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About editor321

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    Member of SHARBSE- A Division of NIArms
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  1. editor321

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    Ah sorry. I misunderstood. They haven't been publicly distributed. I'm just one of the guys from the SHARBSE group. I thought you were looking for updates related to the animations, or if the animations were affected by optics or if there was clipping etc.
  2. editor321

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    What kind of update were you wondering about? I use the AK12 quite a bit on our missions we do and the PSO-1 when I use the more traditional AK's.
  3. editor321

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    One thing I will point out is that the video of the AK animations is a bit old, the timings on the version we use are far, far better! Later, with permission from toadie I might upload some game footage.
  4. editor321

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    Glad to see you are starting to release the awesomeness to the world! (I'm one of the folks that play regularly as mentioned) We are always looking for a few extra trigger fingers, just need a way to organize the fun and perhaps we can play together when he releases this stuff.