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About warleader7

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  1. Great mission first of all. This will breath life into ARMA 3 for sure. Unfortunately I am quite new and learning. I have a question. The method I am using to learn is run the game, open the MCC interface, log in to have access and start practicing. Here is my question. when I place a start point. Either by selecting it first or after enabling roles, my player teleports there with no problem. However, on respawn, or in some cases on the original teleport move, my player shoots an invisible dirt wall in front of him and enemies basically ignore him. what am I doing wrong? I am using it in multiplayer mode. also, can you play this editor on the fly with friends? I noticed that my map has the zones and start points, etc marked if I am the mission maker. I was wondering if it is possible to generate a mission then join with buddies and no longer be in a "know everything" mode? thanks for the help. The respawns and shooting invisible walls is the most important for me to figure out first.