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Posts posted by jshock

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ltf said:

    It's great to hear that you're back to modding :)

    It's been a minute hasn't it :thumb_down:




    To give you an idea of what has been done/will be done since I have come back from my hiatus:


    ~Different sound when within the hot zone, that sound plays faster when in close range of originating contam object
    ~JSHK_contam_dummyObject ("the aha moment": used to hold all the necessary information about the areas, allows for extreme expansion on what this mod can accomplish down the road)
        -The whole four layered marker perimeter system has been completely done away with
    ~Separate modules for detector settings, debug, mask settings, and the global settings (other gear, damage etc.)
    ~Remove contam and safe area modules (with sister functions), you can now name the areas and use that reference to delete them on the fly
    ~Handle teamswitch for singleplayer
    ~User defined cold/hot/object zone detection radius
    ~Mask breathing speed based on stamina of player, optional setting
    ~PVEH for function execution (only approved functions)
    ~Made whole detector movable
    ~Scaled detector size down by a factor of 1.25
    ~With the help of the dummy object, you can now, through each Contam Area module, define the "MOPP Level" that is required for that area
        -No Gear
        -MOPP 1: Mask Only
        -MOPP 2: Mask and Uniform
        -MOPP 3: Mask, Uniform, and Vest
    I'm aware that there is a MOPP 4....butttttttt limitations of Arma......


    I'm trying to get most everything area creation/deletion, information updates/sharing to be done completely on the server for multiplayer purposes.

    Currently disabled until I can rework them into the new system and create a way to cleanly bring into focus as you come into the area and take out gradually as you leave the area are the environmental effects and color filters.
        -I may enable these filters when the "make the whole map contaminated" feature is enabled until I can get it working the way I want
    Currently reworking the damage system handling to allow for user input on rate of damage (for those Vanilla players out there) and time to death (when using ACE).
    I have attempted to start working on Zeus implementation....I haven't hit a roadbloack per se...but I have to learn a lot on the fly looking at BIS stuff along with other folks addons to see how they accomplished it, so that will still take quite a bit of time until I can get the time to get the hang of it.


    90% my issue with this whole thing is a mixture of completionist (when it comes to getting every possible thought and idea into it) and semi-perfectionism that slows me down to a crawl, right as I finish something I think of a better way to do it and/or think of something else that needs to be done before I'm ready for it to go out. At this point I think I've kept you all so far on the back-burner that it's time to get something out there, so hopefully I can pull through for you all....


    Shock Out.



    --Another side note, as far as my own gear and such....I've got to figure some of that stuff out still as well, however, if you have not come across it yet I highly recommend you look into this mod for all your gear needs until I can get my shit together (or maybe I find a way to team up with them, I don't know we'll have to see).

    • Like 3

  2. 9 minutes ago, xNotGeorgex said:

    Hi i am stuck on how to read my variables in game.



    starter addaction ["Begin Mission", {execVM "scripts\startmission.sqf"}];

    _mStart = 0;



    _mStart = 1;
    starter removeAction 0;
    hint "Mission started, check map for info."


    my question is, how do i make a trigger activate when _mStart = 1?

    When you put a '_' in front of a variable name it makes it local to the script you are running it in, so in your case "_mStart" is local to the init.sqf. So all you need to do is change "_mStart" to "mStart" in both instances and you should be good to go (barring any notion that this is in multiplayer).

  3. Condition:


    {if (_x distance hostage < 5) exitWith {missionNamespace setVariable ["executingPlayer",_x]; true;}; false;} count allPlayers > 0



    tempVar = missionNamespace getVariable ["executingPlayer",nil]; if (!isNil "tempVar") then {[hostage] join (group tempVar)}; tempVar = nil; missionNamespace setVariable ["executingPlayer",nil];


    This may be a little messy and there may be a better way of doing it, but I'm doing this quickly from my phone, so if it doesn't work or there is a better way hopefully someone else can help :).

  4. Apply locally via initPlayerLocal or other scirpt:


    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler 
    		params ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey","_alt"];
    		private _handled = false;
    		if (_ctrlKey && !_shift && !_alt && _dikCode == DIK_FI) then 
    			_handled = true;


  5. If that is the only variable throwing errors, primaryWeaponItems is returning null which will definetly happen if the unit is undefined coming into the function, so a check there wouldn't hurt. The other possibility is that the unit doesn't have a primary weapon assigned, though I'm not sure of the behavior of the command and whether or not it will return an empty array or return null. So check the output of that command at the top of the function like so:

    diag_log format ["***DIAG*** pWeapAttachArray value: %1",_pWeapAttachArray];
    Which will output to the server's rpt.

    Or just throw in some extra if statements to see if the unit has a primary weapon or not, other outside issue from the given is if the weapon has no assigned items (aka no accessories), so if you count an empty array and subtract 1, you'll get -1 in return, creating an infinite loop (or it may error out..), just throwing that out there, same goes for the other variables of similar nature.

    Another issue could be scope, I'm on my phone so it's a bit hard, and your scope looks fine....but a variable being out of scope = undefined error thrown.

  6. This is really looking good. Is there a public beta download at the moment or its still at SkunkWorks?

    Still private alpha, at this point with my RL schedule being a bitch, I may release a public beta missing a few features that I would like, but that way you all can go about making your mission ideas without waiting on my schedule to clear up.

    • Like 4

  7. Setting a variable on the player, is in objectNamespace, so the value only exists when defined and when the object itself exists. missionNamespace is essentially the same thing as "myGlobalVariable = true" and is persistent through respawn/death, so in your case I would recommend missionNamespace over setVariable on the player. Though either would work, depending on your setup for respawn and your general knowledge base on locality and when you can access certain information :D.

  8. Just started reading this so may already been answered but with this be compatible with ace and there CS gas ??

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Compatible with ACE's medical system, not their CS gas, I could look into that though :).

    Again, sorry for the lack of any updates recently college hit me loke a train as of late, been busy to no end.

    • Like 2

  9. just define all classes for the different mods then, but make all non-vanilla classes scope 0. Then create additional addon where you just set scope 2 for the mod adjustednclasses and scope=0 for vanilla ones.

    Other option could be to make seperate pbos for each class from each mod, and in the config in those pbos have required addons for his base pbo and the external mod that the class requires.

  10. Sqf is a proprietary language made my BI, so video game coding books won't do you much good other than getting the basic coding ideas down.


    There are a lot of videos out there on sqf stuff and there are a number of threads of similar nature here on this forum.


    Check out this post for some extended info and some other intro stuff: 


  11. Look at this page: 



    You have access to who called the action, the object the action is attached to and the ID of the action. You'll want to use the caller to find out which player executed the action.



    Side note: As far as pasting code, copy it from your text editor, go to the forums here, you should be able to see an icon that looks like this: < >, but the arrows are blue, click that, paste in, click ok, done is done.
