mission (Except ''Death from Above'' and ''Wet Work'') a crate with optics and by that sniper/marksman mission a weapon crate
  18. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Again thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoy it! Unfortunally I'm going on vacation this day (well, unfortunally... i like it!) so I can't work on the missions. I'm back on the 18th and I hope to release the full campaign around the beginning of August. I will publish the other missions on Steam when I'm back of getting my Write-up (I believe that's called Write-up) on school.
  19. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Updated the first 2 missions and published mission 6 and 7 on steam. Keep a look at the front page, I update everything there
  20. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm gonna take a look at it
  21. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    I will publish the rest of the missions on Steam tomorrow
  22. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Mission 1: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283520457&searchtext=MARSOF Mission 2: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283521439&searchtext=MARSOF Mission 3: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283521888&searchtext=MARSOF Mission 4: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283522273&searchtext=MARSOF Mission 5: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283522614&searchtext=MARSOF
  23. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    I will contact him ASAP. The missions I made so for will be published on steam about 3 hours, just for the tests. You will need the Dutch MARSOF mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23599 and since the new update R3F French weapon pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20128 and CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767
  24. Stekelenburg

    Dutch MARSOF Campaign

    Sure, could you PM me and explain how to export the campaign to you and Armaholic etc, I only know how to export my missions on steam. The missions aren't very detailted with triggers, modules, etc. Because I don't know how to do everything, but so far the gameplay is pretty nice!
  25. Stekelenburg

    NLMARSOF V2.185

    Oh I didn't red it. btw FullerPJ of the United States Airforce mod is busy with a F-16 and F-35. I believe all of his planes have seperate folders or how you call it, so maybe it's possible to put them in this mod. They don't really have to be reskinned. It would be very cool if this mod also had some jets!