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Posts posted by kerozen

  1. 40 minutes ago, stanhope said:

    The addactions will only show up to the person that executes this script, so either put this script in initPlayerLocal.sqf (or just init.sqf) (this will give literally everyone on server access) or remote execute it.


    All the code i posted is in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. It works in singleplayer and the local host server but it seems it doesn't work on dedicated servers

  2. I did a CQB map for single player where you can reset blown up walls and hide/show killhouses. I  never tested it on a server but a friend did and says it doesn't work.


    Me being a complete idiot when it comes to MP scripting i have no idea how to make it work online.


    All the codes are pretty much the same it just changes the variable names. What could i do to make it work on a dedicated server?



    cqbbdoor = {
    	cqb_b_d1 setdamage 0;
    	cqb_b_d2 setdamage 0;
    	cqb_b_d3 setdamage 0; 
    	cqb_b_d4 setdamage 0;
    	cqb_b_d5 setdamage 0;
    sign_cqb_b addAction ["Reset Portas", cqbbdoor];
    //Hide & Show
    hidecqbbravo ={
    	sign_cqb_b hideObject true;
    showcqbbravo ={
    	sign_cqb_b hideObject false;
    laptop1 addAction ["<t color='#00c72f'>Remover  Complexo Bravo</t>", hidecqbbravo];
    laptop1 addAction ["<t color='#00c72f'>Construir Complexo Bravo</t>", showcqbbravo];


  3. 8 hours ago, whiztler said:

    Ignore what I said before and copy below in your InitPlayerLocal.sqf:


      Hide contents
    ADF_fnc_disable3P = {
    	 _____ ____  _____ 
    	|  _  |    \|   __|
    	|     |  |  |   __|
    	ARMA Mission Development Framework
    	ADF version: 2.26 / Jul 2020
    	Function: ADF_fnc_disable3P
    	Author: Whiztler
    	Script version: 1.01
    	File: fn_disable3P.sqf
    	Disables third person. In the mission params you can define if 3rd person view is
    	disabled. There is an extra option to disable 3rd person when inside a vehicle
    	Execute (spawn) on player clients
    	0. Object:		Player.
    	EXAMPLES USAGE IN SCRIPT (initPlayerLocal.sqf):
    	if (ADF_disable3PC || ADF_disable3PV) then {player spawn ADF_fnc_disable3P};
    	N/A must be executed after mission init
    	player spawn ADF_fnc_disable3P;
    	// Reporting
    	//if (ADF_extRpt || {ADF_debug}) then {diag_log "ADF rpt: fnc - executing: ADF_fnc_disable3P"};
    	if !hasInterface exitWith {};
    	//Wait until the client has initialized
    	if (player != player || didJIP) then {
    		waitUntil {!isNull player};
    		waitUntil {time > 0};
    	// Start with 1st person view
    	player switchCamera "Internal";
    	// Stacked EH to check if player switches from 1st person view
    	["3P", "onEachFrame", {
    			if (cameraView == "External") then {
    				if !(isNull objectParent player) then {
    					if (ADF_disable3PV) then {
    						player switchCamera "Internal";
    				} else {
    					player switchCamera "Internal";
    	] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
    ADF_disable3PV = true; // True: also disable 3rd person when inside a vehicle. Set to false if you want to enable 3rd person on when inside a vehicle.
    player spawn ADF_fnc_disable3P;




    Thank you very much

  4. Could any one help me out? Why am i getting this error?




    class PT_F16_jag : FIR_F16C
    		scope = 2;
    		author = "Kerozen";
    		displayName = "F-16 Fighting Falcon Jaguares";	
    		fir_f16_custom_skin = 1;
    		fir_f16_custom_name = "F-16 Portugal Jaguares";
    		fir_f16_custom_code = "PT_F16_jag";
    		hiddenselectionstextures[] = {
    		fir_f16_engine = "PW220";
    		fir_f16_aux = "iff";
    		fir_f16_hud = "std";		
    		fir_f16_vwt = "standard"; 
    		fir_f16_cft = "no";	
    	//	editorPreview = "\your_f16_mod_path\preview.jpg"; 


    Edit: I'm on a roll.... I'm just blind (again) If an admin wants this and my last post in this topic can be deleted
