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About akievans

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  1. Hello ;) I'm currently working on Weapon jam scrip. I don't like ACE2 jam system and i want make script that allow to jam every weapon in game with some randomness. So my first attempt is easy with event handler and "FIRED" but there is problem. EH works globally so every time someone shoot, script runs on all clients and it's possible to block weapon for other players... jam = this addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this execvm "jamr.sqf"}]; jamr.sqf //jam = this addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this execvm "jamr.sqf"}] _unit = _this select 0; if ( vehicle player != player ) exitwith { hint "Player is in a vehicle"; }; _rngtarget = 1; _rngmax = 300; jam = true; _rnggo = floor random _rngmax; //debug hint format["%1 , %2",rngtarget,_rnggo]; //-------------------------------------------// if (rngtarget == _rnggo ) then { hint "JAM"; _unit addWeapon "ace_safe"; _unit selectWeapon "ace_safe"; _genAct = _unit addAction ["UNJAM", "unjam.sqf"]; while {jam} do { _unit addWeapon "ace_safe"; _unit selectWeapon "ace_safe"; sleep 2; }; }; unjam.sqf _gen = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _caller playActionNow "reloadMagazine"; sleep 2; _caller setVariable ["JAM", 0]; _gen removeAction _id Now i don't have any idea how to check if player shoot and make run this script on shooting player client ;/
  2. Hi Last days i was working on mission for A2 with DAC and i use AI Respawn with camps on 4 zones. 2 zone are use for wave attack on city and 2 others are just some traps with wave reinforcements. All work fine but today i realized that AI Respawn spawn units in camp that don't support that zone. In Readme is written that if i use Linked zone with camp+respawn i need Disable Global Spawn but when i set that number to 1 = disable (?) it's stop respown unit just not working :( Is there any solution to this problem? Here are zones with camps: fun = ["z1",[50,0,0],[1,5,20,5],[],[],[],[0,2,1,11,1]] spawn DAC_Zone fun = ["s1",[1,0,0],[],[],[],[1,0,50,0,100,2,[z1]],[0,2,0,11,1]] spawn DAC_Zone; fun = ["O1",[40,1,0],[3,3,3,3],[],[],[],[0,2,1,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone fun = ["s2",[3,0,0],[],[],[],[1,2,50,0,100,50,[O1]],[0,2,1,11,1]] spawn DAC_Zone DAC_AI_Spawn = [[5,10,0],[10,5,15],1,120,250,1] and sorry for my English :(