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Everything posted by jshock

  1. Well if it is such a big thing, couldn't you just try and take VAS apart, so that it only includes the configs from certain mods that you want to use, instead of everything?
  2. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    Could you zip up a folder of that mission and send it this direction? And did you overwrite a file named init.sqf already in that mission folder? EDIT: Actually with steam missions, it auto updates them, so you adding a new file could cause it to "update" itself because the files are different, so it deletes the new file that you just added.
  3. I just resave the mission then preview again and it works for me, I've never restarted the whole game to "reset" a picture after I've changed it.
  4. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    I don't have any clue about counterstrike, but what I have should allow you to define your own keys for the up/down of the ramp, but no, this isn't a way to have it "always" binded to those actions. Like I said, it would need to be an addon, or there may be another way, but I am unaware of any other way.
  5. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    Init.sqf is run for every player that joins the mission, so yes it should apply to every player that joins, persistence is not the proper terminology here. But there is a little change that you would need to make for MP dedicated servers: if (hasInterface && !isDedicated) then { _animateDoors = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { _handled = false; if ((_this select 1) in (actionKeys "User9")) then { (vehicle player) animateDoor ["Door_rear_source", 0]; _handled = true; }; if ((_this select 1) in (actionKeys "User10")) then { (vehicle player) animateDoor ["Door_rear_source", 1]; _handled = true; }; }; }; What I mean by mission root directory is basically yes, the custom missions you make that are in your missions/MPmissions folder in your Arma 3 - Other Profiles, documents folder: C:\Users\Survivor\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\JShock So depending on whether you saved your mission as a SP or an MP, you would go into the respective missions/MPmissions folder, find the mission folder, open it and place the init.sqf into that folder, with this code contained within that file. If your wanting it without placing it in the init.sqf, it would have to be an addon, which I'm not too far into that world of Arma, yet.
  6. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    You should be able to just make a file named: init.sqf, and place the code in there, and place that file in your mission root directory. FYI, the "PHP" is just tags we put around the code to make it easier to read (color differentials) here on the forums.
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/buttonAction OR https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/actionKeys I think may be what your looking for, but I'm not quite sure :p. And dialogs (as I now understand)...are not my forte, lol, long morning :D.
  8. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    As far as the trackstick usage, I'm not too sure how to make that work myself, seeing how I've never owned a joystick/gamepad of any sort, but as far as using the eventhandler and such, here is a code snippet that may help, it's used to disable the "map" key and to prevent reload with a full magazine. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184463-CODE-SNIPPET-Using-actionKeys-amp-amp-prevent-players-from-reloading-if-magazine-is-full Below would be an example of using custom user action key #9 and #10 to open/close the rear ramp: _animateDoors = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { _handled = false; if ((_this select 1) in (actionKeys "User9")) then { (vehicle player) animateDoor ["Door_rear_source", 0]; _handled = true; }; if ((_this select 1) in (actionKeys "User10")) then { (vehicle player) animateDoor ["Door_rear_source", 1]; _handled = true; }; };
  9. You shouldn't need to restart Arma after inputing a new picture?
  10. How are you creating your tasks? Because there are different ways of doing it if you scripted the tasks or used the editor modules.
  11. Well just cause, you could try using addMagazineTurret, to see if you can add them to the jet or not, wouldn't hurt to try. I was just speculating above. this addMagazineTurret ["RocketMagClassName", [-1]];//obviously get the correct classname
  12. I would venture to say what your trying to accomplish is not possible unless you "addon" to that addon, to make it compatible with Arma 3 missles.
  13. Sorry all, the TeamSpeak is currently down, we are trying to figure out why, and get it back up (November 17th at 18:00 Central Standard Time, -5 GMT).
  14. He is wanting to combine the four different conditions and the four different actions after those different conditions are met, all in one trigger. That's why I was recommending just doing a while loop that continuously checked the count of the enemy side.
  15. jshock

    Spawn playable units with Zeus?

    You would be right, my mistake, try: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addSwitchableUnit But other than that, I'm not quite sure if there is a solution.
  16. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    Yes, since key presses are local to each client, that means you should be able to use: (vehicle player) animateDoor ["Door_rear_source", 0];
  17. jshock

    A Whole Lot of Multiplayer Questions

    #3, your're going to need to use get and set variable I believe to make it work with MP.
  18. jshock

    Binding keys to menu actions

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?130863-Run-script-when-button-is-pressed The execVMed script would contain the code needed to make the ramp go up and down: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185658-New-DLC-Helicopter-Ramp
  19. Current Version - 1.1.1 Previous Version - 1.1 Changelog: v1.1.1 >>Fixed small error causing script to not work >>Added Example Mission v1.1 >>Code optimization and organization. Please feel free to post any issues below. Script by J.Shock Open to editing and public use!!! Brief Script Summary: This script allows for a marker to be placed on the map based on a defined radius bombard an area with HE or Smoke mortar rounds. This is perfect for those bombardment situations without the need to deal with those pesky AI mortar gunners :). Download the script file here: Armaholic To use the Simple Mortar Script (SMS): 1. Put down a marker and name it. 2. Alter the following call line to suit your needs, default values defined below: null = ["markerName", 200, true, 2, 15, 30, 300] execVM "SHK_SMS.sqf"; 1 - Your marker's name (default is empty string, "") 2 - Radius around marker for bombardment (default is 100m) 3 - Use smoke rounds instead of HE (default false) 4 - Number of bombardments (default 1) 5 - Number of rounds (default 10) 6 - Time before bombardment starts after script call (default 5 seconds) 7 - If more than 1 bombardment, as defined by argument #4 time between each bombardment (default 300 seconds, 5 minutes) 3. Enjoy the Show!
  20. You should read the post right above yours:
  21. jshock

    Spawn playable units with Zeus?

  22. Updated: Changelog: v1.1.1 >>Fixed small error causing script to not work >>Added Example Mission
  23. If anyone would like to take a look at the whole script, click on "Redressing Script", in my signature. And also mind that I haven't updated that script in probably 6 months, and I've learned a lot since then.
  24. Good content, and down to earth (or at least as far as I can tell), nicely worded as well :p.