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Everything posted by fat_lurch

  1. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    Tankbuster - I realize i should have been more clear: the CUP version was recently updated with the changes I've described above. I'm waiting for some user feedback before committing changes to RPGTard for other weapon sets.
  2. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    Yes it is
  3. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    Yes they will.
  4. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    Thanks for the feedback rsoftokz! I can definitely look into it: What are the exact steps to reproduce what you're seeing?
  5. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    No kidding! Or even just a vision mode change EH.
  6. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    It's just a simple loop that looks for the current vision mode and that the effect is enabled in the CBA settings.(https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/currentVisionMode) I plan on making the code a little smarter in the future so the effect doesn't take over vehicle cameras, etc. I limited it to about 50Hz figuring that would be fast enough for most folks not to notice the transition. The effect itself is just a post-process color correction. I'm suspicious that this is how BIS handles their night vision effect as well (since there's no real NIR light sources in the engine). I'm guessing items like NVGTarget etc. also cue off of currentVisionMode. If you're interested I can post up the code. Thanks
  7. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    I just updated the addon so that the AI are a bit less likely to use an RPG-7. The RPG-7 itself has been made MUCH less accurate (dispersion was 0.002. The Cup M4A1 had a dispersion of 0.0014...). I'd really appreciate feedback on the changes - these will become the baseline for updating the RPGTard variants. Thanks!
  8. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    Thanks for the feedback AirShark! Right now the addon checks if current vision mode =1 (nvg) and if the effect is enabled in the CBA settings. Those are the only two conditions to enable the WP effect. The effect is loaded as part of the init for all "CAman" classes in ARMA. Is there anything unique you're doing? Are you spawning in a vehicle or anything? Thanks again!
  9. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    Update 2019-07-06: Added link to a non-ACE version. See the original post.
  10. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    Thanks GF!
  11. fat_lurch

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    Thanks for the kind feedback! Glad you enjoy. Please throw a like on the Steam page. I'll work on better code so that the effect only is applied when appropriate. I should also be able to release this as a script at some point - the code is fairly simple. With any luck, the ACE folks will pick up the concept - it looks like their code already defines "generations" of NOD tubes.
  12. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    I can look into this, yes. It will take some testing to get the desired effect - help with this from the community would be appreciated. The negative tradeoff is there will be at least two versions for each weapon set (Vanilla, RHS, NIA, CUP, etc.)
  13. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    I totally agree this is bad tactics. The intent is to simulate a poorly trained paramilitary force (the same kind of folks who have casualties from the RPG back blast itself). I suspect the effect is exaggerated compared to real world, but it's been pretty entertaining having rockets whiz by - it gets your attention.
  14. fat_lurch

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    Update 2019/07/01: CUP version added with new coding that is (hopefully) more stable. See original post for link.
  15. I've been working on a helocast/kangaroo-cast system (although I've been slacking recently due to work). Warlord: I'd just need classnames & vehicle-relative coordinates for the attachTo command to make my mod work with yours (if you're interested, that is).
  16. This looks simply amazing! I can't begin to offer appropriate praise for the work and attention to detail you're putting into this. I tried modelling just the refueling boom on the MH-60 as an "applique" to the RHS UH-60 and it kicked my ass... I can't fathom how much work goes into models this detailed.
  17. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    I seem to have the waypoints for setting up and executing a helocast working. The AI will also climb into their boat and wait for subsequent tasking. I think I'm going to hold off trying to make the AI driving the boat try to drive into the Chinook for recovery for now - I have a feeling the AI will not do that very well.
  18. Hello all, I'm putting together some custom waypoint types to support a helocasting system I'm putting together. I'm having an issue where the AI piloted helicopter turns to land on shore when performing the helocast. I've tried disabling damage, adding a custom handleDamage EH, using disableCollisionWith and using disableAI on the helicopter to no avail. I've also verified that the damage to the helo is 0, ditto the crew. The helicopter is landing even though it has a move waypoint currently assigned. Does anyone know why an AI controlled helicopter would suddenly fly off and land and how I could prevent it? Thanks in advance! RESOLVED - The issue was the units I was placing in the helicopter were being automatically synced tot he same group as the helicopter.
  19. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    I've got most of the waypoints working in the Eden editor & Zeus. The actual helocast itself is fighting me a bit as a waypoint. Eventually I want to figure out how to integrate this with ALiVE.
  20. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    Thanks much! I'm still working at it - this weekend was devoted to upgrading my PC so I didn't get a heck of a lot done.
  21. fat_lurch

    Turret Enhanced

    Thanks jone-kone, I should be able to add a simple pitch indicator. I'm guessing just a positive number for nose up, and negative for nose down? I haven't experienced the issue you're describing. Would it be possible to record video of the issue? Also, knowing which aircraft you're using and which other mods you're using may be helpful. It will take me a little while to get to this - I'm neck deep in my helocasting addon and I'd like to keep making forward progress so I can get an initial release out for testing. Thanks
  22. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    An update on a scripted version: as far as I can tell so far I'll need to release this as an addon in order to be able to incorporate custom waypoint types for helocasting. A workaround would be to provide code for scripted waypoints, but this will require quite a bit more work on the part of the person using the scripts.
  23. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    BIS's changes didn't affect things like I expected - I still wasn't able to use vehicle-in-vehicle on the assault boat. I've been testing with my group and working bugs. We've been able to recover a zodiac, fly out and helocast over and over. I added a custom handle damage EH so that the boat can't damage the helo but the helo can still be damaged by small arms, etc. It's probably 80% complete save for integrating the custom decel function - that will be the next big hurdle, then packaging as an addon. I'm in the process of trying to come up with a waypoint type for the helicopter to set it up to recover the zodiac. I also want to setup support for the vanilla helicopters.
  24. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    I cannot believe the timing of update 1.90 - I had been doing things the hard way using attachTo because the Assault Boat couldn't be loaded into other vehicles: "Fixed: Assault Boat was missing a vehicle transport class and it did not use memory point defined bounding boxes" Also: "Added: Small animation for raising the engine of Assault Boats when they are transported in other vehicles" Cheers to the developers - In (Lottery odds) case this had anything to do with this mod, let me know where to drop ship the beer. p.s. Let me know what it would cost to incorporate setMaxDive
  25. fat_lurch

    [WIP] Helocasting & K-Casting

    Thanks jnr, I'm hoping to come up with a few flight profiles.