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Everything posted by stonie01333

  1. Hey guys..been messing about in editor again..got sector control modules sussed, but for the life of me cant figure out how to set up for a TDM scenario..Any info much appreciated :(
  2. stonie01333

    TDM Possible with modules in editor?

    Its really the scoring, winners/loosers part that im stuck on..How to set it up on a countdown or score limit.
  3. stonie01333

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys posted again as no reply. We seem to be the only ones getting this problem .Managed to get 0.3.5 working on our server..well sort of..when its just the squads its fine..when i add vehicles it gives me an error (you cannot play/edit this mission it is dependent on downloadable content that had been deleted .usrf_sound)..Have re-uploaded the mod to server from scratch but still no joy and still getting a similar message Any thoughts please much appreciated
  4. stonie01333

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys..managed to get 0.3.5 working on our server..well sort of..when its just the squads its fine..when i add vehicles it gives me an error (you cannot play/edit this mission it is dependent on downloadable content that had been deleted .usrf_sound) Any thoughts where iv,e went wrong :(
  5. stonie01333

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Superb stuff..my love of arma continues..one question tho..cant seem to get our server to run any mission we use it on..is this common?
  6. Hi Guys Ive working on a mission just now with clear areas of opfor tasks, using the modules..My problem is that even tho the tasks show up on preview and private server..when i put it on our clan server the tasks no longer show up.any info would be much appreciated.
  7. stonie01333

    Tasks not showing on server

    Thanks for the info guys..testing it fully tonight..if im having problems i will start studying your link JShock..
  8. stonie01333

    Tasks not showing on server

    heres the setup for tasks trigger(Opfor/once/not present) set task state (assigned) create task (all playable units/task id set/assigned/module position) ...I seem to have it working now on server...the only change i made was to not have the tasks synced to blufor units and instead have the create task set up for all playable units.. :)
  9. stonie01333

    Tasks not showing on server

    yeah but the tasks dont show up at all when its on server..sorry guys im new to this side of editor and not savy enough to script it yet.
  10. stonie01333

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Keys not working for me in keys folder on server...thanks for the info..will move on to something else for now
  11. stonie01333

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    you have been kicked from the game, as soon as i click on server..had same problem with A3MP but found that i needed the key in the right place server side..have also managed to get WarfareThai EX Thai Armed Forces addon working with map pack today on server no problem.
  12. stonie01333

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Hey guys..total info overdose..been editing with the addon but cant get it to work on our rented server..im taking it the key isnt working?..any additional info much appreciated
  13. Is there a way to get the A3 Map pack to work on our rented server for running map pack missions..Last time i tried i had to upload each file 3 at a time and it had taken me hours to get it all on, for it not to work..Any help would be much appreciated
  14. stonie01333

    Chernarus On Server

    Cheers..been editing and running a3mp no probs on server..thanks for the info guys
  15. stonie01333

    You where banned message

    Solved: The ban id's where kept in a config set up area on the server side..Not the ususal battleye locations :) Happy days
  16. Hi Guys.. From time to time a regular random player gets YOU WHERE BANNED message and cant get on our server(Can play on other ones)..Its happened to me in the past and the only work around i found was to re-instal the server which is a pain..Any thoughts on where i should be looking to fix this when it happens? Any info would be much appreciated
  17. stonie01333

    Chernarus On Server

    Got it solved :) First mission made :)
  18. stonie01333

    Chernarus On Server

    Thanks again Savage thats exactly the ones i downloaded :)...Im taking it that alot of scripts dont work with the A3MP..The usual ones i use like TAW and VAS im having to remove
  19. stonie01333

    Chernarus On Server

    Thanks Savage..got it working..i needed to transfer the key that came with the map pack into the key folder on the server..any recommendations what to try out mission wise?
  20. stonie01333

    Chernarus On Server

    got the files across but now we are getting you have been kicked from the game message when trying to connect..this has happened with all missions that use the map pack we have tried including our own edited one
  21. Hi Guys We are running Battlezone Altis mission on our hired server and was wondering if anybody can tell me how or where to access the parameter settings that we can change when we are running it on a private server?? Ok to add to this is it possible to switch off the enemy Ai map marker or run veteran and have our group markers showing?
  22. Hi Im new to scripting and need some info or help setting up a score/ticket system for a TvTvT Sector control mission ive been working on..Ive looked around but to be honest am a little confused at this point. :( Any help would be much appreciated
  23. stonie01333

    New to scripting

    If anybody can have a look at my pbo that would be great. to try and get the win loose scenario set up as my limited knowledge on the scripting is holding the finishing of this mission back..Pm and i will arrange..cheers
  24. stonie01333

    New to scripting

    Now im lost again :(
  25. stonie01333

    New to scripting

    OK heres one for you..how do i set win/loose scenario? that matches the ticket count