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Posts posted by d_pfrommer

  1. For the life of me, I can't have units fortify in buildings.

    I've tried through spawn behavior, Hold waypoint, Gaia Fortify.

    Nothing works. Is there some trick I need to do to make it work?

    Is someone also using ASR mod? Is it this mod that creates the problem or do you use it and you're able to have units garrison?

    I'm able to fortify using ASR_AI or bCombat along with Gaia Fortify (set to a zone)

  2. Hey Delta and Asset!

    Multispawn overall is working fine, but you are right, your "spawn on squad" issue its related to Virtual AI System, that despawns the units!

    There are 3 ways to solve that (I tested them and it works):

    - Don't virtualise the players group by syncing it to the Virtual AI system and using the appropriate settings to avoid profiling of this group(s)

    - Place a "respawn_%Side%" marker

    - If you dont use a "respawn_%side%" marker (and only use one side for players) then place the Multispawn module at the position where you want to have a default respawn and not over water.

    Of course im going to look into it some more, but thats how you can solve that for now!

    Thanks, highhead.

    Much appreciated workaround!

  3. Can't say I've seen that even in testing the spawn on squad/ammo issue. Player always respawned next to AI unit in group.

    Have you tested the respawn on squad using a mission with the Virtual AI module included?

    I believe I've isolated the issue down to the presence of the Virtual AI module which is interfering with the Multispawn->Spawn on squad functionality.

    To reproduce:

    - Use Alive and CBA modules only

    - Add three NATO units, one set to player and the other two set to playable

    - Group the two playable units to the player unit

    - Name the leader player1, the other two player2 and player3 respectively

    - Add three modules: Requires Alive (using defaults), Virtual AI System (using defaults) and Multispawn (change to Spawn on Squad, enemy check to Yes)

    - Start hosted mission (regular skill), play as group leader

    - Tell 2 & 3 to "stop"

    - Move safe distance away and blow self up with grenade

    - Result: Show show "respawning" near group briefly, but then ultimately spawn in water

    Based on my observations, it appears that the primary playable unit is still being profiled as the e0 designation is provided on the map alongside the group leader. Perhaps the fixes for avoiding virtualizing unfilled playable units has interfered with the multispawn module?

  4. Hey guys, got 2 things to report if i can:

    1. The Military intel is very random it seems. Sometimes it works (mostly at the beginning of the mission, but then fails. The sector seems to work pretty well, but the occupied and military map markers (like captured and such) stop working. I tried to turn the debug on but never seen any info populate on screen. Any ideas?>

    2. I use the JTAC mod (http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=28695&d=120) and it seems like ALIVE might be affecting it with the VItural profiles. Is there any INIT code or anything i can do to ensure the profiles don't affect units/modules? I also reported it to the MOD Owner so could be related to how his modules were designed.

    Thanks guys.

    For ignoring units (or an entire group), you can place this in the unit's init I believe:

    group this setVariable["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true]

  5. Hi,

    With regard to bug #75347 (Multispawn w/o ammo), I did some research and a little debugging.

    It appears that in sys_player->playerData.hpp, under the getWeaponMagazine function, if I comment out the following and test the respawn on squad with (in-memory) persistence enabled...

    // if(MOD(sys_player) getvariable ["saveAmmo", false]) then {

    _magazine set [count _magazine, [_x select 0, _x select 1]];

    // } else {

    // _magazine set [count _magazine, [_x select 0, getnumber (configFile>>"CfgMagazines">>(_x select 0)>>"count")]];

    // };

    ... leaving "_magazine set [count _magazine, [_x select 0, _x select 1]];", but skipping the conditional test using MOD(sys_player), my player respawns with both primary and secondary ammo as expected. If I keep the default, the player respawns but without any ammo and additional errors logged.

    I didn't get a chance to dig any deeper, but neither statement in the conditional blocks executes, which leads me to believe it may have something to do with trying to get the name or variable of a dead player. This may coincide with the lines in the RPT:

    WARNING: Function 'name' - (name omitted) is dead


  6. I assume you have tested it with yesterday's 0.80 release? If so try removing any unit/weapon mods as well as revive or gear scripts.

    Hi Savage,

    Yes... only ALiVE 0.8 and CBA running, along with vanilla init.sqf and description.ext (but with respawn setup for BASE).

    I added two players grouped together, spawned in as one of them. Ran the clip of the stock gun halfway down to about 20 bullets... threw a grenade and respawned next to the other unit. All were intact except for the ammo for both guns.

  7. Hi,

    Has anyone else had an issue with the persistence module (set to local... i.e., no database) and the multispawn module reps awning the player without ammo? All other gear and uniforms come back, just not ammo.

    I raised this question prior to 0.8, but as the respawn module was incomplete, would readdress when 0.8 was released.

    Before I start tearing down other mods to uncover whether they are the source of the problem, perhaps someone can confirm for me that when one uses the respawn module and the persistence module together (again, memory only, not database persisted), one's gear and ammo are fully replaced upon respawn?


  8. Hey Guys I Am Also Having A Similar Issue. I Have Two F/18s In Flight With Waypoints, And Noticed They Would Not Show Up To Destination. I Decided To Assign Myself As Gunner On One Aircraft, And After Very Short Time The Pilot Disappeared. I Synched To Profile System, Chose "Except Synched Units". Still Had Prob. Un Synched Chose "Only Synched Units". Still Had Prob. Any Help Much Appreciated.

    Awesome Work!


    If the pilot is set as player controllable and is not part of the same group as the gunner, and disappears when starting a multiplayer game (either dedicated or on the same machine), it sounds like a bug I raised and has been fixed for 0.8: http://dev.withsix.com/issues/74746

    Try changing the pilot to AI only and see if the pilot disappears and/or group the pilot and gunner together when you choose to control the gunner. If the pilot continues to disappear, it may be a separate issue or something in the way you are setting up the mission.

  9. Which mods are you using? It's quite likely to be a config error with the unit mod. Please check it's working with vanilla units first then check the rpt file with the mods running and see if you can spot any errors.


    So I stripped down my mods to just Alive and CBA, using a test map on Stratis. I then added three units (both stock NATO), and as well as a few ammo boxes.

    Additionally, I added the following Alive modules:

    -Admin actions

    -Requires Alive

    -Profile system


    -Player persistence (everything set to Yes)

    I have the following set in description.ext:

    respawn = BASE;

    RespawnDelay = 6;

    RespawnDialog = 1;

    When I throw a grenade and cause character to be killed, I am spawned with the same weapons without ammo.

    The RPT shows the following suspect lines:

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x31858390

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x338d1010

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x3219fb90

    Unknown attribute itemsCmd

    Unknown attribute itemsCmd

    WARNING: Function 'name' - (my name here) is dead

    WARNING: Function 'name' - (my name here) is dead

    ALIVE Profile Handler - Un-Register Profile [player_0]

    Duplicate weapon Throw detected for B_engineer_F

    Duplicate weapon Put detected for B_engineer_F

    ALIVE Profile Handler - Register Profile [player_0]



  10. For example, options to select spawn location(s) such as HQ vehicles or objects, or at Squad Leader location or a marker as per default. Respawn with Weapons is already covered by the Player module (except hats, why no hats? wtf is different about hats BIS? It's mighty confusing). We'll most likely leave revive options to the various medical mods as there's no need to duplicate effort.

    Hi Friz,

    Quick question about the player module... if I add the player persistence module and ensure respawning is enabled, the units re-appear without ammo (despite my having all properties set to Yes on the module itself).

    Am I doing something wrong?


  11. The_Asset - The Profiles module is correctly profiling an AI unit. That's not a bug, it's how it works! Sync the unit to Profiles module and set it to not profile synced units.

    Hi friznit2,

    Perhaps I explained it incorrectly (or didn't give additional information). The profile module is set to "only profile synced units" (not "profile all editor units except synced units", so the playable unit is not synced to the module).

    Even if the unit were to become profiled, wouldn't it be expected that unit spawn in place when one nears its position? The unit never re-appears.

    Further to this, if I modify the mission and change the unit to be "non-playable", the unit is present in the mission and the profile system does not alter it. Changing it back to "playable" (and not choosing to play as that unit at mission start) causes the above issue.

    This only happens in multiplayer mode (server mode or on a dedicated server).


    It appears that you the function ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromPlayers handles creating profiles for player units. Is there a missing "hasInterface" conditional check somewhere?

  12. Hi,

    I've encountered what I believe may be a bug.

    To test, I created a fairly plain Altis map with two playable units on blufor grouped as a team, and then another single independent unit. I only have the following alive modules in the map (no other non-alive modules): requires, view distance, crew info, player tags, garbage collection and profile.

    When I run the map in multiplayer mode (on the same machine or on a dedicated) with one human player, the other playable unit (which is set to be AI controlled) disappears from the map. I have all debug options turned on for these modules. On the initial map when starting, it appears as those the unit was profiled; I.e., the independent unit shows up as a green marker in its intended position, but with the e designation. When in the map, the unit does not exist any longer (confirmed with alive arms command in debug console). If I switch to the other unit and restart the map, the independent exists (as a human player has filled the position) but the other two units are removed.

    If I remove the profile module and restart, the AI controlled playable units work as expected. (I do have disableai = false in description.ext).

    It took me some time to identify the issue (as I was originally designing a more complex mission and this was quite a bit of a moving target). I have not removed all mods except alive and cba, but believe the adding/removing the profile module should be independent as I use the same mods collection each time.

    Any thoughts?


  13. ;2718521']This is a bizarre occurrence. I can't think of a reason why this specifically would be happening (init lines duping). Are you sure that this does not occur even without this script? I'll look into it on my end.

    I originally thought it was the revive script; however, I'm not so sure any longer.

    I don't want to send you off on a wild goose chase... so I'm going to look into the issue a bit deeper and respond back. I did come across another issue with dedicated servers and duplicated parachutes.. perhaps this is a BIS issue.


  14. Hi.. great script!

    I do have a quick question.

    -I have two units setup whose init is set to [this] execVM a script, so they can initialize their position (i.e., parachuting in) by creating chutes and performing a moveInDriver for each unit.

    -These two units also have a placement radius of 1200 (for randomness) in their editor fields as well

    -In a SP or MP (non-dedicated), everything spawns correctly.

    -However, in a MP (dedicated), the scripts seem to be executing twice for each human player. (there are double the amount of chutes and vehicles).

    -When I disable your scripts, everything spawns OK (i.e. only one of each as expected).

    Do you know what could be causing this?

    Thanks in advance

  15. Hello.

    2) You can add script to init.sqf to set automatic radio flag to false only for one player.

    Hi nKey,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I thought that tf_no_auto_long_range_radio was global and applied to all group leaders?

    What would be the preferred way of setting this to exclude a player named "somePlayerName" in init.sqf below?

    a) if (player == then somePlayerName) then {

    tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = false;


    - OR -

    b) somePlayerName setVariable ["tf_no_auto_long_range_radio", false];


  16. Hi,

    I am creating a mission in which one player (IND faction) is "lost" and must find a long range radio on the map in order to communicate with a team of BLUFOR via LR radios.

    I have both the WEST and GUER LR codes setup to be the same, and have proven that they can speak to each other if on the same channel; however, if I try to place a LR radio in the map via script (like 'tf_rt1523g' createVehicle getMarkerPos 'LRMarker;), the radio appears, but the frequencies are not the same as the ones set in the editor module.

    I have two questions:

    1. Is there a way via add a generate a radio via script that contains the correct frequencies (set by the module, or via script, etc.)?

    2. Is there a way to give all squad leaders the long range by default (using the automatic setting), but exclude the squad leader (really just a sole player), so that he does not get a LR radio by default? (I'd like him to search for it -- if #1 is possible).


  17. We'd be interested in your thoughts on why you'd like a local data feature and what you would use it for.



    Thanks for the quick reply. To be fair, since I haven't tried the persistence system yet, some of my comments below may not be relevant.

    Generally, using a local system may be beneficial in the following situations:

    - The data are too voluminous to be reasonably transferred remotely

    - Fluctuations in (Internet) network conditions/speed may take more time loading/saving

    - When trying to play on a locally connected LAN w/o Internet access

    - One can continue playing even if ALiVE servers are down


  18. Not today, its on our roadmap. What would be your preferred platform?

    Thanks, Tupolov.

    Platform, in terms of OS? Probably Windows over Linux as this point. If I misinterpreted, and you meant the platform for holding the DB (like Apache's CouchDB), then any supported platform would be fine.

    If one were to build a duplicate DB system locally (mirroring that which you have setup for ALiVE... if you end up providing the scripts), would it be possible to point the modules to communicate with that IP? Or, are there larger dependencies?


  19. Hi,

    Is there a preferred method for excluding non-profiled units from becoming profiled using the ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromUnitsRuntume command?

    Perhaps either setting some variable within the unit's initialization, by specifying a blacklist/whitelist or by indicating a marker area?

    I've been using this to profile editor-placed units, but would prefer to exclude some groups which have more complex waypoints.


    ---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------


    Is there a preferred method for excluding non-profiled units from becoming profiled using the ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromUnitsRuntume command?

    Perhaps either setting some variable within the unit's initialization, by specifying a blacklist/whitelist or by indicating a marker area?

    I've been using this to profile editor-placed units, but would prefer to exclude some groups which have more complex waypoints.


    I may have found the answer... perhaps I can use this?

    myGroup setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];
