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About Docattak

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    Private First Class
  1. This works fine except that if I am close they come and look for me lol - not time to sort that out until tomorrow. Good to watch them drive along in various vehicles, stop, get out, wait for each other and then run off to the Resistance HQ lol - all from one call! hint "Returning to base!"; _units = _this select 1; {_x domove getmarkerpos "SHA_Park"} foreach _units; _all_ready = false; while {!_all_ready} do { _all_ready = true; {if ((alive _x)&&(!unitready _x)) then {_all_ready = false;}; } foreach _units; sleep 1; }; hint "All Units Ready"; {commandGetOut _x} foreach _units; sleep 3; {_x domove getmarkerpos "ResHQ"} foreach _units; //needs a second alive check Many thanks for all your help F2k Sel - as you may have guessed I'm a programmer who has just found Arma 2 (still using windows XP SP3 so can't use Arma 3 - also my love is WWII) - I'm from UK as well :)
  2. Thanks, that works perfectly. I was almost there except that I got the selectedgroup inside the move.sqf file (where you have _units = ...) - it didn't seem to get what it needed from that - this way the selectedgroup is passed as a parameter into move.sqf and all is well. One more thing if you have the time F2k Sel : My original aim was: do a domove to "carparkHQ" disembark (if in a vehicle, probably doesn't matter if it isn't) do a domove to "ResHQ" EDIT: Just got this sorted I think - but need to go out - will post solution later tonight!!! Is this possible? Thanks for your time, mate, very much appreciated.
  3. Thanks again F2k Sel - I've sorted out the custom menu techniques, adding to the normal menu system and standalone - unfortunately _selectedUnits = groupSelectedUnits player; {_x domove getmarkerpos "ResHQ"} foreach _selectedUnits; does not seem to work. I tested it in the original scenario (no custom menus etc.) . I then put it into a custom menu, the original code works but this doesn't. I've checked the syntax and all seems ok. k0rd : that's the idea :) I want to be able to sent guys back to base with captured vehicles for example. Also to get them all at the base where they can change things (for the random developing story line) - but I want them to travel there from various places, sometimes leaving some guys behind etc.
  4. Many thanks F2k Sel - works perfectly:) Is there any way I can select some of my men in the usual way when commanding them and then give the order from the order menu and only the selected ones return to base? It would seem that an 'if' statement inside the {} of the solution F2k Sel provided should do the trick but I don't know what the condition is for finding those members of the group which have been selected :) Just tried this, but obviously if I select a member of the group I can't get the action to show without the selection of the member being cancelled. I need my added action to be showing in one of the normal menus and don't know how to do that! Currently my added action just shows on its own! _selectedUnits = groupSelectedUnits player; {_x domove getmarkerpos "ResHQ"} foreach units _selectedUnits; hint "Return to base!";
  5. I am the player leader a group (grp1). I have a base with a marker (ResHQ). I want to add an action (with text "Return to base") that will appear in my action list - when selected it will make all of my group return to the marker. my player init code: grp1 = group this; this addAction["Return to base","backtobase.sqf"]; backtobase.sqf code: grp1 doMove (getMarkerPos "ResHQ"); hint "Return to base!";//used as check that code has got to here also tried backtobase.sqf code: _mywp = grp1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "ResHQ", 10]; _mywp setCurrentWaypoint [_mywp, 1]; _mywp setWaypointType "MOVE"; hint "Return to base!";//used as check that code has got to here I get my "Return to base message" but the guys look at me as though I'm barmy and stand still! Any suggestions gratefully received, whether t works just for the whole group or for the guys I select.
  6. Thanks CMajor28 - works great - still got camo to sort but just what I needed - I was using all the right things but not in the right order lol!
  7. Is It Possible To Only Get Friendly AI's Name When Hover Over Him? Usually you get : Pete Kuli Sgt Pete Kuli Engineer I just want to get Pete Kuli and not the other 2 lines! Cheers Docattak
  8. Thanks for the replies. I've tried using setIdentity in the unit's init and also in the Description.ext file. CMajor28, please show me what you suggest for these. Many thanks.
  9. OK, I've spent several days trying out everything I can find on every forum I can find + Youtube!!! Many Posts sound as though they should solve my problems until I try them and most have people saying 'works great' or 'doesn't work'!!! [1] I want to change the name seen on AI when cursor hovers over it [2] I want to change the face of AI [3] I want to change the camo on the face of AI [4] I want to know about other things that can be changed I've tried setName, setFace and all similar things, found all the correct classifications Face07_camo2 etc. etc. etc. well past 10 hours of trying :( I'm quite happy if I can just spawn a Unit/Group and define those things in the code (looked that up all over the place as well!) Again I've found lots of example code which don't work for me (yes I do know where to put them lol), others also say they don't work. ANY answers that work will be a start. I will test them and reply here for other people's info. Thanks
  10. I've looked everywhere for info on this, including the excellent link below : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?78235-How-to-get-an-Evidence-file&highlight=evidence I am trying to do several different things, solutions/ideas for any of them would be welcome: [1] - the Player picks up evidence/object and puts it in his bag - the evidence/object is no longer visible - the player later passes the evidence/object to an AI - after certain circumstances have occured the evidence/object disappears from the game altogether e.g. policeman finds and bags evidence, gives it to forensics guys to examine, later gets a report (evidence/object no longer needed physically in game) - I can do all of the programming stuff, it's the handling of the evidence that is the problem. [2] - the same as the above except both the policeman and the forensics guy are AI I'll leave [3] and [4] for now, help with the above might solve them as well and it keeps this post simpler. Many thanks
  11. I have a group _grp It has 2 waypoints - the first is a "HOLD", the second is a "MOVE" This has been set up via the Editor (and NOT the sqf script!) The group gets into "Hold" mode and I want it to stay there until various things have happened (controlled by my sqf file). I want code for inclusion in my sqf file that will make my group perform the "MOVE" waypoint. PLEASE don't suggest triggers etc. - I know how to do that - I need code for the sqf file. I've tried _grp setCurrentWaypoint [_grp,1] passing _grp as a parameter - it didn't work :( Thanks in advance :)
  12. How Can I Script AI To Get Out Of Trenches? How do I get AI to climb out when the trigger goes "CHARGE!"? It's interesting trying to get the code to get AI to do various things. I'm using the trenches in I44 Objects and "Empty Objects (Training) Wooden Ramp', but don't mind if other trenches are suggested that will work. As 'Player' I can walk out easily using the 'Ramp'. EDIT : now using 'Empty Objects (Training) Obstacle Bridge' instead of 'Ramp' - more obvious - but still AI runs up it and then across it and down the other side instead of the obvious path out of the trench when at the top! Cheers
  13. Thanks Joe, checked this out with various and works fine - more knowledge and ideas - as an experienced programmer, having done loads of IL2 game programming (very similar), but a noob to Arma 2. The more ideas/info/examples I can get the quicker I will be useful to myself and others :) Cheers mate!
  14. Yes please, Joe - anything to get me started - meanwhile if anyone has a solution to the original idea please let me know :)
  15. Hi After many many hours in the past 4 days searching various forums and youtube vids I confess to being no further forward! AIM: 1 BLUFOR Mortar (I44 British Army ML 3in Mortar) - mortar1 1 OPFOR MG Nest (I44 GE Heer MG42 Nest) - arty1 1 Marker - marker1 (if needed!) 1 trigger - trig1 (if needed!) arty1 is inside marker1 if necessary! If arty1 is alive AND no BLUFOR units are alive close to arty1, I want mortar1 to fire on arty1 (within, say, a 30m radius). I don't want an artillery mod, as I want to expand this situation via scripting myself. I've tried so many ways including putting arty1 inside trigger, writing sqf files, init code, on act. code etc. etc. - nothing results in the mortar firing at the MG nest! Any help much appreciated :)