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Everything posted by fett_li

  1. This is so great... Thanks for your help :)
  2. Hey guys, I'm currently working on a script package with many constants. I defined them as macros. Now I'm having trouble with having all these macros available in all files without typing them again. I'd like to have a scriptComponent.hpp in my "functions" folder. Let's say, I have this folder and file hierarchy: functions scriptComponent.hpp folder 1 firstSkript.sqf folder 2 seconSkript.sqf How do I get to include the scriptComponent.hpp in my .sqf files? Any clue? the "../" operator was removed in ArmA 3 allthough I have no idea at all why. Thanks for any advice!
  3. I know that I'll have to include it to all files. But how do I do this, when the file is in a parent folder? That's the problem. I want to include the same file in every other one.
  4. There is an eventhandler for marker placement by curator. But as far as I'm concerned, there is noch such scripting command like curatorAddEditableMarker. So there seems no way to achieve that. Allthough I could imagine that it is possible with some modding.
  5. Sorry, no. Right now I have to work on different things, but I hope I'll soon come back to it.
  6. Thank you for the information! I'll try to sort out what's exactly the problem and try to fix this. Feel free to suggest!
  7. fett_li

    CH View Distance Script

    Okay, Iceman77 a I think, I missused "call". I don't know in which enviroment they are executed, for instance I think you can use sleep, etc. But ArmA is definitely waiting for each postInit function to be terminated which is the point ;-)
  8. fett_li

    CH View Distance Script

    Hi Champ-1, there is an serious issue with CHVD: in your fn_init.sqf you use an endless while-Loop which doesn't terminate. For ArmA is waiting that functions set to postInit=1;, it'll wait until every single postInit function is terminated before carrying on with the next one. As your's doens't terminate, it blocks other functions with postInit = 1; set or even some modules functions (as for me it was the case). Solution? Very simple. Just spawn your while-loop. Kind of like this: [] spawn { while {true} do { _currentVehicle = vehicle player; waitUntil {_currentVehicle != vehicle player}; [] call CHVD_fnc_updateSettings; saveProfileNamespace; }; }; I tested this solution and errors no longer appeared.
  9. @Gerippe: Problem solved. Blame CHVD. I'll contact them about this issue. They use a postInit function which doens't terminate and therefore blocks other postInit functions.
  10. @Gerippe: Thanks for the commendation. I could implement, that only people with tracking device are trackable but what I won't implement is that there are delays between positioning "calculation". I won't do this for two reasons: 1. It's technically more difficult, I know, this sounds odd, but it is the case. I'm quite proud of the simple script design I chose for FatTrack and I won't interfere with this design for something I don't like. 2. And this is the second reasion: I don't like these delays. I know, it's just a question of preference, so I couldn't argue for it, but I just don't like it. Thanks for the hin of incompatibility with CHVD I'll try to fix this as soon as possible. Or track down the bug that might lead to this error. Could you send me you're mission, in which you used FatTrack and it didn't work?
  11. Have you tried it only for AI or for players? Could you send me your mission?
  12. Hey Dwarden, I created a Skype group for german ArmA 3 editors because talking in your native language is just a bit easier. Could you add this group to your list? I could understand if you don't want to do this, because this forum should be international but you'd do me a great favor :)
  13. Updated this thread for better understanding.
  14. in pboProject output says: In File FatTrack\dialog.hpp: Line 437 rap: missing inheritence class(es) Allthough this class is defined. when I load this class jsut above, the error no longer occurs but ArmA crashes on launch because "error member is already defined"... Does anybody know what could cause this error? --- EDIT: Error was found by me. Simple typing error.
  15. So a day later I figured out something more. In my understanding, inheriting configs doens't create a "true" copy of the parents classes but rather adds a reference. And select / count / configClasses don't notice this reference. Thus, they are not noticed by the scripting commands. My workaround is, that I loop through inheritsFrom CONFIG but it would be better for the scripting commands to also work with inherited classes. I opened up a ticket for this: FEEDBACKTRACKER TICKET
  16. Hey guys, while writing some config I stumbled accross following problem: Whenever I create a subclass inheriting from any parent, parents classes are neither noticed by count CONFIG nor can they be accessed via "true" configClasses CONFIG or CONFIG select INDEX. Here is an example. In description.ext write: class parentclass { value = 1; text = "STRING"; }; class myclass : parentclass {}; Now try this: count (missionconfigfile >> "myclass"); // returns 0 "true" configClasses (missionconfigfile >> "myclass"); // returns [] (missionconfigfile >> "myclass") select 0; // will lead into script error Is this intended behaviour? If so: How do I create parents which subclasses are noticed and accessed properly without mentioning them in the inheritings process (such as: class display : mydisplay { class controls : controls {}; }; or stuff like that)? Thanks for your time!
  17. Hey guys, I'm currently working on a blufor tracking and enemy marking system based on drawIcon. But I have some questions: drawIcon seems to save the path to the array which defines the icon in question. I'm am able to to generate an unlimited amount of icons for on the map by saving icon-defining arrays in a big array and then looping this array. Kind of: _iconArray = missionnamespace getVariable ["myGlobalIconArray",[]]; if (count _iconArray == 0) exitWith {}; { _pos = _x select 2; _pos = visibleposition _x; _x set [2,_pos]; _map drawIcon _x; } forEach _iconArray; Let's assume that _x select 2 is an object. What I want is that I get the position of the object stored in _x select 2 and then store it privately in _x select 2 to draw the icon at that position. Which should be possible for _iconArray being a local variable. But the result is following: _x select 2 will be set globaly visibleposition _pos, leading to the problem that for the next frame when the ui eventhandler "draw" is called, there is a position and no object as _x select 2. This is not so problematic in this case, there are easy workarounds but in some point I'm not able to generate a simple workaround for this problem. What I'm wondering about the most is that BIS was able NOT to store variables globaly in their arrays for drawIcon which you can see in the file \a3\modules_f\strategicmap\functions\fn_moduleStrategicMapORBAT.sqf ... So there must be a way to store arrays for drawIcon localy. I'd be glad if someone understands my problem, I hope it's not to "german" what i wrote. And Karel Moricky, if you read this, I'd be very glad for a reply, even if you don't know, what I'm meaning... Maybe I could clarify it in any way. Thanks for your time! ---------- Post added at 20:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ---------- To clarify my first post: This was a protoype of code for my idea of a blufor tracking system, and it worked: BFT_drawIcons = [[{position player},[],[ 'iconStaticMG', [1,0,0,1], [0,0,0], 24, 24, 0, 'Player Vehicle', 1, 0.03, 'PuristaLight', 'right' ]]]; disableSerialization; (finddisplay 12 displayctrl 51) ctrladdeventhandler ["draw",{ _icons = missionnamespace getvariable "BFT_drawIcons"; { _posCode = _x select 0; _objs = _x select 2; _iconParams = _x select 1; _iconParams set [2,(call _posCode)]; _this select 0 drawIcon _iconParams; } forEach _icons; _bool = (missionnamespace getvariable "BFT_drawIcons") isEqualTo _icons; // _bool will be true }]; Why is _bool true?! It shouldn't! ---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ---------- Problem solved! The problem was that I didn't know how arrays are declared. I was not aware of the fact, that setting array1 = array2 makes array1 an address to array2. I solved my problem with _icons = +(missionnamespace getvariable "bft_drawicons");.
  18. Hey guys, as some of you might know: the BIS standard variables are very low for refueling and rearming. I found that very annoying. You needed one truck for one tank to be rearmed. So I just made a little .pbo in which these variables are updated so you have way more fuel and ammo capacity in your trucks. Maybe someone else will find that usefull :) This .pbo is very simpel so it shouldn't clash with any other mod. Just move the folder into your arma 3 main folder and include it like any other mod. Have fun and a nice day! Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63428639/%40FETT_redefineTransport.rar
  19. Hey guys, a mate of mine just created two missions which both suffer from the same issue: Both missions do have a briefingname given in the editor but for both missions this name doesn't show up in server mission selection. In the mission selection only the file name is shown. Did anybody experience something similar with their missions? I've never seen this issue before. I'd not like to publish the mission in here but maybe someone can help me anyways. Best regards, [W] Fett_Li
  20. I repeat: The briefingname is set ;) I checked it in the mission.sqm.
  21. Hey guys, I'm new to .fsm scripting but not new to scripting. When I tried to link a state to itself in the FSM Editor I get an error during compilation which is: "Error: there is unspecified condition between two states!" This is what I'm trying to do... Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong because in this BIS wiki article it says that it's possible to link states to themselfe? Best regards, [W] Fett_Li
  22. I used the scriptedFSM.cfg. And I'm using the BIS FSM Editor.
  23. @5133p39: There's realy nothing special in the FSM source because it's just a .bifsm file (remember: the compiling crashed). You can just reproduce this error just by creating a state and linking it to itself, as you can see in my first post. There has to be something you can add which I don't see. Or it's just impossible. @IndeedPete: Thanks for the advice, I did that, but I'd be cool to know how to enable this feature properly.
  24. For everybody else: I just answered cpt_keys' private message :)