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Posts posted by jshock

  1. I wish there was an easier way to save the whole string to profilenamespace without having to save each _hour, _minute, and _second to individual profilenamespace variables and then convert them to spring after using getvariable, but it doesn't look like that is possible.

    Like this?:

    profileNamespace setVariable ["timeVariable",format ["%1:%2:%3", _hours, _minutes, _secondsTemp]];
    _string = profileNamespace getVariable ["timeVariable",""];//returns "_hours:_minutes:_secondsTemp" (where the variables are the actual values of course)

    Another alternative:

    profileNamespace setVariable ["timeVariable",(_hours + ":" + _minutes + ":" + _secondsTemp)];

  2. Its not just the maps, missions its also slot up and everything that goes into it. They are not easy to setup and I can't say having organised quite a few I ever want to do them again, its just too much effort.

    This is probably one of the bigger reasons, as lots of groups don't have skilled/seasoned mission developers, and some developers that are experienced are usually a bit burnt out on making missions in general (i.e. me :p) and don't what to go into the realm of making sure all sides of the equation get exactly what they want.

  3. Ok. But i deleate all target marker at the same time. How can I deleate each target marker single? (Sorry for my bad English!)

    Ah, ok, so in the EH code where you see the "hitMarkers", change each of those each time (new name, i.e. "hitMarkers2") you have a new target (or a new lane of targets) that contributes, then on the addAction match the same variable name as the target/lane of targets and that should do it.

  4. I believe it's intentionally, but the following may circumvent that (all untested):

    //put this in the initPlayerLocal.sqf  
    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler 
           _handled = false; 
           if (
    			(_this select 1) in (actionKeys "LaunchCM") && 
    			{vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter" && gunner (vehicle player) isEqualTo player} && 
    			{isNull driver (vehicle player) || !alive driver (vehicle player)}
               (vehicle player) fire "CMFlareLauncher"; 
               _handled = true; 

  5. You could probably do a FiredNear EH on all your groups, from that broadcast a variable, basically simulating a radio call for help, then send "x" number of groups as reinforcements to the area of the broadcasting group. I would recommend setting another variable saying which groups are already being used as support (so you don't have another group broadcast, therefore possibly pulling a support group in two directions).
