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About yacobm8

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    Private First Class
  1. I want to make it so that if you were in a guile suit prone in tall grass then you would be considerably harder to see then it currently is at the moment. At the moment if your not in the general vicinity of the player then you stick out like a sore thumb because your character pops against the low quality terrain. I don't mind how the method of this would have to be done whether that means having to edit config files, make players download a mod or there is a simple scripting command. I have had experience scripting my own missions and running a custom Altis Life server so I could learn how to do it myself but just need somebody to tell me first if it would be possible. Picture showing how grass is rendered in short distance but doesn't render long distance. https://www.google.co.th/search?q=arma+3+terrain&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIqK-GgbCEyQIVBgeOCh3pEwAU#imgrc=AQBOL1-_icWYVM%3A
  2. log files local rpt file: http://pastebin.com/kEFWMqza server rpt file: http://pastebin.com/ayPGUZtm extdb log file: altis lifev3.1.8 DATABASE DETAILS extdb v20 with logging and debug using xampp to host mysql server locally my extdb-conf screenshot of my user privilages setup to allow extdb to access mysql database http://imgur.com/FBDU4UC using tadst to launch arma 3 server my tadst parameters -port=2302 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default" -name=default "-mod=@extDB;@life_server" 4 imgur screenshots of my tadst setup http://imgur.com/VxP...jTmjE6N,l2GVph0 I ran the 3 sql files on the database to create arma3life database screenshot of my database http://i.imgur.com/km2y7YN.png link to download from mediafire https://www.mediafir...y9vkyhbm/shared incase you wanted to run this exact setup on your own computer. this includes altislife.altis.pbo, life server.pbo, extdb-conf, extdb. dll, tbmalloc, tadst and the sql files. I have tried different versions of altis life, different versions of extdb, different extdb-conf settup ip user and passwords, different tbbmalloc.dll and those other similar dlls I would very much appreciate it if you helped me fix this issue im having i dont mind adding you on steam or skype if you need more information my steam account name: nametoremember skype: yacobm8
  3. yacobm8

    Cannot download mission file

    I am having the same problem with my own server. Our mission file is 30mb and it seems like some people are able to join in fine after downloading the mission file and others get stuck halve way through and then get disconnected. We think its because you need to verify the integrity of your arma 3 first before joining but hopefully there is another solution because we are loosing pretty much every player that joins the server.
  4. thanks flight9 that worked just like it should do now and i'll be sure to remember it in the future :)
  5. So its my first time making a function. I have this in my init.sqf myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "makeTrigger.sqf"; makeTrigger.sqf //create trigger around ai to detect whenhelicopter has landed. _ai = _this; _trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos _ai]; _trigger setTriggerArea [40, 40, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["(getPos helicopter select 2) < 4 && speed helicopter < 5 && (player distance _ai) < 40","_ai assignAsCargo helicopter; [_ai] orderGetIn true;",""]; _trigger; now in my helicopters init i have a getIn event handler that then runs my script named waypoint.sqf. waypoint.sqf looks like this. result = peter call myFunction; //note: peter is the name of the ai in the editor The problem is that the trigger does not return to the waypoint.sqf script. I thought it would do because the last statement in the function is _trigger; which means that it should return the trigger right? If you can't help me fix this then could you please explain how you would go about returning a trigger using a function? also i checked my rpt log and there were no errors with the code.
  6. awesome thanks man. For me all i wanted was these commands assignAsCargo, orderGetIn true; i added them to my triggers on act so that when the helicopter was near it would tell the a.i to get in the vehicle. for anyone else in the future here was my code _group_ai = group peter;// peter is the A.I name. _group_jake = group jake;//jake is the player name. _trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",position peter]; _trigger setTriggerArea [10, 10, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger synchronizeWaypoint[[_group_ai, 1]]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","peter assignAsCargo helicopter; [peter] orderGetIn true;",""];
  7. so I am able to achieve this task in the editor but I would now like to write it out in sqf and achieve the same result. (separate question: is there a way to 'grab' the code from the editor and paste it into sqf? for example if you made a mission entirely in the editor without using any scripts could you then get the code from the editor and paste it all in scripts?) anyway so I will give you some screenshots on what it looks like in the editor and after i'll explain it, then i'll give you the code that i have come up with in a script and hopefully you can tell me what i need to change? :) so here is the screenshots of my editor. So what I want to happen is the player gets in the helicopter and then flies to the A.I. When the helicopter is within range of the A.I make the AI get in the helicopter. That simple, I only want there to be one condition at the moment which is that the helicopter must be within 10m of the A.I. So i have a player with a load waypoint. An A.I with 2 waypoints, the first one is just a move waypoint. The second is a get in waypoint. A trigger with activation blufor present and a 10m radius. I have synced the load waypoint with the getin waypoint. I have synced the move waypoint with the trigger so the guy doesn't do the getin waypoint until the trigger is activated(blufor present). So now to call my script i have inside my helicopter's init veh = this addEventHandler["getIn",{null = [this] execVM "waypoint.sqf"}]; waypoint.sqf I have recorded what happens if i preview this in the editor for you guys to see If you want the mission files then here you go p.s it took me ages to write this forum post but i've tried to provide the most information i can so you can help me, do you think its better to provide all this screenshots and video or is it too long?
  8. oh thats interesting and a clear example thanks guys
  9. thanks a lot guys i like killzone kid :)
  10. I was looking at a script and noticed at the bottom it had this at the bottom of the script [] spawn { sleep 300; life_use_atm = true; }; i read on the wiki that spawn "Starts running a new script" which i can understand but whats the need for it? In the example below why did they use spawn instead of just having sleep 300 and life use atm = true while{true} do { // this code below is setting up a progress bar for robbing a store in altis life just ignore sleep 1; _cP = _cP + 0.003333; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(player distance _unit > 15) exitWith {}; if(!alive player) exitWith {}; if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {}; }; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; [] spawn { sleep 300; life_use_atm = true; }; wouldn't this just be the exact same? while{true} do { // this code below is setting up a progress bar for robbing a store in altis life just ignore sleep 1; _cP = _cP + 0.003333; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; if(player distance _unit > 15) exitWith {}; if(!alive player) exitWith {}; if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {}; }; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; sleep 300; life_use_atm = true;
  11. thanks that looks interesting horner I read the documentation on the wiki about extension and callextension but I dont understand it. Im going to look for a tutorial on how to use it, don't suppose you know of any do you?
  12. For example i get the position of a player in arma but the coordinates returned are (not actual coordinates) [2345.5, 2345.5, 2345.5] what if i wanted to take this array and manipulate it using another language like php? I was thinking Arma can connect to a database so i could store this array in the database and then i could use whatever language i liked to access that database and get the array. So php has a function where you can give it a array and it will shorten it for you so lets say i get php to get rid off all the decimals and leave the array with just whole numbers [2345, 2345, 2345]. I could then add this array into the database and then arma could use it again. The reason I ask is because arma doesn't have a command for everything while other languages do so i thought it would be quite useful if I knew how to do this. Im not asking how this could be done because I know that would be a lot of explaining to understand you, I would just like to know if it is possible. If you wanted to go into detail about how to do it thou I would greatly appreciate you explaining how you would go about doing it. thanks, jake