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Everything posted by jshock

  1. if (blah in ['0']) then {};
  2. jshock

    Dialog based on kill

  3. jshock

    Dialog based on kill

    A killed EH on all applicable units.
  4. Make the condition in austin's code with "==" not a single "=".
  5. jshock

    If then else stament

    Both should work in sqf.
  6. That's a bit complicated I believe, because you will need to create a logic vehicle, then attach all the necessary variables associated with the module, then alter/set those variables to your liking, a bit more trouble than it's worth IMO.
  7. jshock

    If then else stament

    Check your quotes again...
  8. jshock

    Squad XMLs Broke ?

  9. Take that and replace: [_x] execVM "respawnScript.sqf"; With yours (replacing "this" with "_x"): 0 = [_x,5] execVM "vehicle_respawn.sqf"; Keep in mind, this will be applied to all your objects (fortifications, vehicles, etc.), so if you want to limit it to certain things, such as only vehicles, you will need to check the object before applying the script.
  10. Well, how is the respawn script used/called in the first place? BIS_fnc_objectsMapper returns all the spawned objects, so you would need to do something like: _objects = [/*objectsGrabber info*/] call BIS_fnc_objectsMapper; {[_x] execVM "respawnScript.sqf";} forEach _objects;
  11. jshock

    If then else stament

    The first bit should work, so that is why you need to debug the returns of each triggerActivated. I would also recommend turning on -showScriptErrors in your startup parameters if you haven't already.
  12. jshock

    If then else stament

    For debugging purposes just do the following and see what it says: systemChat format ["Trigger 1 activation is: ",triggerActivated test1]; systemChat format ["Trigger 2 activation is: ",triggerActivated test2];
  13. jshock

    Simple addAction Help

    The closing brace on your outer if statement ends with a ":" not a ";" :D.
  14. Try going in and re-saving your missions in the editor (don't need to add anything, just save) then re-upload the mission file to see if that helps.
  15. _tr1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "[[['','B_supplyCrate_F','FncSupplyCargo1'],'supply\supply.sqf'], 'BIS_fnc_execVM', true] call BIS_fnc_MP;",""];
  16. jshock

    Flashing Hint

    Ok, try changing the hint line to: [composeText [_titlered + _text],"hint",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  17. jshock

    Flashing Hint

    Try this: _titlered = parseText "<t color='#cc0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#ffcc00' align='center'>Mission Update:\n\n</t>"; _titleylw = parseText "<t color='#ffcc00' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#cc0000' align='center'>Mission Update:\n\n</t>"; _text= parseText <t align='center'>All primary targets destroyed</t>"; hint composeText [_titlered + _text];
  18. jshock

    Flashing Hint

    Well, you have said what has worked, but what specifically isn't working as intended?
  19. If you want it to only show after the trigger is activated take off the "!" in the condition field in my example.
  20. mis1 = player addaction [""<t color=""#FF8400"">" +"Capture AAC Airfield","ops\aac.sqf","",1,false,true,"","!(triggerActivated triggerName)"];
  21. jshock

    Spawn Ai in a Loop

    I don't see what good the sleeps are "in" both of your while loops, seeing how they are outside the scope of the loop. Also neither loop has an exit condition, I recommend having one.
  22. If you want to be more specific than just removing all ammo: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeMagazinesTurret
  23. jshock

    setName Problem

    Not that I know of, like I said with coding it's all personal preference, only until you get into companies is when conventions start to be put in place.
  24. Ummm, VAS is dead, doubt your plea will be of any use. In the VAS folder is a file named "config.sqf", open it in a text editor and near the top is a variable called "vas_disableSafetyCheck", set that to true and see if that helps with the load time.
  25. jshock

    setName Problem

    Well if your coding in Notepad any tabs/spaces/etc that you have will be transferred over if you copy and paste it from Notepad, but the main point Dreaded is trying to make (I think) is that your coding format style is a bit hard to read in some places, but in the end it's a personal preference kind of thing, if you can read your code that's all that really matters :p.