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About MrBlizzard

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  1. Good afternoon fellow Armaholics, Since leaving a very large gaming community around a year ago I have lost touch with many of the people I have enjoyed playing ARMA with. There is a small group of us left that still enjoy playing Co-Op vs AI custom missions that I create and edit. We are a very informal non-dedicated group of friends that enjoy the game and don't require any type of application process or clan affiliation. The reason for my post is more or less to find a few like minded individuals who would be interested in joining us once or twice a week to play my custom missions. Typically they involve 1 or 2 fire teams and 1 pilot flying support and CAS missions. If you are interested let me know via this thread and we can group up and have a chat ! We only use a few mods found on the workshop which is obviously extremely easy to use. Thanks !! -CdnSpecialist PS - I'm Canadian eh ?