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Everything posted by bigpoppablunts

  1. bigpoppablunts

    AI Team issue

    You may be better off hitting ~ and ordering all them to move to a position inside the structure. Position 1, 2, 3 etc. Its not going to fix your problem but more may actually enter the structure instead of going around. Probably not but its worth a try.
  2. Nice! Thanks for the update.
  3. bigpoppablunts

    ACE 3 Self Interaction Addition

    Try : _action = ["Rehabilitate","Rehab Yourself","",{execVM "rehab.sqf"},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; in initPlayerLocal.sqf
  4. bigpoppablunts

    Arma 3 - Project Life Charging Monies to Play!?!?

    Fixing R0adki11s link https://www.bistudio.com/monetization
  5. bigpoppablunts

    Decorating Bases

    Most of that TV studio, etc. was in the AiA map pack. Have no idea if it is included in CUP maps or not.
  6. bigpoppablunts

    Decorating Bases

    I did a war room for a group I used to be in. Everyone seemed to like it. It wasnt finished in the video. https://youtu.be/nPHPskgVPPE?t=59s ~Oh and I just recognized the name. I'm Riley on the ALiVE forums. Hello again!
  7. bigpoppablunts

    Kicked - Signature Check Failed

    Had the same issue. Fixed it with my explanation in this thread https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192932-getting-kicked-out-of-every-arma-3-server-with-signature-check-failed/
  8. bigpoppablunts

    Looking for a particular AI mod.

    You might have a look through the list that Gunter Severloh gathered up. Good luck. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/165560-ai-compilation-list-of-addonsmodsscripts-misc/
  9. bigpoppablunts

    Looking for a particular AI mod.

    I believe what you are referring to is FFIS which sadly does not work anymore. The old mod can still be found here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22096 There was supposed to be a FFIS2 but it never came to be. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/168869-firefight-improvement-system-2/?hl=ffis
  10. The "Exp" part stands for Expansion. This error means that you put down an object from Tanoa and your friend does not have/own Tanoa.
  11. bigpoppablunts

    High Command HELP

    Zeus is a two edged sword. It can be used by a skillful person to craft an extremely immersive experience with a heli flying by at just the right moment and a proper mix of engagement and rest between fights. OR It can be used to beat the player squad into submission through relentless attacks and overwhelming odds. Seeing the players squad location can help make either of these scenarios come true. Its all up to the person controlling Zeus.
  12. bigpoppablunts

    High Command HELP

    Selecting the F1, F2 etc should highlight the squads that you can control with a slightly thicker/bolder icon. Never messed with High Command in that kind of enviroment. Seems like a restricted Zeus mission would better fit the bill.
  13. So whats with the extra " " marks? I dont know about Linux servers but those are not needed on a Windows server. It should look like - C:\_A3\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\arma3server.exe -profiles=C:\_A3\Games\ArmA3\A3Master -port=2322 -config=CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg -world=empty -world=empty -mod=@ace;@CBA_A3;@EM;@task_force_radio and @EM doesnt need to be run server side, just add the key to the server keys folder.
  14. Will refer you over to another topic https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192311-ai-and-lasers/. Doesnt seem to be easy to get the lasers working.
  15. bigpoppablunts

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Discord does not have an open API for this ability yet.
  16. bigpoppablunts

    Transferring Inventory between Player and AI

    You can check this out. It will do what you need and more. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184651-loadout-transfer-v17-important-bug-fix/
  17. bigpoppablunts

    Making Players Part of Your Team

    Not unless you use a mod/script or if the group function is enabled in the mission. Press "U" and see if a UI comes up.
  18. bigpoppablunts

    Need a good mod to play (best survival mod?)

    For Exile and some similar gametypes A3Launcher is the only way to go. You can see a list of servers and it will get the appropriate mods for you. http://a3.launcher.eu/
  19. bigpoppablunts

    Vehicle Respawn Module spawns to many vehicles

    This has always been the case when using "Delete with Explosion Effect". It leaves the wreck in place and then spawns the new vehicle on top of it. Turn that off and your problem is solved.
  20. bigpoppablunts

    How much Arma have you played?

    3830 hours The majority is in the editor. :wacko:
  21. Addons, Expansion, Heli, Kart, Mark
  22. bigpoppablunts

    Another BIS_fnc_MP question...

    This function is now defunct. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec
  23. bigpoppablunts

    Respawn and loadout questions

    1. Simply right click the IA = AI? and choose edit loadout. Change it as needed and add the appropriate waypoint to the unit. 2. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/142113-respawn-with-custom-loadout/
  24. Had this issue recently. After trial and error I deleted ALL of the .bisign files from my main A3 install and had Steam re-download them. Seems to be fine now. No idea what corrupted them.
  25. Seen a lot of posts about the BIS revive setup not working correctly (or at least how it used to) since the Apex update. I will play around with it and see what I can find out.