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Posts posted by jshock

  1. Cheers for the script, it's good stuff. Is it possible to change the activation distance on the addAction. Telekinesis is breaking the immersion :)


    Change the following lines within the sqf:

    _sec = _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Secure prisioner") + "</t>","hostage.sqf",nil,6,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 3"];
    _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Follow squad") + "</t>","hostage.sqf",nil,6,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 3"];
    _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Free hostage") + "</t>","hostage.sqf",nil,6,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 3"];
    • Like 1

  2. Here is some simply straightforward code as to what I'm thinking, but maybe I'm just not understanding completely what you mean:

    fnc_getMissionVariables =
    	_vars = [];
    	_profileVars = ["checkpoint","rallypoint","assualt","lastStand"];
    		_vars pushBack (profileNamespace getVariable [_x,false]);
    	} forEach _profileVars;
    if (profileNamespace getVariable [firstMissionHasBeenPlayed,false]) then
    	_vars = [] call fnc_getMissionVariables;
    	[_vars] call fnc_startMission;
    	[] call fnc_startNewMission;

  3. Bad choice of everything. Your personal choice is your personal choice, don't try to make it as if this is how everyone should do it. breakOut with return value is by far the best thing that happened to SQF since OFP.

    No one has to listen to me, but I'm surely honored that you think that my words have the power to will people into doing something :D.

  4. I have not seen jshock here for a while.


    U have to edit his scripts in a few places to add those units.


    I doubt he would care.


    But doubt he has the time to help either.

    And also very true.


    As far as I'm concerned there is considerably enough information in this thread for you to figure it out, sorry if that makes me an ass, but eh :p.

  5. Hey JShock. Thanks for this. Been using it and loving it in my upcoming mission designs. I run into a problem though. With Kunduz for example, some of the spawns happen right outside the buildings in midair causing the AI to fall to their death. Is this BIS fault or code fault? Wondering if this is because of ARMA2 building designs? KUNDUZ uses the JBAD buildings i believe. Anything to do to improve this? I mean either way its not a deal breaker i just ignore the dead bodies :P

    It could be that the buildings don't follow BI's building position system, in which case, this script won't work. And to be honest I neither have the time nor interest to see about an alternate way of combating that issue, you are more than welcome to explore options for it (i.e. a community building position(s) function).

  6. if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _HC = owner HC; //"HC" denotes the name of the unit in-game
    ["HCS_addToHC", "onEachFrame", {
       if ((isPlayer)||(_x in units group _HC)) exitWith {};
       if (isNull _HC) ExitWith{};
       { _x setGroupOwner _HC; //adding all units that aren't player or aren't already under HC to HC
       }forEach allUnits;
    }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
