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Everything posted by TheGent

  1. TheGent

    N-B U.S.M.C Project

    It would probably be better to remove them from the dependencies altogether and let people choose to use a weapon pack of their choice.
  2. TheGent


    Please no. Keep them separate unless they are directly related to one another. It makes a decent update system like playwithSIX go awry when you have to remove certain modules every time you get an update. That and getting people properly configured to your server without a SIX custom repository becomes a 20 step checklist.
  3. TheGent

    EricJ Release thread

    EDIT ignore this post
  4. It's still a bug and he is right to report it. He's not being aggressive about it. It doesn't matter whether or not it's likely to happen, it shouldn't happen, therefore it's a bug and should be reported, end of story. Now go calm yourself.
  5. TheGent


    While you're right, and it should be known that it's not a great idea to use these in-game yet, it's not like Spartan/lukrop can't do the ballistics modeling and somebody later on can come along and make scopes to match, so it's not like this is a complete waste of time. But... on that thought, I have some questions. Does the default ranging system (PgUp/PgDown) somehow compensate for these new ballistics automatically? And, to be accurate, we would need different scopes for each calibre, right? I sure do hope somebody has the interest in picking the scope side of this up sometime. My only regret is that I know nothing about 3d modeling nor do I have the time to learn.
  6. TheGent


    I had just seen these calculations from Spartan the other day and was hoping to see someone make something out of them. You's a good man, lukrop. Hope to see this put to good use. It's only incompatible with TMR's Ballistics module, because both are trying to rewrite ballistics. You can just disable that module of TMR and the rest of TMR should work just fine. There's not a whole lot that could be done to make them compatible, they both rewrite ballistics so you will have to pick which one you want.
  7. Is it possible to globally restrict items in the VAS on the server? eg. I want to restrict some items from VAS, but don't want to have to de-pbo every mission the server uses just to do that.
  8. TheGent

    EricJ Release thread

    No, I mean asdg_attachments, the bipod mod. asdg_jr is great, but asdg_attachments just adds a bunch of bipod models which while cool I don't think really -need- to be included with the mod. What is TMR required for if using the bipod PBO? Is it just for autorest functionality? I'm glad you clarified, but it still makes it a pain when getting people set up through playwithSIX.
  9. TheGent

    EricJ Release thread

    Is there a purpose in making this mod dependent on asdg_attachments and tmr? Especially with TMR, there are a lot of things I'm forced to have that are completely unrelated to this weapons pack, for as far as I can tell no real reason. Would you please consider removing these from the requirements if possible, letting people who want them get them on their own?