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About plasticarmythug

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  1. plasticarmythug

    Initial High Ping on Server in Steam

    Many people have been having the same problem, including their servers not appearing in the steam server browser too...
  2. And i'm guessing the wikis have been updated for newcomer server setup?
  3. plasticarmythug

    Initial High Ping on Server in Steam

    No one's having this issue?
  4. Hi! I have a couple of servers, all running in different servers but they're all using similar high performance setups. From the last update a few weeks ago, Me and a few others have been noticing that there is this new thing in the Server Browser in Arma 3 (Steam) where once you open up the game and go to the Multiplayer Server list on Steam, (with our search filter saved) Our servers initially come up with 300-500 ping, and then when we click on refresh, it goes back to it's normal 50-100 ping. This always happens only once (when you open up arma 3 and go to the multiplayer). I've tried changing ports, and that ended up with mixed results. I've got no clue as to whats causing that, and after doing some research, it seems to me that its affecting my servers and a couple of other servers with the same issue. Any help regarding this issue with be greatly appreciated, oh and btw, we're using the default optimization in the bandwith settings. and the ports are currently at default to what they're supposed to. :bounce3:
  5. My Servers show up with HIGH Ping on the server browser (steam) but if i refresh, it retains it's lower ping. Can Someone clarify as to what might be causing this issue? I'm seeing multiple people pointing at multiple directions, in this thread i've been seeing people having working servers with port set to 2302/2303 in the server.cfg, while the Arma 3 Dedicated Tutorial says 8766 and it has the reportingip to gamespy enabled, is it messing up anything? I saw the history on that page and it seems that they changed the page from 2302 to 8766.
  6. As an arma 3 wasteland player with over 1000 hours on record playing different wasteland servers, i think i can consider myself a wasteland veteran. Wasteland is basically all about destroying the other player, its a barren place and the only friend you have is your gun. but if you have a team... YOU HAVE A TEAM! wasteland is an excellent mod for people who like to group up, and work towards something, wasteland is a platform that plugs in several game mechanics (base building, vehicles, saving player) and there are several other game mechanics (currently in development). but the combination of all those things make it very sweet and give it a feel that no other game can give, thats one of the awesome things about arma 3, freedom to develop and create the fun. some servers are easy to play, just requires a lot of strategic thinking as to doing the proper missions and what not. While other servers are barren and very hard (more realism). the guys who built A3Wasteland did an amazing job, and the community loves them for it. many have been able to use it and develop on it to make their own version of wasteland (whether it be hard or easy, its not that hard to develop on it). (here comes my plugging part of the post) - Team Bio has a small wasteland community and we've been doing very well recently with an influx of developers, helping create and make our Wasteland server better. Soon we'll be releasing a very large map (hint: its near stratis) Wasteland. One of the biggest pet peeves i guess you could say about wasteland is the team killing and stealing, And i found that the best way to prevent that was to have the global ban list as usual... but also have DEDICATED ADMINISTRATORS online who are not playing the wasteland game, but they are there for making sure everyone is okay and having a good time, complaints are taken care of at first hand, and there is always someone to talk to when things do not go properly (HE STOLE MY TANK, DESTROYED IT, AND LEFT! I WORKED FOR IT THE ENTIRE DAY!, yeah, everyone hates that.) Disabling Global chat might seem like calming the storm, but its only getting worse. we've killed admin abuse by limiting all powers only to people with the [Admin] tag, and the peeps with the Admin tags cannot kill or influence anyone, otherwise they are in big trouble. Our Wasteland introduces a lot of power to the player, and with power comes responsibility, thats why we work to our utmost to make sure we're more than responsible enough to keep everyone happy :) Listening to the players is what we're the best at, good luck finding our site and server ;)