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  1. Nakroma

    TAW View Distance Script

    Doesn't work for me anymore, even the mission given within doesnt work. Not even on my dedicated server.
  2. Wow. That really solved it. The FPS drop is vanished AND (fantatisc shit) I have constant 40 FPS, even on high settings. Before I had like 15 FPS on low settings.
  3. @Furret I already did that. My startup line is like this(increased the length it need to happen, but still doesnt prevent it): Also that happens EVERYTIME I play Altis. For example when I play a custom mission or just drive around in empty Altis with a car, that happens after 10-20 minutes. @Nunu Basto Yeah I'll try that and install a 64 bit system (according to this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169012-Sudden-FPS-Drop-after-30-60-Minutes-Issue-Solution) But I wanted to try if its something else before. Gonna do that in a week, when I have time. :/
  4. I just ran memtest, no problems :/ I should mention every other game runs fine and Stratis too.
  5. Hey, I have this problem. Everytime I play, every type of mission (I tried it with just a car and me in editor, Altis Life, a custom mission and King of the Hill), i can play maybe for 10 to 20 minutes, and then suddenly I get an huge FPS drop and suddenly my FPS, who before were at ~25 are now at 2 to 5. For me, that screams that something overheats. But it doesn't. I cleaned my PC, checked that all coolers are working and with a third party programm I checked if my CPU or GPU overheats, but no. They are both stable at ~40°C when I get this type of thing. The funny thign is, as soon as I restart ArmA it goes away and I can play again. Yes I disabled VSync. My drivers are the newest version. I tried that stuff with -cpuCount -maxvram etc. already, but that just improves the FPS in general, doesn't fix the problem though. I should mention that this is Altis only. On Stratis I can play hours. Any help with this? It is really annoying, because I basicly can't play anything expect for Stratis stuff... which is basicly not much out there. Please :| Lg
  6. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Instructions_.28Windows_o.2Fs.29 I used this tutorial, so I probably downloaded the client install. How can I install the other package?
  7. Oh man that actually worked. Thank you :)
  8. Hello, I just installed an Arma 3 Server on my Windows Server 2008 R2 via steamcmd (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Instructions_.28Windows_o.2Fs.29) Everything was okey etc. until I try to start the arma3server.exe via shortcut, then this pops up: The programm can't start because XAPOFX1_5.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the programm to fix this problem. Now I'm aware (all mighty google) that this is a DirectX problem, but I have DirectX 11 installed (100% confirmed per dxdiag). Anyone know what to do :/? Lg
  9. Nakroma

    =BTC= Revive

    Works for me. Can you put in an option that revives uses one of your lifes and also something that when you get hit "fataly" (eg headshot, grenade) you are dead without possibility to revive :3?