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About scottieo333

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  1. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    @Zachgibson: I added you on steam just in case i ever needed you. I now have a new question if anyone can help me out it's about adding a scope/attachments to my weapons. How do i go about making them work correctly i have created a basic scope looking attachment but what sort of things would i need to do in O2 and the config files to make it actually work? Would i also need to create a rail on the top of my weapon so that i may add other scopes to it? and if i do then how would i go about doing that also?
  2. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Yeah i did mate but the config.cpp in there was different to the config.cpp in the source files you sent but still pretty easy to get to terms with but there was nothing in the ammo selection part in either files so i just thought that's how it was meant to be. But just tested inputing the magazine into the ammo and got it to use the bullet and fire with sound but there was no bullet hole in the ground or any surface i have tried ( this is a separate model from the shotgun ) also i seems to have the muzzle flash constantly on the weapon. What in O2 or the config would cause that to happen? if you have any idea that is.
  3. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Hey bud, no i never got it figured out but Warlord made some changes and sent me a working version of mine but i have had no further luck with getting any to fire at all lol. What do you mean about the magazine and ammo parameter? any chance you could give me a look at a none working then working code snippet? I have just been creating different models ready for when i get something working for them. It's not as easy as you would think to get a gun to fire.
  4. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Is there anything specific i need to know when moddeling the weapon? Such as how many objects and whats the maximum poly's that the game will allow ect. I make the models in blender and apply the textures but export them all as one object to .p3d as i have the addon for it. Just needing to know to make sure i did not mess up with the model before hand also does the weapon itself need any animation doing to it before hand?
  5. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Yeah i have the memory LODs on the barrel the konec hlavne and the usti hlavne are on the barrel i have even tried moving them to the end of it with the usti hlavne just out of the barrel but still no joy. ---------- Post added at 10:36 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ---------- Yeah i know it must be something my end that is stopping this from working correctly as i have not seen anyone with these sort of problems but i have checked and double checked my work to see if i missed anything from the tutorial but have yet to see anything. I would upload my .p3d file if i could but i don't have the permissions as of yet to upload. I will gladly PM you and see if anything can be done to get this to work in game what info do you want Warlord554?
  6. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Yeah i followed your whole tutorial Zach it's the easiest and best i have seen. The gun just won't fire at all, I have it now facing the right direction even though it's still not placed correctly in my hands but thats my end i need to configure. I have the ammo showing up and also reload the gun with it but it just will not shoot. Could it be something with the ammo that stops it firing? I also get a "no entry firelightdiffuse" in my config blah blah but i don't see anything like that in any config.cpp file even in the arma files so god only knows what that is about. I really want to get this first weapon working as I'm modeling a fair amount of old weapons.
  7. scottieo333

    Weapon not firing or facing right direction

    Yeah sorry did not notice that they allowed the post as i did not get an email from the reply and here is my config.cpp. Sorry for pasting it all don't see a code option. class CfgPatches { class Shotgun ////Every spot i say Weapon, you must enter the same info ie, alwyas enter "scarh" or "m16a3_mod1" { requiredaddons[] = {}; requiredversion = 0.1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"BG_Shotgun"}; magazines[] = {"8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets"}; }; }; /*external*/ class Mode_SemiAuto; class CfgWeapons { class Shotgun { access = 3; afmax = 0; aidispersioncoefx = 4; aidispersioncoefy = 5; airateoffire = 0.5; airateoffiredistance = 500; ammo = ""; autofire = 1; autoreload = 0; backgroundreload = 0; ballisticscomputer = 0; bullet1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_01.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet10[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_02.wav", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet11[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_03.wav", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet12[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_04.wav", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_02.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_03.wav", 0.177828, 1, 15}; bullet4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_04.wav", 0.177828, 1, 15}; bullet5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_01.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet6[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_02.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet7[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_03.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet8[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_04.wav", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet9[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_01.wav", 0.01, 1, 15}; candrop = 1; canlock = 0; canshootinwater = 0; cartridgepos = "nabojnicestart"; cartridgevel = "nabojniceend"; count = 0; cursor = "arifle"; cursoraim = "CursorAim"; cursoraimon = ""; cursorsize = 1; cmimmunity = 1; descriptionshort = "WEAPON <br />Caliber: "; detectrange = 0; dexterity = 1.64; discretedistance[] = {100, 300, 400, 600, 800}; discretedistanceinitindex = 1; dispersion = 0.0001; displayname = "WEAPON"; disposableweapon = 0; distancezoommax = 300; distancezoommin = 300; drysound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\other\dry7.wav", 0.01, 1}; emptysound[] = {"", 1, 1}; enableattack = 1; ffcount = 3; fffrequency = 11; ffmagnitude = 0.5; fireanims[] = {}; firelightduration = 0.05; firelightintensity = 0.012; firespreadangle = "3.0f"; flash = "gunfire"; flashsize = 0.5; forceoptics = 0; handanim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","Shotgun\anim\handanim_WEAPON.rtm"}; //hand animation lcation hiddenselections[] = {}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {}; hiddenunderwaterselections[] = {}; hiddenunderwaterselectionstextures[] = {}; htmax = 600; htmin = 1; initspeed = 0; irdistance = 0; irdotintensity = 0.001; irlaserend = "laser dir"; irlaserpos = "laser pos"; laser = 0; lockacquire = 1; lockedtargetsound[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 0.000316228, 6}; lockingtargetsound[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 0.000316228, 2}; magazinereloadtime = 0; magazines[] = {""}; //magazines used maxleadspeed = 23; maxrange = 500; maxrangeprobab = 0.04; maxrecoilsway = 0.008; memorypointcamera = "eye"; mfact = 1; mfmax = 0; midrange = 150; midrangeprobab = 0.58; minrange = 1; minrangeprobab = 0.3; model = "Shotgun\Shotgun"; //weapon location of p3d...(dont add .p3d at the end) modelmagazine = ""; modeloptics = "-"; modelspecial = ""; modes[] = {"Single", "Burst"}; multiplier = 1; muzzleend = "konec hlavne"; muzzlepos = "usti hlavne"; muzzles[] = {"this"}; namesound = "rifle"; optics = 0; opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0.67; opticsflare = 0; opticsid = 0; opticsppeffects[] = {}; opticszoominit = 0.75; opticszoommax = 1.1; opticszoommin = 0.375; picture = "\Shotgun\UI\Shot_pic_ca"; primary = 10; recoil = "assaultRifleBase"; recoilprone = "assaultRifleBase"; reloadaction = "GestureReloadMX"; //reload gesture reloadmagazinesound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\reloads\new_trg.wav", 0.1, 1, 30}; reloadsound[] = {"", 1, 1}; reloadtime = 0.15; scope = 0; selectionfireanim = "zasleh"; showaimcursorinternal = 1; showempty = 1; shownunderwaterselections[] = {}; showswitchaction = 0; showtoplayer = 1; simulation = "Weapon"; sound[] = {}; soundbegin[] = {"sound", 1}; soundbeginwater[] = {"sound", 1}; soundbullet[] = {"bullet1", 0.083, "bullet2", 0.083, "bullet3", 0.083, "bullet4", 0.083, "bullet5", 0.083, "bullet6", 0.083, "bullet7", 0.083, "bullet8", 0.083, "bullet9", 0.083, "bullet10", 0.083, "bullet11", 0.083, "bullet12", 0.083}; soundburst = 1; soundclosure[] = {"sound", 1}; soundcontinuous = 0; soundend[] = {"sound", 1}; soundloop[] = {"sound", 1}; swaydecayspeed = 2; tbody = 100; texturetype = "default"; type = 1; uipicture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\UI\icon_regular_CA.paa"; useaction = 0; useactiontitle = ""; useasbinocular = 0; usemodeloptics = 1; value = 4; weaponinfotype = "RscWeaponZeroing"; weaponlockdelay = 0; weaponlocksystem = 0; weaponpoolavailable = 1; weaponsoundeffect = ""; weight = 0; class Library { libtextdesc = "LONG DETAILED WEAPON DESCRIPTION HERE"; }; class GunClouds { access = 0; cloudletaccy = 0; cloudletalpha = 0.3; cloudletanimperiod = 1; cloudletcolor[] = {1, 1, 1, 0}; cloudletduration = 0.05; cloudletfadein = 0; cloudletfadeout = 0.1; cloudletgrowup = 0.05; cloudletmaxyspeed = 100; cloudletminyspeed = -100; cloudletshape = "cloudletClouds"; cloudletsize = 1; deltat = 0; initt = 0; interval = -0.02; size = 0.3; sourcesize = 0.02; timetolive = 0; class Table { class T0 { color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0}; maxt = 0; }; }; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo { allowedslots[] = {901}; mass = 4; class MuzzleSlot {}; class CowsSlot {}; class PointerSlot {}; }; class GunParticles { class FirstEffect { directionname = "Konec hlavne"; effectname = "RifleAssaultCloud"; positionname = "Usti hlavne"; }; }; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { aidispersioncoefx = 1.4; aidispersioncoefy = 1.7; airateoffire = 2; airateoffiredistance = 500; artillerycharge = 1; artillerydispersion = 1; autofire = 0; begin1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\Trg20\trg_single_1.wav", 2.51189, 1, 1200}; begin2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\Trg20\trg_single_2.wav", 2.51189, 1, 1200}; begin3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\Trg20\trg_single_3.wav", 2.51189, 1, 1200}; burst = 1; canshootinwater = 0; closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2.wav", 3.16228, 1, 500}; closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3.wav", 3.16228, 1, 500}; dispersion = 0.00093; displayname = "Semi"; ffcount = 1; fffrequency = 11; ffmagnitude = 0.5; flash = "gunfire"; flashsize = 0.1; maxrange = 500; maxrangeprobab = 0.2; midrange = 250; midrangeprobab = 0.7; minrange = 2; minrangeprobab = 0.3; multiplier = 1; recoil = "recoil_single_trg"; recoilprone = "recoil_single_prone_trg"; reloadtime = 0.065; requiredoptictype = -1; showtoplayer = 1; sound[] = {"", 10, 1}; soundbegin[] = {"begin1", 0.333, "begin2", 0.333, "begin3", 0.333}; soundbeginwater[] = {"sound", 1}; soundburst = 0; soundclosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; soundcontinuous = 0; soundend[] = {}; soundloop[] = {}; texturetype = "semi"; useaction = 0; useactiontitle = ""; weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle"; }; }; class BG_Shotgun : Shotgun { scope = 2; }; }; class CfgMagazines { /*external*/ class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets; //Ill keep all this info here for you class BG_Pellets : 8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets { ammo = "8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets"; count = 8; descriptionshort = "Shotgun Pellets"; displayname = "8Rnd Beneli Pellets"; initspeed = 930; lastroundstracer = 0; picture = "\Shotgun\textures\Pellets_CA.paa"; //Mag UI images are 256x256 model = "\Shotgun\models\pellets.p3d"; scope = 2; tracersevery = 0; }; }; class CfgAmmo { /*external*/ class CA_Magazine; class BG_Pellets : CA_Magazine { airfriction = -0.001425; caliber = 0.5; //1 = 7.76.......or something like that cost = 1; deflecting = 20; hit = 10; //damage? indirecthit = 0; indirecthitrange = 0; model = "\Shotgun\models\pellets.p3d"; //keep this nvgonly = 1; tracerendtime = 1; tracerscale = 1; tracerstarttime = 0.05; }; };
  8. Hey guys, got myself into a little bit of a pickle here. I followed a tutorial for creating a weapon and getting it into O2 then in game but I'm having an issue making my gun shoot as it won't and also it is facing the wrong direction and is not placed in the players hands. I have created a shotgun just a simple little thing for now set up the config.cpp and model.cfg files and for the hand animation I'm using the rifle for the time being. Does anyone have any advise as to where i may have gone wrong or what areas focus on these set things I'm having issues with? Thanks for any help in advance. Here is a link to my personal site to show 2 pics one being ingame to show what i mean with it facing wrong direction and the other is the .p3d file in O2 to show all the LODs http://www.blastgaming.org/problems.html
  9. Hey everyone, I was hoping to get a little help if possible. I created my own weapon model in blender and exported it to O2 i followed "ZachGibsons_Arma 3_Tutorial" on how to set it all up in O2 but when i get it in game/editor the weapon goes like this ( see pic ) and it will not shoot even though i have placed ammo in the gun. Is there anything specific i need to do in order for it to fire? Also how do i need to place the gun on O2 so that it looks in the right direction in game? I know i will most likely need to use my own custom animations for holding the weapon but i just want the basic looking in right direction. Thanks for any help given guys. Link to my site with pic of ingame and the O2 = http://www.blastgaming.org/problems.html
  10. scottieo333

    Item config how to?

    Thanks for the reply bud. With the LODs it seems it roughly the same as a structure setup so that part i have covered but in relation to the link you posted that is for building a structure ( wall with a door ) not an item so the whole model.cfg and config.cpp in there is practically irrelevant as it does not explain for small items to pick up and place in your gear/inventory. Those are the specifics that i need for my addon as it is items not buildings that i have created.
  11. Hi everyone, I'm kinda stuck getting a new item to work as i want it to. I have created the item in blender and loaded it into O2 but I'm not sure how it needs to be set up with LOD's and such as in which ones do i need?. This will be an item that can be picked up from the ground and placed into your inventory. Right now it will not have any use as I'm just learning the basics for setting up addons and getting them to work. I have looked around for some tutorials but they all seem to focus on weapons and structural objects which helps to a certain extent. I also need to know what the config file would look like for it with it being an item that you pick up drop and store in your inventory if anyone could help with that. I tried to use a basic structure object config but got errors as did a config from the A3 addons weapons.pbo in the items folder so I'm guessing it may be the way i set things up in O2 that does not allow it to work with the config but I'm not sure as I'm pretty new to this. Thanks in advance for any help.
  12. scottieo333

    Locking Doors

    I know this thread is a little outdated but I was wondering if there is any way to make this work with an object and make it so it can only be locked and unlocked by a set player or playeruid? Thanks in advance guys.
  13. scottieo333

    Thirsk Island

    I had to submit a post in order to be able to PM you so sorry for this but it is about this thread anyway so hopefully it's ok.