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Posts posted by jshock

  1. Is there limitation's to only 8 operators , .. , .. ?

    What do you mean by this? I'm certain you can use whatever operators you want for whatever code you are programming in...

    And to make a small note on the whole thread here, it honestly comes down to personal preference for people, there is no sure answer on these programming environments, new to scripting or not.

  2. If multiplayer testing, always use the MP editor. So hopefully the singleplayer mode comment above doesnt apply.

    It's still running locally on your machine, which in light of locality, could still cause some issues in a dedicated environment. Let's just say I've never needed to use the MP editor to make a mission MP compatible.

    @Niklander, it is better assumed that the player is initialised in the initPlayerLocal and initPlayerServer.

  3. I am curious how to make a zone with random Arty strikes that happen every 5 minutes or so. I tried MCC and saw a sexy Arty thing but not sure how to use it without MCC. I would like to have it do a Wide area strike with 82mm shells with each strike being ~40sec apart and the shelling to happen every 5min in the area marked on the map.


    This script is an old one of mine (really old, as in I was still using and SHK tag which I changed to JSHK as to not steal Shuko's thunder :P), but your're more than welcome to use it as a reference, should easily be "loopable" to fit your needs.

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  4. specifically the server init


    If that is the case, then I assume that "Init_Server.sqf" is called in the init.sqf as such:

    if (isServer) then {[] execVM "Init_Server.sqf";};

    And if that isn't the case, and if I'm thinking correctly you are trying to call that script in the "initServer.sqf" as detailed here, and if that is the case, simply rename your "Init_Server.sqf" to "initServer.sqf", no "_" and see if that makes any difference. 100-200 objects shouldn't cause too much of an issue, disabling simulation would aid in improving performance as recommend by whiztler, however, make note of objects that you intend to be destroyed, or at least have the capability of such, cause once simulation is disabled they will not interact with anything, thus becoming relatively indestructible.

  5. Could also use (in trigger condition field):

        ([thisTrigger,getPos _x,false] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger) && mineActive _x
    } count allMines == 0
    This can be used outside of the trigger condition as well, simply replace "thisTrigger" with the name of the trigger and you can do your own custom loop or whatever pleases you :p.

  6. With the following you pass in the unit that is being loaded out and the loadout type:

    //example exec line (in a unit's init line): [this,"RIFLEMAN"] execVM "chooseLoadout.sqf";
    params ["_unit","_loadout"];
    switch (toLower _loadout) do
        case "rifleman": {[_unit] execVM "rifleman.sqf";};
        case "sniper": {[_unit] execVM "sniper.sqf";};
        case "missile specialist (at)": {[_unit] execVM "AT.sqf";};
        case "missile specialist (aa)": {[_unit] execVM "AA.sqf";};
        case "heavy gunner": {[_unit] execVM "heavygunner.sqf";};
        case "combat life saver": {[_unit] execVM "medic.sqf";};
        case "grenadier": {[_unit] execVM "grenadier.sqf";};
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