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Posts posted by jshock

  1. I can't wait for this release it is looking simply amazing.


    One request though, with the post processed effects for the areas at least make a couple of the options playable. Some of them look like they are really impeding your vision. I would really like to have Zombies and or Enemy troops (wear gas masks of course) in the contaminated zone. So the visuals need to be visible enough players can have a gun battle.


    Also maybe the possibility of  gas leask effect would be good, as in a localized fog effect / smoke grenade effect. That could simulate a recent car accident and leaking toxic gas.


    The way it looks right now it goes from 0 to 100 visual effects once they go into the contaminated zone. I would be good if there were some visual representation before entering the area - at least for toxic gas, I don't think it would be necessary for radiation.


    That way players could know it is time to put their gas masks on.


    The one that mainly impedes vision is the rain effect, I can't get that one to work very well at the moment anyways, and probably won't be in the initial release. As far as a gas leak effect...ehhh....that's getting pretty specific, as far as localized fog effect, that's already not possible, smoke grenade effect may be possible, but you could also probably find a way to script that in yourself (at least until this mod has some time under its belt). 


    As far as effects going from 0-100, yes that will change once I can sort out the system of "outer-perimeters" (which will be done before public release), so that there is a "warm" zone leading up to the likely deadly inner "hot" zones, the perimeters will allow for such a possibility as staggering the effects and giving the player a chance to gear up before entering a hot zone.

  2. The text could be like: JSHK Contamination, LLC or some stupid businessy looking shit, lol. That thing looks awesome Soolie. And for this, let's keep it more to the point of the functionality of a "detector", it shouldn't be a GPS type device or really provide much of anything outside turning *beeping* on/off and possibly a detection strength/direction indicator. Unless that's what you meant Soolie, I just read what you put as a GPS like position of the player on a map :D. (You could leave some extra buttons for future functionality, if there can be any)

  3. Would be happy to make something for you. Can check my recent topics to see what I've done. Post a pic of what you have so far if you're interested.

    Hi, there Soolie, and yea I've seen your recent tablet script.


    In a private conversation amongst a few of us these are the two possibilities that seem favorable:






    It would simply need to handle turning on/off the detector and maybe down the road a live "contamination" strength level (number/distance from focal point).


    This is the shit I put together (quickly without much thought or effort):



    • Like 1

  4. I like the concept, and I'm sure it works wonderfully in SP, but weather changes in MP have always been a pain in the ass for scripters, and with this mod in particular there would need to be a lot more communication between clients and the server in the sense that, once a client reaches the zone, message sent to server to update weather, server updates weather, sends messages to all other clients saying that the weather change is inbound, weather propagates, client leaves the area, same process but backwards. Not to mention that people could be going into/out and back into constantly, which is a lot of network traffic when your talking 30+ people. Unless I'm misundersranding your concept slightly.

  5. In the Arma 3 Tools Addon Builder, there should be an "Options" button, click it, the very first input box paste the following into it:

    *.rvmat;*.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf ;*.sqm;*.ext;*.dbf;*.prj;*.shx;*.shp;*.hpp;*.cpp

    These are some of the more common file types that people use (I may be missing a couple), but this will allow the addon builder to copy any of these types of files directly into the pbo upon compilation. Hopefully that helps you.

    You can of course add any other file types to the list easily by following the format displayed above.



    As far as addons go in general, if you understand the basic principles of the description.ext (there is a bit more information on that file), it's the same in the config.bin/cpp, just with the edition of the CfgPatches class. The best tutorial I can give is to just open up addons that interest you, unpbo them and look at how they've set their stuff up, you can learn a lot from that.

    • Like 1

  6. If the mission file is binarzied, you can't just simply open the mission.sqm, you would have to launch you game with all dependecies enabled, open the mission in the editor, un-check the "binarize on save" or whatever it says, save the mission, go to the mission folder, open the mission.sqm in text editor, remove the dependency, save the file, close the game, launch without the dependency, go to the editor load up the mission file, check binarize again, and save, and I think you should be good to go. I've never done that whole process, but that would be the only way.

  7. I'm going to assume here that the crashsite and destination are markers,

    _crashPos = getMarkerPos "crashSiteMarker";
    _destination = getMarkerPos "destinationMarker";
    _dir = [_crashPos,_destination] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;
    _enemySpawnPosition = [_crashPos,((_crashPos distance _destination / 2)),_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
    _spawnMarker = createMarker ["enemySpawnMarker",_enemySpawnPosition];

  8. Well, I don't know exactly what I did, but respawn is working now.....I also put together a half-shit dialog that pops up when you hit your "Show Watch" action, so you can turn the detector on/off on a whim (will update to look better in the future), the rain effect is working nicely when it's raining on mission (so far as I can tell via SP editor testing).


    Also found out I was being idiotic with the mod.cpp file, got all that working, Zarg your logo is looking good, aside from some rough edges on the outer perimeter of the overall shape (see below):





    I'm going to mess with the outer-perimeter idea tonight, and I may end up PMing you all that have been here with a private alpha version for you to mess with. I will add further instructions within the PM as far as distribution and other such fun and exciting things go.

    • Like 2

  9. Well, i've just checked and found nice and free effects on youtube


    I actually got the mask sound off youtube, there are plenty of sound bites that you can find there for sure :).


    Small update for the night, fully tested gear checks from MOPP Level 1 (Mask only) to 3 (mask, vest and uniform on), worked well from what I could tell, the actual MOPP level designations are wrong as far as real military (US) goes (but hey, it's Arma). I will probably change the MOPP levels around to be at least decently realistic later, but for the moment that's what they are. 


    That leaves me with turning on/off the detector as the player sees fit while playing and functionality persistence through respawn (probably something easy I'm just overlooking, but looked at it so much I don't feel like looking at it anymore), and then I'll probably put in place at least a single outer perimeter (just as a basis for future structure and implementation). And then after that I will compile something up, I may just release a private alpha to those of you that have kept up with this thread and made stuff for it, let you guys go in and try and break it, and send me some reports on bugs and necessary updates :D. The big thing I want though is large scale MP testing, cause there is some variable handling between server and client that I've never done before and have done some dedicated server testing, but with me as the only client :P.

    • Like 2

  10. Any plans to add a sound effect to the player while inside zone, unprotected and taking damage.....an intermittent wheezing/spluttering or coughing perhaps.

    Hadn't thought of it, but easily implemented, I do have it for ACE that the player "wipes" his face at set intervals while he is exposed. Would just need to find some free source sounds (like my mask sound).

  11. The transition when entering the zone from the "standard" effect looks spectacular....^^

    Have a few more effects that are ready, will post soon with some pics or a video. I'm really looking forward to this mod....more toys for the sandbox.  :)

    Yea that transition is without an outer perimeter in place, I just changed the commit to 2 instead of 0 :D. Only issue is doing that when you leave the area.

  12. probably rather so:

    while {alive jeep1} do
        if ({_x distance jeep1 < 500} count allPlayers > 0) then
            jeep1 allowDamage true;
        } else
            jeep1 allowDamage false;
        sleep 5;
    Is there any difference between checking if the player is far enough or close enough?

    Nice catch on checking alive status, and no, not really, same exact calculation, just the opposite direction.

  13. I had a few ideas about that as well and was putting together a test config and script example for you to try out.  Hopefully, I'll get it all running tomorrow, but it makes adding and defining the effects of any NBC compound easy.  No promises though as I've got lots of rubbish going on here at home!

    Extra ideas on how to get it done would be helpful, post when able Das :).

  14. A little white/color will, IMHO, make it stand out a little more

    How bout this, since it will be a while before I push the public release, you can post/PM any update of the logo you want, seeing how it's your art piece, do it the way you see it and send it to me for final approve, I'm honestly really easy when it comes to this shit, I don't have any expectations, that's why anything other than nothing is fine :D.



    something like an outer perimeter where player damage taken is slow and gradual, increasing as the player reaches the point source or "hot spot".


    A much more basic idea of that is already on my future plans list, I probably won't go much further than 3-4 perimeter zones (for first stab I probably will only have one extra perimeter), but range from 10m-150m or so in the future. User could then just set which perimeter the player could start taking damage, and then *insert math function here* to handle the partition of damage over the course of time in that particular perimeter as compared to that of a more inner-perimeter.

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