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Posts posted by jshock

  1. Just some ideas.. :D  :D  :D  :D

    I like the look of them, only problem with them atm is, they need to be "square" 256x256, 512x512, etc., secondly, if the background was transparent, it would make it stand out much more :D.


    See the bottom of this page.


    I did try it with the middle one (resized it in MS Paint, lol), see below:





    And as far as the actually module that is placed, idk why it's just a black box, that's what I was getting before as well.....so.....

    • Like 1

  2. Sorry if this was answered(skimmed through quickly). Is there any visual aspect to the atmosphere planned? Like a toxic cloud?

    It's a hopeful plan that I actually forgot about until you just brought it up, so thanks! Can't promise anything, postProcess (for me) is a bit difficult, and the "heavier" effects on MP end up causing major frame drop (from my experience with other scripts, *cough* blizzard scripts).


    FYI, I did start keeping a list of this stuff so I don't forget :P.



    Any other developers that are interested in helping me with this and any of the ideas presented here in this thread let me know, I don't mind working with someone (I can't promise my framework, or lack there of, will be understandable, but we can try and work it out).


    OP updated with information on what I wouldn't mind some assistance on :D.

    • Like 3

  3. Will it be possible to define bodies of water as contaminated areas?.......


    With this system, you can make everything contaminated if you want to :).


    And yea, sooner or later any combo will work, I'm starting to think of adding some modularity to the extent that you can define specific combos for specific areas, all on the same mission, instead of what it is currently is, which is just global across all areas.

    • Like 2

  4. Maybe have the mask and the geiger as two separate things, so you can make your own model for the counter (or just reconfig an existing BIS model and call it "detector" or somesuch).

    Already done, lol.

    class ItemWatch;
    class JSHK_contam_detector: ItemWatch
    	author = "J. Shock";
    	descriptionShort = "Used for detecting contaminated zones";
    	displayName = "Contamination Zone Detector";

    ^This was one of the main reasons for mod over just a script folder for mission files.

    • Like 1

  5. Ok, I believe I've got the locality down (at least for MP, SP I'm still working at it), but the respawn EH is being a bit of a pain in the a** right now for whatever reason....but I've made some progress nonetheless. For now, I'm probably going to leave the detection sound the same until later down the road (I'll probably add an actual Geiger counter sound along with the vanilla 'beep' I'm currently using). I'll probably add in features for all gear (not just headgear/goggles) that way you can decide if it's just an aerosol threat or a full on "no contact with anything" threat.


    But please keep the ideas rollin, because between brainstorming for this and debugging, I don't have much more imagination left....

    • Like 3

  6. Hello All, as the title suggests, I have a mod that's currently WIP, and it has a couple of modules to allow for customization and modularity (obviously), everything within the mod including the information provided by these modules and the functions executed by the modules works without issue, however, I get the following error (I get it twice, my assumption is one per each of the modules placed). Note, I'm running only this mod, nothing else.

    22:49:51 Error in expression <_fnc_moduleInit_modules",[]]);
    _modules set [_modules find _logic,-1];
    22:49:51   Error position: <set [_modules find _logic,-1];
    22:49:51   Error Zero divisor
    22:49:51 File A3\functions_f\Modules\fn_moduleExecute.sqf, line 52
    22:49:51 Error in expression <_fnc_moduleInit_modules",[]]);
    _modules set [_modules find _logic,-1];
    22:49:51   Error position: <set [_modules find _logic,-1];
    22:49:51   Error Zero divisor
    22:49:51 File A3\functions_f\Modules\fn_moduleExecute.sqf, line 52

    I'm still relatively new to the whole mod making/module defining world, so I'm sure it's something as simple as a missing config entry for each module, but I cannot for the life of me see what it may be.
    Here are the .hpp for each module:


    class Logic;
    class Module_F: Logic
    	class ArgumentsBaseUnits
    		class Units;
    	class ModuleDescription
    		class EmptyDetector;
    #include "\JSHK_contam\modules\JSHK_contamModule_areaModule.hpp"
    #include "\JSHK_contam\modules\JSHK_contamModule_settingsModule.hpp"

    Module #1-

    class JSHK_contamModule_areaModule: Module_F
    	scope = 2;
    	displayName = "JSHK Contam Area";
    	category = "JSHK_contamModule_cat";
    	//icon = "\JSHK_contam\modules\data\icon_ca.paa";
    	function = "JSHK_contamModule_fnc_moduleAreas";
    	functionPriority = 1;
    	isGlobal = 2;
    	isTriggerActivated = 1;
    	isDisposable = 1;
    	is3DEN = 0;
    	//curatorInfoType = "RscDisplayAttributecontamAreaModule";
    	class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits
    		class Units: Units {};
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_useModulePos
    			displayName = "Use module position";
    			description = "Use the module as a center point for an area";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = true;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_radius
    			displayName = "Radius of Contamination";
    			description = "Default: 100 meters";
    			typeName = "NUMBER";
    			defaultValue = 100;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_showMarker
    			displayName = "Show Area on Map";
    			description = "Create a marker on the map to show the radius of the area";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = false;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_alphaMarker
    			displayName = "Type of Marker";
    			description = "Type of marker displayed on map";
    			typeName = "NUMBER";
    			class values
    				class none {name = "No Marker"; value = 0; default = 1;};
    				class transparent {name = "Transparent Marker"; value = -2; default = 1;};
    				class basic {name = "Basic Marker"; value = 1; default = 1;};
    				class warning {name = "Warning Area Marker"; value = -1; default = 1;};
    	class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
    		description = "JSHK Contamination Area Module";
    		sync[] = {"EmptyDetector"};
    		class EmptyDetector
    			position = 1;
    			direction = 0;
    			optional = 1;
    			duplicate = 1;
    			synced[] = {"EmptyDetector"};

    Module #2-

    class JSHK_contamModule_settingsModule: Module_F
    	scope = 2;
    	displayName = "JSHK Contam Settings";
    	category = "JSHK_contamModule_cat";
    	//icon = "\JSHK_contam\modules\data\icon_ca.paa";
    	function = "JSHK_contamModule_fnc_moduleSettingsValues";
    	functionPriority = 1;
    	isGlobal = 2;
    	isTriggerActivated = 0;
    	isDisposable = 1;
    	is3DEN = 0;
    	class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_gasMasks
    			displayName = "Types of Gas Masks";
    			description = "Classnames of gas masks (seperate by commas)";
    			typeName = "STRING";
    			defaultValue = "";
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_requireDetector
    			displayName = "Require Detector";
    			description = "Require wrist worn detector to hear contamination area warning sound";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = true;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_autoRecovery
    			displayName = "Auto Recovery";
    			description = "After taking damage from area, enable recovery from that damage (VANILLA ONLY)";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = false;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_useMaskSound
    			displayName = "Mask Sound";
    			description = "Enable default mask sound";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = true;
    		class JSHK_contamModuleVar_enableDebug
    			displayName = "Enable Debug";
    			description = "Enable to send messages to the rpt regarding addon status";
    			typeName = "BOOL";
    			defaultValue = false;
    	class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
    		description = "JSHK Contamination Settings Module";
    		sync[] = {};

  7. _missionlaunch = TL addAction 
    	"<t color='#ff1111'>Mission Insertion</t>", 
    		params ["_unit","_caller","_id"];
    		cutText ["Inserting Fireteam into the AO","BLACK",4];
    		_unit removeAction _id;
    		_h = [_unit] spawn
    			params ["_unit"];
    			sleep 8;
    				_x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west");
    			} forEach units group _unit;
    			cutText ["Approaching the Objective","PLAIN DOWN"];
    			cutText ["","BLACK IN",2];

    Or drop the extra file all together :).

  8. Not without seeing the rest of your code, no particularly, all I can say is that your passing "any" into BIS_fnc_dirTo instead of an object that it can reference to give you a direction to, but the error says that. There is an error somewhere else in the code your using that returns "any" instead of an actual object.

  9. Just to throw a bone on this, I've been working on it the past few days and have quite a few features working as they should, I'm just trying to work out some locality kinks and trying to brainstorm up some new ideas as well as develop the originals, along with trying to decide what parts need to be modular and which need to remain static.

    @Evil Organ, I've looked into the structure of it all, and it would techincally be possible to have it use a custom sound, but for it to be compatible the end user would need to know extra info on the sound (length in particular) to then provide that info so the module functions can alter the status of the sound as it checks to see if the player is in a contaminated zone. Currently, with the vanilla sound I use, it "beeps" every second (give or take evaluative times), and at the moment that one second eval is hard coded. But as I said I can make that modular, but I don't know if people would be willing to jump through the extra hoops just for a custom mask sound, or I could be talking out of my a**, who knows :).

    Side note: Noticed how the new APEX helments make for a good vanilla alternate mask ;).

    • Like 2

  10. _end = selectRandom ["end1","end2","end3","end4","end5"];[_end, true, true] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_endMission", 0];
    I think he means end point, as in final objective, final waypoint, not the end screen. I could help, but my editor skills are lacking since Eden, and this whole idea would be easier if the whole mission itself was scripted (but that's just me :P).

    EDIT: Nevermind...

  11. Could that same modularity be extended to define ones own detection sounds too..... :)

    I would have to look into it, it may or may not be so easy, if you have your own sound mod I may be able to have a module you can put down to define the class of that sound and use it in place of the defualt, but I'm not sure about an "on-the-fly" custom sound. I'm also not a big config/mod guy, more of a scripter at heart so some things may be easier said than done :P.

  12. A standalone version of this would be greatly appreciated, the ability to define ones apparel is a sweet bonus.

    Yea I figured something like this must be out there, but wasn't sure if there was a standalone or not. And as far as the custom apparel goes, I figured I can't assume what mods people have and my intent with this was to make it as general as possible so both vanilla and modded players can still enjoy its use without all the unecessary dependencies :).




    I've had this project half finished for months now, but I am seeing what the community may think of a contamination area mod.

    What does this mean?
    It means that you can simulate a biological attack (or anything in your imagination) within a user defined/placed area and the only way you can make it through it is if you have a "mask" on or certain set of gear (all user defined). This mod would be modular and allow you to define any headgear/goggles/uniform/vest to be considered necessary gear for traversing the area (so it will work with Hidden Identities) and there is a detection sound when you are in the area (similar to a Geiger counter) so you know if you need to have your gear on or not.

    The mod will have no outside dependencies, but will be compatible with ACE3 in the sense of how damage is applied over time to the player if ACE3 is enabled on the client.

    Please let me know if this would be of any use (or if there is something already out there) and I may be able to find some time to finish it and push it out to the community :)!


    Features List(s):

    Currently Implemented Features:
    A mostly modular system:
    	-Contamination Area Module:
    		-Use/place as many as the mission calls for
    		-You can use the module positions as center, or sync it to any number of persons/objects/triggers (an area will be created for each one synced)
                    -If you do sync it to a trigger with a specific condition, the module will not create the area until that condition is met
    		-Can choose to make entire map contaminated
    		-Define custom radius (enabling entire map overrides this)
    		-Choose to show marker on map for the area
    			-Can be simple marker, to a "Hazardous Area" warning type marker (red in color)
    	-Safe Zone Module:
    		-Same as Conamination Area Module (see above)
    		-Cannot apply to entire map
    		-"Hazardous Area" marker changes to "Safe Zone" (blue in color)
    	-Environmental Effects Module:
    		-Choose from an assortment of post process effects to apply to your player while in area
    		-Enable/disable rain effect while wearing mask
    	-Settings Module
    		-Define all your gear from uniforms, masks, and vests (masks are considered headgear or googles)
    		-Choose your mask overlay and when you can see it (1st/3rd person)
    		-Enable/disable mask sounds
    		-Require a detector to hear the "beep" (detection sound)
    			-The detector inherits from the vanilla watch, so it can be found under the wristworn section in Arsenal
    			-Again, you can turn the detector on/off on the fly in game by pressing your "Show Watch" key.
    			-Detection sound speed based on distance from originating object
    		-Enable/disable damage (auto detects ACE)
    		-Enable/disable auto recovery from damage (for Vanilla damage only, the ACE version will put you in a state of cardiac arrest after ~20 seconds)
    		-Choose your MOPP level (basically what gear is required to enter the area without receiving damage)
    		-Enable Debug (will send to client rpt and server rpt)
    A custom contamination detector:
    	-Custom UI
    		-Power on/off
    		-Direction indicator to originating object
    		-Contamination level indicator (number)
    		-Time of day
    	-Detection sound
    		-Speed of sound varies based on distance from origin of detection zone
    Zones are heirarchy from cold to hot (4 perimeter zones, leading to hot, deadly, zone)
    ACE Compatibility (not a dependency, autodetected)
    Current WIP Features:
    Post Process effects fading in and out properly when entering/exiting an area
    Reorganizing post process effects for more modularity
    Adding more post process effects (chlorine, mustard, dune red)
    Micro zone around origin of contamination (different sound/speed of sound) for identification of source
    Rain effect with mask on
    Apply different detection/alert sound once in deadly radius of a zone
    Near Future WIP Features:
    Allow user input of detection radius
    Allow user input of gear requirements for each zone individually (currently gear restrictions are global across all zones)
    Injury/coughing sounds when taking damage in hot zone or perimeters
    Future Features (again will be modular, allowing almost all features to be turn on/off):
    Possibility of gear failure (on getting shot or taking shrapnel)
    Zeus module integration (for on the fly areas/safe zones)
    "Mobile" areas (attaching to objects/units that will be moving, keeping the zone localized to their position)
    Speed of mask sound based on player's current level of stamina
    AI experiencing area effects
    Requested Features (that I'm incapable of completing):
    Particle effects for areas
    Custom gear/items models/textures/etc.


    Here is some footage of what I have thus far:







    Aspiring/Interested Developers


    If you are interested in assisting me with this mod, there is a list of features below that I'm unsure I can complete myself, you will of course get credits when/if it's released!


    MOPP Gear models/configs (mask, suits, etc.)

    -Particle effects for areas

    Please PM me here on the forums if you are interested!

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