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Posts posted by jshock

  1. I was working on something similar like 2 years ago, I think a lot of players wants something like this so good job :)

    Well, I want the gear for sure :p, but I actually like that the sound changes once your in the deadly hot zone, I'll see about doing something like that :).

    But seriously if your're up for helping me with the gear itself and adding some diversity to what is there in the video, it would be awesome.

    • Like 1

  2. It's probably an internal BIS variable set on mission start, not a function, the waitUntil would be required for evalution of the variable yes. That variable is probably set by BIS_fnc_feedbackInit or BIS_fnc_feedbackMain, I have experience with neither, so I'm not sure how to make it work with AI. My half-educated guess would be just comment out the waitUntil and see if it works then, though I also don't know the backend or necessary function requirements for the tcb function executed, but if it errors out you'll know :p.

  3. hi jshock,


    good work, i've been looking for something like this


    apologies if this is already covered but would it be possible to set the atmosphere to toxic by default and then define safezones instead? i ask this because i tried to do something similar to simulate a toxic atmosphere with oxygenated buildings (as in hab modules on another planet).


    i was trying to adapt this script:




    which is the only other contamination zone kinda mod i've seen. it was the weekend so i can't really remember if it worked or not : /

    I actually hadn't thought of that, but that should be easy to implement :D.

    • Like 2

  4. Its going to be MP compatible yeah?

    MP compatibility is the intent, some features may only be in SP due to performance requirements. Half the time I have to go back to make sure it will work SP when I'm coding it for MP.

    I've yet to test large scale MP with it, but I've gotten a couple friends to play with me here and there on my showcase mission (which is coming along nicely) and they haven't noticed any sort of frame drop with what I have currently (barring this most recent addition of the perimeters). Once I get this mod to basically a releasable "beta" stage I will probably get my unit to make a few missions with it, that way I can get 20-30 people on MP to stress and test it out, before I push public.

    A lot of this mod is handled exclusivley on the client, which makes SP coding and MP coding overly simple. The diffculty comes when the server (which handles the information on the areas) has to update clients on connect or when new areas are added dynamically. The other difficulty I see as a future issue is overall security of the mod from an MP standpoint, lots of variables and functions that can be accessed from a client to inherently change gameplay overall, but I'm hoping it won't come to that, even if it did, I'm not really sure I would take too much action on it, at least not quickly.

    @Ltf, most practical in the Arma series is going a little far no :p. I mean, this is my first big scale project I've worked on, and I've only been playing since the later days of A2. I'm sure there are some better, if not more practical mods out there. But I can see where the comment comes from, and it's appreciated :thumb:.

    • Like 2

  5. Alright, got the cold to warm to hot zone stuff working now as well, at least to the point where I can use it to continue with other features, the detector will now beep slower/faster depending on the perimeter level in which your player character is in. There are four levels of perimeter, each 25% larger than the "dead zone" radius before it, i.e., a 200m radius contaminated area would have perimeter zones at 250m, 300m, 350m , and 400m from dead zone center. I will probably add a "micro zone" when your're within 5m of the originating object, but only if there is an originating object (as you can use the module position as well, which in that case an absolute origin doesn't make sense). You will not be injured within the perimeter zones, only in the dead zone, which is the user defined radius of the contaminated area.


    I can make this overly modular as well in the sense that the user can define how far out the detector can detect, then simply *insert math here* to create 'x' number of perimeter zones based on that input, just not right now, I want to get this out there in the public eye before I start to clamp down on this. But I think people will be happy with what is given, at least for a while.

    • Like 4

  6. What if _this is not an array, or, say, empty array?

    In first case you will examine it twice, whereas in the second case you will loop on _i only if you have valid iteration on _this' item.

    In general, if you have some loop possibly breaking, you better have it earlier (more outer).

    If this were my function, and it relied on an array being passed in, I would throw a check on it before ever getting to the loop portion of the code, if there is nothing in the array, there is no reason to run the function.

    params [["_arrayIn",[],[[]]]];
    private _count = count _arrayIn;
    if (_count == 0) exitWith {diag_log "Array entered function with no elements."};
    for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do 
    		hintSilent str(_x);
    	} forEach _arrayIn;

    It's important to write functions that analyze their input data to make sure that it will function properly, and throw errors when necessary so the end user can fix their input errors.

  7. It's pure f*****g frustration trying to create even a small particle effect, not really sure if i want to continue trying tbh.....I load up Arma for joy....not frustration.  :936:

    That being said, here is what I have so far, let me know what you guys think.....


    I mean, it's nice to have some sort of visualization of the area from afar, but if it's too frustrating to implement, then I honestly don't want you to worry about it, cause I'm certain the first thing that people would want updated is that effect. Hopefully when the whole perimeter system is hashed out the player can be some distance from the area, but start to get the effects of the area gradually added so it gives the impression of "hey I'm close to a bad place" but they haven't arrived yet.

    • Like 1

  8. They aren't stupid questions, as it's easy to not see what you posted as the same thing unless you've had some sort of understanding of code complexity. Easiest thing to do in that situation was to write out what the code said (I may have said all this before, idk...), which is where you'll see that the two basically say the same thing.

  9. I would say yes, those are basically the same. From a code complexity standpoint, those are definetly the same.

    As far as common usage, you get to choose don't you? lol

    If your're only going from 1 to 2, there really isn't a need for the for loop, as it will only run once, but for any other number x to y where y minus x > 1, the yea use the for loop.

  10. Been toying with a very small particle effect that will give a visual indication of a gas cloud/smog etc.......will post a video later showing it in action, then it's up to jshock if it's any good AND easy to implement into his mod. :)

    I'm sure it will be fine, it will just need a lot of testing when it comes to MP and such, see how much (if any) it bogs down everyone. And if that becomes the case, I'll still add it with a disclaimer saying SP only :D.

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  11. I'm fine with that as that's the basis of the detection concept :), though on the backend it will be a simple distance from zone origin check to determine the strength.

    But as far as on the actual GUI, I'll say this again just for good measure, this whole mod's intent is to be generalized (to the best of its abilities) so for the units of measure shown on the detector, that's not important, what's important is there is some number/GUI element displayed that starts at zero (not in a zone) and grows, shrinks as the player moves about the zone origin because a mission maker can choose anything for his/her mission as contamination from radiation to chlorine to methane to hair spray, so having the GUI with a specified measure(s) would inherently limit the "possbilities" for the mission maker simply from an immersion standpoint when using the detector.

    So if it will make it easier, and save a few posts over time, the backend functions and such can be tweaked and messed with later, I'd much more prefer at this point just to get the GUI finalized before delving into functions. Cause I have a feeling we'll start some functions up and the whole GUI could change to something completely different or we could drop/add/update other features, therefore causing extra work that really wasn't necessary.

    So to define what I think the detecor should be capable of:

    1. Can be turned on/off with a button(s)

    2. Can show the intensity of a zone at the current position of the player

    3. Can show general direction to the origin

    That's about all I can think of that is necessary for this detector, I'm open to other, generalized, concepts for it, but I think these three just about cover it.

    PS: Sorry if that came off a little stronghanded, it's post 3am here, been a long week...and I leave what is shown for the GUI zone strength thing in the hands of the artist, cause I'm indifferent :).

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  12. My request is more for visual representation when you are outside the zone. if it is possible. Or at the the very least have the filter come on gradually rather than "All Clear" to "Dark and gassy" in the space of 1 meter

    Then, yes, that is in the lineup before public release, there would be a number of "outer" non-deadly perimeters for detection and reactionary purposes on the player's part, and to add that feel of gradually entering a contaminated zone instead of the current "instantaneous" change from clear to deadly.

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  13. @rekkless, I forgot to respond to one of your points, all the effects are optional, you can choose which one you want or you can choose to disable them, the rain being it's own seperate option, the haze and other options are it's own category. I'm sure with EO there will be more effects on the way, therefore more options to choose from :). Let me know if that helped.

    And to tac onto the warm/hot zones, once you hit the outermost perimeter, the detecor will start going off to let you know you are nearing a danger zone, and will beep faster the closer you get to the origin of the contaminated zone.

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