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Everything posted by ice_age0815

  1. nice mod can think of 100 of mission i can make with that mod
  2. ice_age0815

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    really to bad
  3. ice_age0815

    scenario reccomendation?

    there are tons of good mission out there it is really hard to say if you like to use addons or not that make a big difference to there is one more http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=305297876 USAF Battlezone Altis addons needed for this one same mission with out addons http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=189401599
  4. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    that are some really good news
  5. ice_age0815

    EricJ Release thread

    your weapon pack coming along nice
  6. hi some how every time i try to load a demo mission i get CTD
  7. ice_age0815

    Lifeman's Ford Fusion Sport

    It is fun to drive round
  8. ice_age0815

    Lifeman's Ford Fusion Sport

    really a ford lol but nice work
  9. ice_age0815

    X-Cam prototype map

    realy nice work you guys did there keep it up
  10. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    i think i ask that ones befor and you saying at one point you guys try to find a way to make it work. maybe some script maker will help us out some day how is every thing else going.
  11. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    the ARMA 3 support module is not supporting the AC130U not working with most of the addons. support module Supply drop works transport works
  12. ice_age0815

    EricJ Release thread

    XM SW weapon in arma 3 that can use different mag 100 round and 30 but it only shows the 30 round mag what a bummer
  13. hi every time i try to load you stuff i get CTD
  14. ice_age0815

    EricJ Release thread

    did you got it to work with the different mags ? like the mapfact xm8 ?
  15. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    same here like to now to
  16. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    are you gone put the AFSOC in the fix too? or are there still standalone ?
  17. that is some nice work guys
  18. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    good to know that. the ac130 came a long way.
  19. that is nice that you in the ‎Make Arma Not War‬ contest
  20. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    hi how come that auto pilot circles so far did you chang this your self ? nice video
  21. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    thank you for the update
  22. ice_age0815

    United States Air Force

    here is a mission i am working on still in 90% done still some small things to do but you can play it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309339035 and yes USAF MOD needed