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Everything posted by jshock

  1. I'm unsure as to whether it is a BIS typo, or just information that wasn't transferred over to the description.ext page, however, the code that Rakowozz has shown above, I just saw in another script of similar caliber, so it should be able to solve your issue.
  2. Thanks Sel, I always forget the "mil" :p.
  3. jshock

    Diver Boat Eject

    It would be something along the lines of this: _unit action ["Eject", vehicle _unit];
  4. This is by no means exact, and probably has some issues, but will get you going on the right path: { _objpos = getPos _x; _objmrk = createMarker ["Marker1", _objpos]; _objmrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _objmrk setMarkerType "DOT"; _objmrk setMarkerText format ["%1", typeOf _x]; } forEach (allMissionObjects "");
  5. As in a marker on the location of the objects on the map?
  6. jshock

    server script not working

    #Larrow to the rescue :681:
  7. jshock

    server script not working

    Another question as well...are you taking your mission and testing it on a dedicated machine, not your own computer (through editor preview), because if not then all the code under the isDedicated check won't run because dedicated is false.
  8. All you need is the below in your trigger condition: player in thisList; //This should give you the localized effect for each player that enters the trigger's activation area.
  9. jshock

    server script not working

    Try using the Steam startup parameter: -showScriptErrors Then run the mission and see what it throws, may be syntax...
  10. jshock

    server script not working

    I completely missed this was in the init.sqf, not that that changes much of anything (well may have changed my answer :p), but Iceman's suggestion is your best bet. Makes more sense with the entirety of the code though ;).
  11. Hello whomever may be following this script's progress, I'm currently in the process of working on a way to get the script to work with the numerous "spawning" systems (i.e. EOS, Zeus, MCC, etc.), but I won't release the script until I can get some testing done with it. I don't currently have a workable version yet, but it will be getting there hopefully soon. If you are interested in being a beta tester for the next version of the script please private message me here, on the BI Forums.
  12. Hello all, I have my Redressing Script (link on my signature), and I have had a lot of requests for it to have functionality with systems such as EOS, Zeus, MCC, etc. in terms of units being spawned outside of those that are placed via the vanilla editor. Here is a direct link as well: Redressing Script To give you a basic overview of how the script functions (without looking at it), the mission creator defines the faction he/she would like to redress, that is passed to a function that counts all those units for that faction, within that function are also some arrays for units/groups that the mission creator would like to exclude from the "redressing" process. After that the array of units, minus the exclusions, is passed into the redressing process. So, my question is, should I somehow put this process in a loop that executes in timed intervals on the server to redress the newly spawned units (via MCC, Zeus, etc.) or some other process? Eventhandlers? I just haven't had time (newly in college) to sit and think on the issue enough to come up with a solution, and I know there are plenty of much better scripters than myself out there in the A3 community that have probably done this before :p. All help is greatly appreciated!
  13. Ok, so below is the function I already had, that pre-compiles, for the counting of the units, I have just added the variable array _previouslyDressed in to make sure that it only redresses the new units coming into the function: _sideUnits = (_this select 0); _countedSideUnits = []; _previouslyDressed = []; _excludedindv = [indv1, indv2]; // ^Individual unit's variable names go here. _grpLeads = [grp1]; // ^The group leader(s) variable names go here { _currentUnit = _x; if (side _currentUnit == _sideUnits && ({_currentUnit in (units group _x)}count _grpLeads == 0) ) then { _countedSideUnits set [count _countedSideUnits, _currentUnit]; }; }forEach allunits; _previouslyDressed = _previouslyDressed + _countedSideunits; _countedSideUnits - _excludedindv - _previouslyDressed So all I would need to do is something like this to implement your suggestion Larrow: while (true) do { _sideUnits = (_this select 0); _countedSideUnits = []; _previouslyDressed = []; _excludedindv = [indv1, indv2]; // ^Individual unit's variable names go here. _grpLeads = [grp1]; // ^The group leader(s) variable names go here { _currentUnit = _x; if (side _currentUnit == _sideUnits && ({_currentUnit in (units group _x)}count _grpLeads == 0) ) then { _countedSideUnits set [count _countedSideUnits, _currentUnit]; }; }forEach allunits; _previouslyDressed = _previouslyDressed + _countedSideunits; _countedSideUnits - _excludedindv - _previouslyDressed waitUntil {_countedSideUnits != _previouslyDressed}; }; The function's return value then goes into another script with the redressing process.
  14. That's what I'm trying to get at, in a way, but I would really like to have the process between unit spawned and then unit redressed as quick as possible without bogging down the server, so any amount of x sleep time could lengthen that process. This is more for immersion sake than personal opinion, because seeing units "changing" right in front of you takes away from the mission. And if there is one thing I have learned from the realism units that I've been in immersion is everything.
  15. Yeah I'm not overworking myself necessarily, :p, it's the mix of work and all the other "activities". But anyhow, back to the point, I understand the server check and while do commands, however, I guess the second thing behind running the loop is making sure that it doesn't "blow-up" the server, which I know you can put a sleep command in, but I just don't know how long the sleep should be due to the fact that the units could come in at any number of different intervals, and what the sleep should be in the balance of server stress and script efficiency/effectivness.
  16. I do believe the answer is yes, to at least the first question, I'll leave the answer to the second up to one of the others.
  17. To answer your JIP question, or at least your #2 in that section :p. I use the below in the init.sqf, I put it above everything that is in the init.sqf: if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;}; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player}; sidePlayer = side player; }; Basically all this does is make sure that before anything is initialized to/for the player, that the player is not null and has been assigned a side and designates the player as a JIP, so the server knows to include the new JIP player with the rest. It helps combat object creation client/server side as well as possibly helping with variable value transfer for JIPs.
  18. jshock

    server script not working

    Try it without the if (isServer) check or start the script like this: if (!isServer) exitWith{}; gameOver = false; [west,0] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [east,0] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _handle = [] spawn { while {!gameOver} do { if ((sctr_A getVariable "owner") == west) then { west addScoreSide 1; } else { if ((sctr_A getVariable "owner") == east) then { east addScoreSide 1; }; }; sleep 1; }; };
  19. And as another alternative I do believe a simple: !alive object, would also suffice, depending on what exactly it is, I use this for collecting of intel, or destruction of radio towers, etc. so... In trigger Condition Field: !alive object1 && !alive object2; In a script checking it: if !(alive object1 && object2) then {....};
  20. What do you mean show all editor objects inside the game map?
  21. The reason the "respawnButton" command isn't working is because it doesn't exist according to this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext I don't have any idea how to fix it, but rakowozz seems to have a good try at it.
  22. jshock

    [COOP-40] Operation Bloody Bayonet

    Updated information to include scripts in use as well as the Armaholic link.
  23. A large scale assault on CSAT forces. Recommended for groups numbering 30 or more, and groups who use a number of assets (armor, air, artillery) in the field. Steam Workshop Armaholic Scripts in use: -BTC Revive -VAS -AW Sling Load -Clean-Up -Group Manager -Fastrope -TAW View Distance The briefing can be seen below or under the "Briefing" tab when you open your map. The briefing is a bit lengthy, but is important to read for mission success and preparations going in.
  24. jshock

    ArmA 3 Respawn Problems.

    Looks like you may have copied over some " " that shouldn't have been copied: this one->"respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 5; respawnDialog = false;"<- and this one