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Everything posted by pickman

  1. I have a fps drop also. What I MUST say on this mod: first: I must thanx a lot to have built it. 24 euros that I have spent for this game should be given to you. one of two monts ago I have unistalled Arma 3 for extreme frustration, weapon damage/armor was totally wrong, ai behaviour was totally wrong, ai accuracy was totally inhuman such as their perception. so, you could image my total disappointment. it seemed me like a bad joke. After I played all chapters of arma, and after the long wait for A3 I felt a bit defrauded. so, ultimately I had to unistall a3. Now in the last days I have read of this mod and tpw thus i ve tried them after re installing the game and I can say that this was the ArmA3 I wanted. surely, the mod is still to be refined and there are some issues but it is an awesome work that has pushed me to recover A3 from the trash can and play it again. thanks so much.