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Everything posted by Tiberius_161

  1. Wow, its that simple! the solution works so thanks a lot!
  2. Hello All, I'm trying to spawn units on a random position using BIS_fnc_relPos.. however, Its not working for me. I'm probably overlooking something very obvious... but I just don't see it... I want to spawn a vehicle (which will be a wreck later on) and then multiple civilians in a radius around it to simulate a carbomb scenario with casualties. This is what i have so far: vic = "LOP_TAK_Civ_Ural" createVehicle (getMarkerpos _locMrk); _spawnpos = [vic, (random 20), (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; "LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_01" createUnit [position _spawnpos, _Grp,"victim = this", 0.2, "private"]; The vehicle spawns, but the civilian does not. The civilian does spawn when I remove the BIS_fnc_relPos line. I have tried to replace 'position' with 'getpos'. I have also tried to use a marker (and getMarkerpos) as the reference point instead of the vehicle... Can anyone give me advice on how to get BIS_fnc_relPos working? Thanks in advance. Cheers Calig0la/ Tiberius
  3. Tiberius_161

    [RELEASE] Engima's Civilians

    Works perfectly! Thanks!
  4. Tiberius_161

    [RELEASE] Engima's Civilians

    Great script Engima! One question though, I'm struggling to spawn civies with an 'addAction'... I tried to follow instructions from the documentation file, but with no success. The original line was talk = _this addAction ["Talk", "talk\talk_init.sqf", [true, false, false, false]]; Any suggestion on what I should try?
  5. Hello everybody, I've been creating missions (COOP) for a while and everything is going well. I am making these mission is the "normal" editor though. So does anyone know what the difference is between the editor you enter on the main menu and the editor you can enter via MP/hosting a mission? Just wondering. Thanks! Cheers Calig0la,
  6. Hi Janez, Thanks for your reply! It makes sense what you say :) Cheers Calig0la,
  7. Sorry if this has been asked, I tried to read as much of this forum as I could. I would like to add (specific) wounds to units that spawned with a script. Is there a command line/function to add a wound to a unit? In CSE there was a line that I used to add a wound. [arguments] call cse_fnc_addOpenWounds_CMS; I tried to read the github scripts/functions, but i cant figure out how to use the script snippets.. Can anyone offer some advice?
  8. Hi all, Really loving ACE3 so far! I´m real glad it has been releashed :D I have a question about adding ACE wounds to units spawned via scripts... were would I ask a question like this? Cheers Calig0la/Tiberius
  9. Hello DreadedEntity and Drunken Officer, Thanks for your responses. I tried both your suggestions and both did not have a positive result. @DreadedEntity, I don't know how to delete the entries from the array. I tried to google a answer for it, but I did not understand at all what I was reading about it. I hope to tackle this problem one day soon though! But for now it already costed me too much time... :( So for now I'm going with a far easier solution. Might not be pretty, but it works ;). _talke = _this select 0; _IEDQ = (_this select 3) select 0; //IED question, will be one of different options via argument in addaction _count = 0; if (_IEDQ) then { _objectLoc = nearestObjects [position _talke, ["Land_Pallets_F","ARP_Objects_IED","Land_Tyre_F","Land_MetalBarrel_F","Land_BarrelTrash_grey_F","Land_Sacks_heap_F","ARP_Objects_IED", "Land_GarbageBags_F", "Land_GarbageWashingMachine_F","Land_JunkPile_F"], 1000]; _count = count _objectLoc; if (_count >= 1) then {hint "at least one IED";}; if (_count == 0) then {hint "No ied";}; }; Thanks you both for your time and effort.
  10. Hello everybody, Apologies for reopening an old thread. I was having the same problems as mcrow900. I followed the steps as provides by MisterGoodson and it al works well. _talke = _this select 0; _objectLoc = nearestObjects [position _talke, ["Land_Pallets_F","ARP_Objects_IED","Land_Tyre_F","Land_MetalBarrel_F","Land_BarrelTrash_grey_F","Land_Sacks_heap_F","ARP_Objects_IED", "Land_GarbageBags_F", "Land_GarbageWashingMachine_F","Land_JunkPile_F"], 1000]; { _mrkr = createMarkerLocal [str(_x),getPos _x]; _mrkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mrkr setMarkerSize [200, 200]; _mrkr setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; } forEach _objectLoc; I use this for marking IED locations (IED script : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23995) via an addaction. However, now I'm trying to delete these markers once the IED are gone but I can't get it to work. How can I define these markers so I can delete them when I want? Thanks in advance for the help.
  11. Tiberius_161

    N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

    Very nice terrain :) I like it allot!