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Posts posted by jshock

  1. J shock since last update im getting error messages on loading and while ingame

    Something about : "error in expression redress init sqf line 33...individual 1 etc etc. script runs ok except spawned opfor are nor being redressed anymore.

    i mean spawned after mission start

    Well, what happens to be the expression on line 33 that has an error....paste the redressInit because your 33 could be much different from mine if you've made any changes and such.


    Do you have indv1/indv2 actually defined in your mission, if not, there would be an error.

  2. Sorry if the question it's been already answered, but couldn't find it.


    How do I ( or it's even possible to ) redress different faction with different array?



    EAST redress like ISIS, with one array of uniform and weapons;

    CIV redress like takistan locals with their own array of clothing ecc.

    WEST..same as above..


    Thanks and great script

    You'll have to essentially make a "new" copy of the functions and scripts, it doesn't handle different gear for different factions.

  3. Ok, I over generalized it, if people want to make their code private (again, for this game specifically), I won't and can't stop them, I could give a sh*t what others do, I simply don't understand why it would be such an essential thing in third party code for a game that is based on a sharing community of developers to have code privatized. It was not the intent behind my statement to back piracy, but there is really no need to make anything private, as there is really no (large) personal gain (barring the outliers, i.e. DayZ, or any of the handful of MANW contest winners), other than maybe a bit of an inflation of the ego. Look at Adobe and their products, probably some of the most pirated software out there, and why is this, because they charge outrageous prices/subscription fees or whatever else, but if they had their software at a resonable price, that wouldn't be an issue for them, in the scope of this conversation I'm saying that non-privatized content for this game and this community is what I personally consider as the "reasonable price".


    Un-privatized = no piracy/not stolen/no issues

    • Like 3

  4. A side note to side note: It was the life missions and Berzerk (KOTH) that substantially changed the community in 2007, years before Dayz mod. ;) Of course, Dayz was the biggest avalanche though.

    I didn't even know Arma was in existence at that point :p (as in I know it was around, yet I didn't even have a gaming PC), sorry for the slight misinfo :). I'm at coder not a history buff.

    • Like 1

  5. I for one, have never been into this business of scripting for money, it's a game, I have fun playing it, I have fun coding it. I've gotten offers of payment for code, or simply helping people along, turning them down just because I don't need money for this. I believe that if someone "steals" your content and goes off and make money, you can take it as a complement, why, because it means your shit is what they would consider top of the line and worth stealing, that for me is payment enough. Time to time I'll search through missions and such, to find out I'm in the credit lines, that to me is more fulfilling than a few dollars everytime someone wants to use my content.

    And side note to the whole A3 being popular thanks to Youtubers, yea...., pretty sure it was thanks to the DayZ mod in A2 that expanded the base of this community from wholehearted military simulators to that plus PvPers, which has brought to life KoTH, DayZ Standalone, A3 Life, and other gamemodes of similar note. If the code for any of these were to leak out, would it hurt, no not really, it would hurt Egos, not the community, cause guess what players do if they join a server that has one of these modes on it and it's not up to snuff, they leave it and join another until they find what they are looking for, no one cares about the author anymore, except the author, and we the true community members. Welcome to the real world, cut-throat and unforgiving.

    To make this post a bit more on topic, the missions file itself is really unprotectable, as everyone that joins gets it, so that means everything you want secured needs to be ran from your server, not the mission, then simply give no one access to anything and hope no one gets bored and hacks your server for the info.

    PPS: Guess what some original content authors get, that the little stealing f*cks don't, job offers.

    • Like 7

  6. But there has to be a simulated reason to stop. Of course, depending in the mission's weather conditions, you can sim a squad to stop periodically when most of their members are too tired to go on. Fe, depending on the exposure to sun and the type of terrain (forest, open field, desert, etc.), you can add a different coef to the whole variable and do stuff when it reaches a value of x.

    That's assuming you need to go that in-depth, a simple "random time" between stops could do, with at least "x" time between each stop, but no more than "y" time between stops. And if you wanted them to stop at particular obstacles (like provided defined obstacles that could be IEDs, or similar) then do so, but in the most basic sense, it's relatively simple conceptually.
