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Everything posted by ice_age0815

  1. why do you have to have one that is INDESTRUCT ??
  2. ice_age0815

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    ok that makes sens i was not on the ground was in the air with the AC130 cant wait for the up date
  3. ice_age0815

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    running that mission on a sever so far so when defending town no enemy is showing up
  4. ice_age0815

    Ivory Aircraft

    hmm how do you change weapon layout ? i downloaded 1.77 but there is only an empty read me
  5. ice_age0815

    Ivory Aircraft

    cool new ver. is out have to test them out
  6. ice_age0815

    Ivory Aircraft

    can you tell us what are the biggest changes are gone be ? just asking
  7. ice_age0815

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    nice thank you for the update
  8. ice_age0815

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    hope you dont mind i took it out for now and every thing works fine and added some mods to it to make it more fun for me and some friends
  9. ice_age0815

    Ivory Aircraft

    nice new up date cool steam workshop good idea to
  10. ice_age0815

    Operation FrenchPoint

    nice one of the best mods ever made
  11. ice_age0815

    [WIP] Boeing F15SE Silent Eagle

    looking better and better
  12. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    is peral's A10 gone be part of the usaf mod or is it still its one mod ? just asking
  13. ice_age0815

    Ivory Aircraft

    what is a really cool idea
  14. ice_age0815

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    hi nice missions just played it a little bit and fund some small problems the jump script makes the ruder to the right side act up took the script out to test for my self and with out it it is working fine
  15. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    you guys going to town with you mods nice to see that some of you work together so nicely
  16. ice_age0815


    nice way to show of the tiger lol . nice updates too
  17. ice_age0815

    [WIP] Boeing F15SE Silent Eagle

    good job looking really good
  18. nice work with the cockit looks good
  19. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    good to hear that still cant wait to get my hand on the next up date
  20. ice_age0815

    A-10C for Arma 3

    same here lol
  21. ice_age0815

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    key name is kyo.BIKEY date 9/22/2012
  22. ice_age0815

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    i am running this addon on a sever and have no problem my key is saying it to but have no problem key date is 9/22/2012
  23. ice_age0815

    The Army Combat Uniform Mod

    there look damn good
  24. ice_age0815

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    thanks for the info if you need a beta tester more then willing to help out
  25. ice_age0815

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    you still working on your c17 or you so busy with the f15 at the moment