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Everything posted by Ruwe

  1. Thanks for being awesome and answering questions! Really enjoy the missions and appreciate you taking the time to build and keep up with these!
  2. Just put the xmed module down. It works fine that way. What do you mean remove units appearing on the map? Friendly units? Turn up the server difficulty. Enemy units? Same thing. If you are talking about random patrols spawning, just turn off ground patrols in the parameters. Which server side options specifically are you trying to change? Most everything is adjustable under the parameters in the lobby before you start the mission.
  3. An additional slider option for types of units would be pretty slick. Of course I have no idea how much work that would entail. I am assuming quite a bit though....
  4. Hi Astrell! Thanks for offering to help! So, I'm not 100% sure on my version of xmed. I guess just work off of the assumption that I am using the latest across the board. This is my server config, which should go into the userconfig folder in the dedicated server correct? And this will push the limitations to the clients who connect to my server? I would also like to enable true death on head shots and too much damage, but have not dug into those yet. What modules should be placed on the map for these limitations to work? Do I need to sync these modules with the class I am adding the limitations too? (which if I add the limitation of 'using' the equipment, should prevent all other classes from being able to use? I think I read that correctly in the devReadMe) Thank you for any help you can give on this!
  5. Isn't that adjustable in the parameters section of the mission anyway? No need to go into the .hpp file. Just select 'Low' in the parameters when you start the mission, that automatically sets that variable to a 1. The problem we are having is that even on Low, there is just too much armor and vehicles spawned. Unless you want to run as super soldiers, everyone has 7 AT rockets, medic, snipers, you have an extremely hard time completing objectives. For instance, 8 of us ran this this evening on Takistan, we had an 'ambush enemy armored patrol'. (which says ambush in mission description and capture supply convoy in briefing on map.... still haven't gotten this one to complete). We took probably 20+ AT rounds. We ran out of AT before we ran out of targets. This is the same for every mission, not just where we expect to run into armor. I don't like turning off the ground patrols, I really think that they add that little something extra to the missions, but it frustrates quite a few of our members to stay in constant contact with APC's, tanks, Ifrits ect. They wouldn't mind a couple of Ifrits with dismounted patrols and rarely a chance to see a tank. But every mission with all settings on low we run into enough armored contact that you should have a strong platoon at a minimum to complete the objectives. We run about 12 people on average. Does anyone have an idea on how to leave the dismounts in there but remove some of the armor?
  6. Heh, I asked for the same thing about 4 pages back. Only had one person respond. The author couldn't figure out what my question was, and when I clarified, he still didn't answer.... This is the main issue with this mod. It is not setup friendly and there are no clear guides or instructions. Meh, whatever. I'll get it figured out eventually. I've already gone through the code and written a 'Medics Guide' with explanations on the the different stages of healing and value of each in game item ect, it's just a matter of time before I get frustrated and figure out the limitations! Just my .02c, but when you completely rewrite the next version as you were talking about X39, maybe you could find someone to help out, and put in a parameters section for the mission launch were you select your limitations and healing values ect. Similar to invade and annex and patrol ops for AI, except do it for the medical system. Just a suggestion, no idea how much work that entails!
  7. A couple of things. Make sure that you are placing the correct module (the base module I think...) then make sure that your key binds for custom action 1 and 2 are single key binds. IE don't try to use ALT + .... or SHIFT + .... or CTRL + .... Otherwise thats it.. If the addon is enabled, you place the xmed module on the map, your keybind for yourself (custom 1) should open an interaction menu. Then you have to place down the ammo crate with the supplies in it.
  8. Hi, sorry, you picked that post up right in the middle of a conversation, probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. I was asking if anyone could show how to do exactly what you described. Set limitations properly, so only medic can use medi kits, blood bags. If a unit is too damaged they require medivac ect. I can't seem to figure it out. I'm pretty new to editing so having a rough time, I've found most of the information, I just am not sure how or where to put it.
  9. Hi! First off, thank you for all the time and effort you've put into this mission! I have a question on the latest release. I am not a scripter, so if you could break down the answer barney style I would appreciate it! VAS, I love the new VAS system, it seems to load way faster, not sure if that was deliberate, or just that PO runs smoother now... I just have one question. How can I set the VAS in PO 3.1 to look at my default save? It appears that this mission is generating it's own save location and I have been unable to find it so far. We swap back and forth between missions and game modes, it is nice to just be able to call up our saved loadouts. It keeps people from playing Barbie Doll for 30 minutes!!! Thanks for any help! EDIT: So I think I see what was done. Basically the slots inside of the save file have been renamed? "PO3_VAS_gearSlot_%1_%2_%3",side player, player getVariable ["PO3_VAR_roleAttribute","Rifleman" instead of "vas_gear_new_%1",_slot which is creating a whole new set of saved slots in the vas user profile in /user/documents? So now I guess I should update my question.... Which files have been modified? Would it be easier to just strip VAS and load it back in from scratch or edit these files?
  10. Ruwe

    C-130J Port Release

    I can confirm that Lala has had us helping him test out his script for loading cargo, vehicles and whatnot. It's pretty awesome to see the vehicles and supply drops come parachuting down.
  11. Huh. I just place the actual Xmed module in the mission, then load up the game. From what I understood from reading through the read me and looking at the sample mission, the limitations module is for using the AI, which I have no desire to do, they kill me enough without being able to heal themselves! I don't mess with anything. Default for me is all players can use every option. Is this maybe what you have to do once you start using the server config? As of now each user has their own config, I have no server config being pushed. I actually think that I am running an older version. I have a MedSysConfig.hpp in my userconfig folder. Here is what it says: /* * See * http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ListOfKeyCodes * for the available keycodes * * Please stay with the datatypes! Meaning that even if its possible to enter an integer for a boolean just * DONT DO IT! Its bad style... (also its harder to read) * * ---Using actionKeys--- * Action keys are keys which you can set ingame * (For example "Next Target" or "Custom User key 1") * through a implementation limitation you only can give them single key activation * ('A' instead of for example 'CTRL + A') * */ class x39_settings { class general { outputMessagesAsHint = true; //Output XMedSys messages as hint outputMessagesAsSystemMessage = false; //Output XMedSys messages as systemChat message enableOnAllMissions = false; //Force XMedSys to be enabled clientside (!WARNING! Cant be prevented by missions!) }; class overlay { refreshRate = 1; //Overlay refreshRate in seconds (can increase performance if set to higher values) transparency = 1; //Manipulates overlay transparency (does not includes the total screen overlay! Only the icons) enableCamShake = true; //if enabled, your cam will shake when you have taken a hit class bleeding{ //Options for the blood status pic. Usualy you can leave this like it is shipped bloodPic1 = 1; //Needed blood for the first blood pic in % (max value 1 min value 0) bloodPic2 = 0.8; //Needed blood for the second blood pic in % (max value 1 min value 0) bloodPic3 = 0.6; //Needed blood for the third blood pic in % (max value 1 min value 0) bloodPic4 = 0.4; //Needed blood for the fourth blood pic in % (max value 1 min value 0) bloodPic5 = 0.2; //Needed blood for the fifth blood pic in % (max value 1 min value 0) }; AllowHealthView = true; //Local settings are only effective if the server is not forcing false! AllowBoodView = true; //Local settings are only effective if the server is not forcing false! AllowLegView = true; //Local settings are only effective if the server is not forcing false! AllowTourniquetView = true; //Local settings are only effective if the server is not forcing false! AllowMorphineView = true; //Local settings are only effective if the server is not forcing false! }; class keys { class Key1 { Name = "Self interaction Menu"; //Name of the key (currently no use) Description = "The menu for self diagnostic etc."; //Description of the key (currently no use) key = 211; //Key code of the key you want to use press_ctrl = false; //if ctrl should be pressed with the key press_alt = false; //if alt should be pressed with the key press_shift = false; //if shift should be pressed with the key useActionKey = true; //if true the upper part will be ignored and the ArmA 3 internal actionKey will be used actionKey = "User1"; //ActionKey to use (you can find the default value at 'Custom controls') }; class Key2 { Name = "Others interaction Menu"; //Name of the key (currently no use) Description = "The menu to create diagnostics of other people etc."; //Description of the key (currently no use) key = 210; //Key code of the key you want to use press_ctrl = false; //if ctrl should be pressed with the key press_alt = false; //if alt should be pressed with the key press_shift = false; //if shift should be pressed with the key useActionKey = true; //if true the upper part will be ignored and the ArmA 3 internal actionKey will be used actionKey = "User2"; //ActionKey to use (you can find the default value at 'Custom controls') }; }; };
  12. That would be awesome Pellejones! Serjames, yeah, I copied what you posted and I'm going to try to edit it and see what I can some up with. Right now we are just playing with the default setup. It's possible some of the Operation Titan guys already have a server config that they are using. Since most of this is so my unit can participate (and be trained prior too...) I'll get with them as well. I appreciate any help you guys give! And sorry for the long delays in my responses. I'm still under suspicion and have to have a mod clear my posts until I pass 5... :p
  13. Thanks for throwing that up! I looked through the wiki, and the comments, and the devlog in the download, the problem is that there is quite a bit in there that I am not understanding, I just don't have the background knowledge. So since I am in over my head already... I figured the best way to learn to swim is to jump in the deep end! For instance, in the wiki, I don't see how to setup limitations. And once I figure that out. Now how do I setup limitations to be pushed server to client side. A working example helps, then I can pick it apart, see what breaks when I change stuff in it. With no working example to play with, I just start broken :butbut: I saw the posts on setting up limitations earlier, but those were written by someone who knows what they are doing, for someone who knows what they are doing.... I'm a reasonably intelligent guy.. but I have Zero experience with mods, scripting ect. So I am at the very bottom of the bell curve!
  14. Hi X39, First off, thanks for making such a cool mod! We enabled the mod just using the module in game to test it out. Let me tell you, that was the first time that I thought I might enjoy the medic role again!!! There are a couple of us researching this, and we've been looking for a couple of days. Our largest problem is not understanding much of what has been written on the system currently. Is there a way that a community member could write a "X39 MedSys for Dummies" guide? I fully realize that all of the information has been provided somewhere. Finding it has been a chore, and for people (like myself) who are not scripters, what is available is cryptic. I understand that variables should be placed inside the server config file? Then this config file goes into the userconfig folder in the dedicated server correct? I think quite a few questions would stop showing up if we had a resource to look at that includes a full sample of a setup with limitations ect. I realize that you probably don't have the time to do that. Maybe someone in the community could write it up and send it to you to post on your wiki? Something like: ***Server.cfg*** //This config file will give a default setup for a typical setup //All Players can bandage and apply tourniquets //Only medics can blood bag, use medic bags and revive //Copy paste this into your server.cfg then place this file into the userconfig folder under your Arma 3 directory {A whole bunch of code and variables that I am still trying to learn about [even more stuff that I don't understand] } X39_MedSys_var_Pain_Blur = false; ect ect. It's just a thought. Then when someone (like me) asks a stupid question you can simply cut and paste the webpage link Me - "Hey X39 I can't get limitations to work!" You - go to here: X39wiki.com/IDIOTS_GUIDE_TO_SETUP_FILES I think initially it would take a bit of time, but in the long run who knows how much time you would save instead of answering every persons questions individually! And if that's not possible, could I get someone to post up a server config that works for them? So I can look at a functional .cfg setup and learn how to modify it for our needs? Thanks again for taking the time to make such a in depth modular system!!!