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Everything posted by andrewza

  1. this mod is coming along nicely
  2. andrewza

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    but, but it is so cool. I mean you could carry just about any thing. But yes it is big. I do agree those fetures are the things I am looking for. What about some new Manpads and AA. Stuff to shoot down Helos could be included
  3. andrewza

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Future version of V22 Chinook apachy NH90 A109 Mi26 tiger and probably those new protype choppers
  4. andrewza

    Helicopter Feedback (Dev branch)

    will we be able to sling load people and have them shoot from the vehicle http://www.defenceweb.co.za/components/com_joomgallery/img_pictures/rand_show_2014_104/rand_show_2014_32_20140421_1482160033.jpg (153 kB) :cool:
  5. andrewza

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    Body armour is rather good at stopping bullets. In the recent battle of Bangui last year a number of solders where shot at close range (under 100m a few with in 10m) not one round got through the armoured plate. Of course due to the rest of what you said 15 people still died by either getting hit by something bigger than a rifle or not on the plate or by removing said plates or armour. So for me the level of protection for where the plate is should be increased but should be modelled to cover the correct areas that the plate covers. All so good armour should fatigue people faster and be heavier. http://www.iol.co.za/news/does-the-army-deserve-so-much-flak-1.1554491#.U2JjF14aJD8
  6. andrewza

    Shotguns in ArmA 3?

    I agree a few shot gun types would do great. Of course they all ready in the game in the form of mods. I see littil chance of them being usefull in any campaghin. Have you seen what miltsia and rebel have access to day. They make the FIA look like boy scouts. I do not think I have ever seen a majo rebel group use shot guns.
  7. andrewza

    Shotguns in ArmA 3?

    When the german navy visted us down here in south africa I spoke to one of those marien boarding parties. Maybe only 1shot gun is used per boarding team. This is on a boat. Our boarding teams don't use them. My boat dumped shot guns and SMGs before I even joined the navy. Only use I know for shot guns is prisoner control and less leathel opstions. Basicaly shot guns serve littil purpos in a warzone.
  8. looking good, the A109 is real nice, i am trying to get a mission set up for the A109.