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About blckeagls

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    Lance Corporal
  1. Hello All, Was working on this for a while and figured it would be beneficial for others. My use: offloading database queries and load balancing across multiple headless clients. Also allow the server to process database queries when headless clients are not online The idea is to use the Server as a communications broker between clients and headless clients. Script: Performs publicVariableClient to an available headless client.. If one is not available, sends the it to the server. (Script has to be ran from the server, owner command only works on the server) SendToHeadlessClient = { private ["_var","_owner"]; // The variable to be passed _var = _this; //Initializing owner variable _owner = []; //Checks if there are any headless clients if (count (entities "HeadlessClient_F") == 0) then { // If no headless clients send to server publicVariableServer _var; } else { // Gets a list of headless client ClientIDs { //Is an active headless client if (_x in allPlayers) then { //Creates array of clientIDs _owner = _owner + [owner _x]; }; } forEach (entities "HeadlessClient_F"); //If active headless clients are online send to headlessclient, else send to server if (count _owner > 0) then { //Choose a headless client at random and sends (_owner call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) publicVariableClient _var; } else { //Send to server publicVariableServer _var; }; }; }; Example: Server Code: "PlayerSendToServer_AddBuilding" addPublicVariableEventHandler { //Recieves Request from Player SendToDatabase_AddBuilding = _this select 1; //Calls function to send to a headless client if available, else send back to server "SendToDatabase_AddBuilding" call SendToHeadlessClient; }; "SendToDatabase_AddBuilding" addPublicVariableEventHandler { //Processes Request from Player (_this select 1) call BuildingObjectInsertIntoDatabase; }; HeadlessClient(s) Code: "SendToDatabase_AddBuilding" addPublicVariableEventHandler { //Processes Request from Player (_this select 1) call BuildingObjectInsertIntoDatabase; }; Client Code: _object = "I_Truck_02_medical_F" createVehicle [16699.800781,13586.956055,15.927668]; _object setPosWorld [16699.800781,13586.956055,15.927668]; _direction = random 360; _object setDir _direction; //Sends request to server to be processed PlayerSendToServer_AddBuilding = [_object,player]; publicVariableServer "PlayerSendToServer_AddBuilding";
  2. Hello All, Hot do I add footstep sounds to my model? Right now there is just a default model. I want to change the sound that happens when someone walks on the model. Thanks, blckeagls
  3. Welcome All! I am working on creating a modular mod that allow players create their own mods by providing the groundwork for a persistent server. There will be four modules that I plan on writing. PersistentPlayer, PersistentVehicles, PersistentBuildings + Crafting, and PersistentVendors + Banking. These will be 4 standalone modules that will make up the entire mod. Each module can be used individually or together. I made a really rough demonstration video of the different modules, not fancy or anything and does not cover all of it. To view it click the link below: Module 1: PersistentPlayer - version 1.0.3 PersistentPlayer allow server owners to enable player saving when players enter and exit the server. It is a standalone mod that has no mod prerequisites and is all encompassing. The scripts can be performed all server-side and require no user side downloads, other than through the mission file. Installation 1. Copy @PersistentPlayer to the root of your arma3server folder. 2. Copy the mpmissions to the root of your arma3server. 3. Configure your config.cfg to configure the server to launch server.Altis. - You do not have to use Altis, just use a map of your choosing with your own descriptions.ext and mission.sqm 4. Install MySQL on the server. 5. Copy "@PersistentPlayer\Databases.txt" to "%AppData%\..\Local\Arma2NETMySQL" 6. Edit "Databases.txt" to look like this: mysql,persistentPlayer,localhost,3306,USER,PASSWOR D *Change USER and PASSWORD* 6. Open a MySQL Editor and create a Database named persistentPlayer. 7. Make the persistentPlayer the default database. 8. Copy the contents of "PersistentPlayer.sql" to the SQLEditor and run the SQL commands. -- This will create the required tables 9. add @PersistentWorld to your -mod= 10. Start server and enjoy Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7UlN6ZXEzU3ZyTFE/view?usp=sharing Change Log 1.0.2 Improvements to saving and functionalities 1.0.1 Fixed some event handlers Some player side changes to allow PersistentVehicles to work with PersistentPlayer. Module 2: PersistentVehicles - version 1.1.1 PersistentVehicle allow server owners to enable vehicle saving on server restarts. Optional addon to this module is PersistentVehicleKeys. This adds key items that players get upon spawning in vehicles. The holder of the key to the vehicle allows the vehicle to be locked or unlocked. There is a client side download that is required. Edit the init.sqf in the mission file to turn off PersistentVehicleKeys. Installation Instructions: 1. Copy @PersistentVehicles to the root of your arma3server folder. 2. Copy the mpmissions to the root of your arma3server. 3. Configure your config.cfg to configure the server to launch server.Altis. - You do not have to use Altis, just use a map of your choosing with your own descriptions.ext and mission.sqm 4. Install MySQL on the server. 5. Copy @PersistentVehicles\Databases.txt" to "%AppData%\..\Local\Arma2NETMySQL" 6. Edit "Databases.txt" to look like this: mysql,persistentVehicle,localhost,3306,USER,PASSWO RD *Change USER and PASSWORD* 6. Open a MySQL Editor and create a Database named persistentVehicle. 7. Make the persistentVehicle the default database. 8. Copy the contents of "PersistentVehicle.sql" to the SQLEditor and run the SQL commands. -- This will create the required tables 9. Start server and enjoy Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7SEpxdXBHeVBzRzA/view?usp=sharing Client Download (optional): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7U015VzBobHBPTUk/view?usp=sharing Module 3: PersistentBuilding + Crafting - version 1.0.0 This module will allow players to craft and build structures and will enable saving them for after a server restart. There will be a snapping feature to allow players to precisely connect building pieces together. This is a server-side only mod, unless you want to add user created objects such as walls, weapons, etc. Then it would require the client to have the mod that contains those models. Installation Instructions: 1. Copy @PersistentBuilding to the root of your arma3server folder. 2. Copy the mpmissions to the root of your arma3server. 3. Configure your config.cfg to configure the server to launch server.Altis. - You do not have to use Altis, just use a map of your choosing with your own descriptions.ext and mission.sqm 4. Install MySQL on the server. 5. Copy @PersistentBuilding\Databases.txt" to "%AppData%\..\Local\Arma2NETMySQL" 6. Edit "Databases.txt" to look like this: mysql,persistentVehicle,localhost,3306,USER,PASSWO RD *Change USER and PASSWORD* 6. Open a MySQL Editor and create a Database named persistentBuilding. 7. Make the persistentBuilding the default database. 8. Copy the contents of "PersistentBuilding.sql" to the SQLEditor and run the SQL commands. -- This will create the required tables 9. Start server and enjoy Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7b2Q3cktfN3l3Tlk/view?usp=sharing Module 4: PersistentVendors + Banking This module will allow for players to create a vendor to sell items at. There will be an graphical interface for other players to purchase items from. The vendor owner (some player) will be required to stock it with the items they find/craft/steal. Additionally, I plan to implement a banking system that will allow players to store money inside a bank as well on their character. MORE INFORMATION TO COME Arma2NET Prerequisites .NET Framework 4 Client Profile: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=24872 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8328 Arma2NET MySQL Prerequisites MySQL Connector for .NET: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/
  4. Use a headless client... Headless clients will run the AI this will improve the server performance. There is an issue with Arma 3 where you have a 2GB limit on RAM. AI take alot of RAM and CPU performance. By offloading that onto another system or process, you will increase the performance of the server.
  5. Hello All, What I am looking for is feedback based upon an idea I have. I want to see what people think about it before I go into the coding of it. Want to get new suggestions to improve, get an idea if anyone would like to play it or not also. I created a mod called Arma 3 Resource War. It did not appear to have gotten a great following. I believe this happened for several reasons, but I am not going to bother with those details. But essentially it was a mod where you gather resources and build a base. What I want to do now is convert this into a new mod that has some role-playing into it. It is kind of like Altis Life's role playing (cops vs criminals) but I believe it would have a player built economy and player run governmental system. Also it allows for people to build houses (not just buy but build) and build shops for people to purchase their crafts. The link below has some of the idea's I want to bring into the mod. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7TDJsMnR5TU4zem8/view?usp=sharing Additionally, I wanted to allow players to submit their own models that I can incorporate into the game (on a weekly basis) that will allow them to be the only one to craft such items for a period of 60 days before all players are allowed to craft it. Let me know your thoughts on this. If anyone wants to help produce this, I am looking for additional people. Thanks, blckeagls
  6. Hello! Is it possible to set an objects texture from a URL(website image) image? I wanted to see if it was possible for people to upload their own textures to billboards and flags. If anyone knows a way that would be awesome! Thanks, blckeagls ---------- Post added at 05:29 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ---------- Would this work? obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"http://example.com/image.jpg"]
  7. Version Upate (0.2.8): https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B90Un0wUV4P7UG5LLWtlN005M1E&export=download http://www.zombieville.com/downloads/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.8.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/a3clientfiles/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.8.zip Change Log: - Fix small issue with new players placing claim markers.
  8. Ad of right now it's strictly multiplayer with a database backend. There are elements within that I can see being useful for a SP or PVE
  9. Version Upate (0.2.7): https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B90Un0wUV4P7cHRxakIySTJETDQ&export=download http://www.zombieville.com/downloads/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.7.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/a3clientfiles/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.7.zip Change Log: - Allowed Group Member to delete your building pieces - Added: Sandbag Walls, H-Barrier Walls, and Razorwire - Fixed Saving of ammo on players and vehicles. Now saves ammo count
  10. UPDATED RELEASE: 0.2.2 DOWNLOAD LINKS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90Un0wUV4P7WHh6WmdKd3dySG8/view?usp=sharing http://www.zombieville.com/downloads/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.2.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/a3clientfiles/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.2.2.zip
  11. Arma 3 Resource War Update to version 0.1.17: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B90Un0wUV4P7SlgwaXo1MWhSMWc&export=download http://www.zombieville.net/downloads/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.1.17.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/a3clientfiles/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.1.17.zip
  12. Arma 3 Resource War Update to version 0.1.16: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B90Un0wUV4P7SlgwaXo1MWhSMWc&export=download http://www.zombieville.net/downloads/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.1.17.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/a3clientfiles/A3RW_ClientFiles_0.1.17.zip
  13. Sorry about that.. It was just bad timing. We have version 0.1.12 out now. You joined right on an update.